Parkinson’s disease kinase LRRK2 coordinates a cell-intrinsic itaconate-dependent defence pathway against intracellular Salmonella
Lian H, Park D, Chen M, Schueder F, Lara-Tejero M, Liu J, Galán J. Parkinson’s disease kinase LRRK2 coordinates a cell-intrinsic itaconate-dependent defence pathway against intracellular Salmonella. Nature Microbiology 2023, 8: 1880-1895. PMID: 37640963, PMCID: PMC10962312, DOI: 10.1038/s41564-023-01459-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLeucine-rich repeat kinase 2Loss of LRRK2Host defense mechanismsKinase leucine-rich repeat kinase 2Parkinson's disease-associated leucine-rich repeat kinase 2Host defense pathwaysBacterial pathogen SalmonellaRepeat kinase 2Salmonella infectionSalmonella-containing vacuolesCell-intrinsic defenseIntracellular pathogensIntracellular SalmonellaFirst lineSalmonella replicationSalmonella mutantsKinase 2Pathogen SalmonellaDefense mechanismsSalmonellaHost mitochondriaDefense pathwaysDeliveryDefense responsesCells
Typhoid toxin sorting and exocytic transport from Salmonella Typhi-infected cells
Chang SJ, Hsu YT, Chen Y, Lin YY, Lara-Tejero M, Galan JE. Typhoid toxin sorting and exocytic transport from Salmonella Typhi-infected cells. ELife 2022, 11: e78561. PMID: 35579416, PMCID: PMC9142146, DOI: 10.7554/elife.78561.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCellular machineryType III protein secretion systemSpecific cellular machineryVesicle carriersProtein secretion systemExtracellular spaceTyphoid toxinEssential virulence factorExocytic transportGTPase Sar1Syntaxin 4Unusual biologySecretion systemPlasma membraneIntracellular transportRemarkable adaptationSpecific effectorsHost cellsIntracellular pathogensVirulence factorsMachineryCooptionVacuolesToxinSpecific environment
Role of tyrosine kinases and the tyrosine phosphatase SptP in the interaction of Salmonella with host cells
Murli S, Watson R, Galán J. Role of tyrosine kinases and the tyrosine phosphatase SptP in the interaction of Salmonella with host cells. Cellular Microbiology 2001, 3: 795-810. PMID: 11736992, DOI: 10.1046/j.1462-5822.2001.00158.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsActinsBacterial Proteinscdc42 GTP-Binding ProteinCell NucleusCytoskeletonInterleukin-8Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3Mitogen-Activated Protein KinasesPhosphorylationPhosphotyrosineProtein Tyrosine PhosphatasesProtein-Tyrosine KinasesSalmonellaSalmonella typhimuriumSignal TransductionSubstrate SpecificityTransfectionTyrosineVimentinConceptsTyrosine phosphatase activityBacterial proteinsCellular responsesPhosphatase activityTyrosine kinaseHost cellsType III secretion systemIntermediate filament protein vimentinCarboxy-terminal domainRho family GTPases Cdc42Actin cytoskeleton reorganizationCellular transcription factorsMAP kinase activationInteraction of SalmonellaMembrane rufflesGAP activitySpecialized organellesGTPases Cdc42Secretion systemTranscription factorsCytoskeleton reorganizationKinase activationProtein vimentinBacterial uptakeProteinStructural mimicry in bacterial virulence
Stebbins C, Galán J. Structural mimicry in bacterial virulence. Nature 2001, 412: 701-705. PMID: 11507631, DOI: 10.1038/35089000.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAmino acid sequence similarityConvergent evolutionCellular functionsSequence similarityDirect homologuesBacterial virulenceHost proteinsNew effectorsMicrobial pathogensFunctional mimicryStructural mimicryMolecular levelVirulence factorsMimicryStructural studiesHost factorsImportant mechanismHost activityHomologuesVirulenceEffectorsProteinPathogensSimilarity
Striking a balance: Modulation of the actin cytoskeleton by Salmonella
Galán J, Zhou D. Striking a balance: Modulation of the actin cytoskeleton by Salmonella. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2000, 97: 8754-8761. PMID: 10922031, PMCID: PMC34008, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.97.16.8754.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsType III secretion systemSecretion systemHost cellsBacterial entryGTP-binding protein Cdc42Bacterial effector proteinsInositol polyphosphate phosphatasePathogen/host relationshipActin cytoskeleton rearrangementHost cell cytosolStimulation of Cdc42Protein Cdc42Effector proteinsActin cytoskeletonExchange factorSpecialized organellesSalmonella proteinsCytoskeleton rearrangementT-plastinHost relationshipsCell cytosolF-actinCellular responsesG proteinsCdc42
Interactions of Salmonella with host cells: Encounters of the closest kind
Galán J. Interactions of Salmonella with host cells: Encounters of the closest kind. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 1998, 95: 14006-14008. PMID: 9826642, PMCID: PMC33922, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.95.24.14006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA substrate of the centisome 63 type III protein secretion system of Salmonella typhimurium is encoded by a cryptic bacteriophage
Hardt W, Urlaub H, Galán J. A substrate of the centisome 63 type III protein secretion system of Salmonella typhimurium is encoded by a cryptic bacteriophage. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 1998, 95: 2574-2579. PMID: 9482928, PMCID: PMC19418, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.95.5.2574.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsType III protein secretion systemType III secretion systemProtein secretion systemSecretion systemEffector proteinsInvasion-associated type III secretion systemCluster of genesTail fiber proteinHost cell cytoplasmSouthern hybridization analysisMobile genetic elementsCultured epithelial cellsInduction of apoptosisSopE proteinEnterica serovar TyphimuriumBacteriophage genesBacterial entryCytoskeletal rearrangementsS. enterica serovar TyphimuriumGenetic elementsPathogenicity islandFiber proteinHybridization analysisCell cytoplasmEffector molecules
A secreted Salmonella protein with homology to an avirulence determinant of plant pathogenic bacteria
Hardt W, Galán J. A secreted Salmonella protein with homology to an avirulence determinant of plant pathogenic bacteria. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 1997, 94: 9887-9892. PMID: 9275221, PMCID: PMC23287, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.94.18.9887.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPlant pathogenic bacteriaType III protein secretion systemProtein secretion systemSecretion systemPlant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pvPathogen Xanthomonas campestris pvType III secretion systemPathogenic bacteriaXanthomonas campestris pvAvirulence determinantEffector proteinsSequence similaritySalmonella proteinsBacterial proteinsCampestris pvPutative targetsSophisticated mechanismsHost cellsYersinia pseudotuberculosisNovel familyProteinBacterial pathogensNovel targetSalmonella entericaBacteriaThe invasion-associated type-III protein secretion system inSalmonella – a review1Presented at the Workshop on `Type-4 Pili – Biogenesis, Adhesins, Protein Export, and DNA Import', Schloss Ringberg, Germany, 26–29 November 1995.1
Collazo C, Galán J. The invasion-associated type-III protein secretion system inSalmonella – a review1Presented at the Workshop on `Type-4 Pili – Biogenesis, Adhesins, Protein Export, and DNA Import', Schloss Ringberg, Germany, 26–29 November 1995.1. Gene 1997, 192: 51-59. PMID: 9224874, DOI: 10.1016/s0378-1119(96)00825-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProtein secretion systemSecretion systemType-4 Pili – BiogenesisHost cellsEukaryotic host cellsSpecialized protein secretion systemNon-phagocytic cellsMolecular genetic analysisDNA importPili biogenesisProtein exportSchloss RingbergCentisome 63Bacterial chromosomeAnimal pathogensGenetic analysisPathogenicity islandGenetic determinantsCellsReview1PresentedChromosomesPlantsProteinTranslocationAdhesins
Salmonella spp. are cytotoxic for cultured macrophages
Chen L, Kaniga K, Galán J. Salmonella spp. are cytotoxic for cultured macrophages. Molecular Microbiology 1996, 21: 1101-1115. PMID: 8885278, DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2958.1996.471410.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProtein secretion systemNon-phagocytic cellsBacterial internalizationType III protein secretion systemCell deathFragmentation of chromatinWild-type Salmonella typhimuriumMacrophage cell deathBone marrow-derived murine macrophagesMurine macrophagesFeatures of apoptosisCentisome 63Membrane rufflingSecretion apparatusMembrane blebbingBacterial entrySalmonella chromosomeMacrophage cytotoxicityHost rangeCytoplasmic nucleosomesApoptotic bodiesBacterial uptakeCytochalasin DBiochemical techniquesMutationsMolecular genetic bases of Salmonella entry into host cells
Galán J. Molecular genetic bases of Salmonella entry into host cells. Molecular Microbiology 1996, 20: 263-271. PMID: 8733226, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2958.1996.tb02615.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMolecular genetic basisGenetic basisContact-dependent secretion systemsPlant pathogenic bacteriaNumber of proteinsNon-phagocytic cellsCultured epithelial cellsCentisome 63Secretion systemVariety of animalsKb regionSalmonella chromosomeSalmonella entryExtracellular environmentRemarkable homologyHost cellsEpithelial cellsEntry functionCellsChromosomesConsiderable progressHomologyLociOrganismsProtein
The molecular genetic bases of Salmonella entry into mammalian cells
Galán J, Ginocchio C. The molecular genetic bases of Salmonella entry into mammalian cells. Biochemical Society Transactions 1994, 22: 301-306. PMID: 7958312, DOI: 10.1042/bst0220301.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Cloning and molecular characterization of a gene involved in Salmonella adherence and invasion of cultured epithelial cells
Altmeyer R, McNern J, Bossio JC, Rosenshine I, Finlay B, Galán J. Cloning and molecular characterization of a gene involved in Salmonella adherence and invasion of cultured epithelial cells. Molecular Microbiology 1993, 7: 89-98. PMID: 8382333, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2958.1993.tb01100.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAmino Acid SequenceAnimalsBacterial AdhesionBacterial ProteinsBase SequenceCells, CulturedDNA Transposable ElementsEpithelial CellsEpitheliumGenes, BacterialMolecular Sequence DataMutagenesisPhenotypeRecombinant Fusion ProteinsSalmonellaSalmonella typhimuriumSequence Homology, Nucleic AcidVirulenceConceptsCultured epithelial cellsInvH geneT7 RNA polymerase expression systemBacterial membrane fractionsEpithelial cellsSignal sequenceExtensive homologyColony hybridization analysisNucleotide sequenceGene productsHomologous sequencesExpression systemException of strainsMolecular characterizationGenesHybridization analysisMembrane fractionCultured cellsEscherichia coliPolypeptideInsertion sequence IS3E. coliOrganismsInvHSequence