Compartmentalized pooling generates orientation selectivity in wide-field amacrine cells
Lei W, Clark D, Demb J. Compartmentalized pooling generates orientation selectivity in wide-field amacrine cells. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2024, 121: e2411130121. PMID: 39602271, PMCID: PMC11626119, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2411130121.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAmacrine CellsAnimalsDendritesMiceModels, NeurologicalOrientationOrientation, SpatialReceptors, Opioid, kappaRetinaConceptsOrientation selectivityBand-pass spatial frequency tuningVisual systemReceptive fieldsSpatial frequency tuningWide-field amacrine cellsReceptive field modelOrientation detectionKappa-opioid receptorsAmacrine cellsDetecting orientationVisual sceneFrequency tuningGlycinergic inhibitionOpioid receptorsField modelSpecific membrane resistanceExcitatory inputSynaptic inputsCalcium imagingMouse retinaCalcium signalingDendritic compartmentsMicrocircuit levelPolarization
Photoreceptive Ganglion Cells Drive Circuits for Local Inhibition in the Mouse Retina
Pottackal J, Walsh HL, Rahmani P, Zhang K, Justice NJ, Demb JB. Photoreceptive Ganglion Cells Drive Circuits for Local Inhibition in the Mouse Retina. Journal Of Neuroscience 2021, 41: 1489-1504. PMID: 33397711, PMCID: PMC7896016, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.0674-20.2020.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAmacrine CellsAnimalsCorticotropin-Releasing HormoneElectrophysiological PhenomenaExcitatory Postsynaptic PotentialsFemalegamma-Aminobutyric AcidGap JunctionsMaleMiceMice, Inbred C57BLNeural InhibitionNeuronsOptogeneticsPhotoreceptor Cells, VertebrateRetinaRetinal Cone Photoreceptor CellsRetinal Ganglion CellsRetinal Rod Photoreceptor CellsRod OpsinsSynapsesConceptsGap junction-mediated electrical synapsesAmacrine cellsElectrical synapsesIpRGC activityGanglion cellsRetinal interneuronsRetinal circuitsPhotosensitive retinal ganglion cellsGABAergic amacrine cellsRetinal ganglion cellsWhole-cell recordingsSpecific RGC typesAbsence of rodsIpRGC typesRGC typesPharmacological blockadeRetinal neuronsMelanopsin expressionMature retinaMouse retinaSynaptic circuitsNeuronal circuitsInterneuronsOptogenetic stimulationLocal inhibition
Connectomic analysis reveals an interneuron with an integral role in the retinal circuit for night vision
Park SJ, Lieberman EE, Ke JB, Rho N, Ghorbani P, Rahmani P, Jun NY, Lee HL, Kim IJ, Briggman KL, Demb JB, Singer JH. Connectomic analysis reveals an interneuron with an integral role in the retinal circuit for night vision. ELife 2020, 9: e56077. PMID: 32412412, PMCID: PMC7228767, DOI: 10.7554/elife.56077.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAII amacrine cellsProjection neuronsSingle interneuron typeConnectomic analysisBipolar cell pathwaysNovel neural circuitGABAergic cellsAmacrine cellsCentral neuronsGanglion cellsSynaptic layersRetinal circuitsInterneuron typesSurround inhibitionMouse retinaNight visionON responseExcitatory centerOptogenetic analysesNeural circuitsInhibitory surroundCell pathwaysRod photoreceptorsReceptive fieldsRb pathway
Convergence and Divergence of CRH Amacrine Cells in Mouse Retinal Circuitry
Park SJH, Pottackal J, Ke JB, Jun NY, Rahmani P, Kim IJ, Singer JH, Demb JB. Convergence and Divergence of CRH Amacrine Cells in Mouse Retinal Circuitry. Journal Of Neuroscience 2018, 38: 3753-3766. PMID: 29572434, PMCID: PMC5895998, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.2518-17.2018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlpha ganglion cellsGanglion cell typesAmacrine cellsGanglion cellsCRH cellsAlpha cellsGABAergic synapsesInhibitory interneuronsExcitation/inhibition balanceCorticotropin-releasing hormoneCre transgenic miceFire action potentialsTonic excitatory driveCell typesBalance of excitationGABA releaseExcitatory circuitsRetinal circuitryExcitatory driveInhibition balanceInhibitory inputsMammalian retinaMouse retinaAction potentialsOptogenetic analyses
Selective synaptic connections in the retinal pathway for night vision
Beaudoin DL, Kupershtok M, Demb JB. Selective synaptic connections in the retinal pathway for night vision. The Journal Of Comparative Neurology 2017, 527: 117-132. PMID: 28856684, PMCID: PMC5832573, DOI: 10.1002/cne.24313.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAmacrine CellsAnimalsGuinea PigsNeural PathwaysNight VisionRetinal Ganglion CellsSynapsesConceptsAII amacrine cellsRetinal ganglion cellsAmacrine cellsRGC typesBipolar terminalsSynaptic connectionsCertain retinal ganglion cellsConnected retinal ganglion cellsIonotropic glutamate receptor antagonistsOFF alpha cellsGlutamate receptor antagonistsInner plexiform layerBipolar cell terminalsSelective synaptic connectionsBipolar cell activityOFF alphaRetinal connectionsRetinal pathwaysPlexiform layerReceptor antagonistDirect synapsesGanglion cellsGlycinergic synapsesInhibitory currentsMammalian retina
Excitatory Synaptic Inputs to Mouse On-Off Direction-Selective Retinal Ganglion Cells Lack Direction Tuning
Park SJ, Kim IJ, Looger LL, Demb JB, Borghuis BG. Excitatory Synaptic Inputs to Mouse On-Off Direction-Selective Retinal Ganglion Cells Lack Direction Tuning. Journal Of Neuroscience 2014, 34: 3976-3981. PMID: 24623775, PMCID: PMC3951696, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.5017-13.2014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDirection-selective ganglion cellsOFF direction-selective ganglion cellsStarburst amacrine cellsGlutamate releaseBipolar cellsExcitatory currentsPreferred direction motionBipolar cell typesExcitatory synaptic inputsNull-direction inhibitionGABA-A receptorsWhole-cell recordingsNull-direction motionDSGC dendritesGABA releaseCholinergic inputAmacrine cellsGanglion cellsSynaptic mechanismsSynaptic inputsMammalian retinaMouse retinaIntensity-based glutamate-sensing fluorescent reporterDirection selectivityDirection tuning
Intrinsic properties and functional circuitry of the AII amacrine cell
DEMB JB, SINGER JH. Intrinsic properties and functional circuitry of the AII amacrine cell. Visual Neuroscience 2012, 29: 51-60. PMID: 22310372, PMCID: PMC3561778, DOI: 10.1017/s0952523811000368.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAII amacrine cellsAmacrine cellsPhotopic conditionsOFF ganglion cellsRod amacrine cellsCone bipolar cellsGanglion cell typesCone-mediated visionRod-mediated visionAII networkCell typesGanglion cellsRetinal neuronsExcitatory interneuronsBipolar cellsMammalian retinaFunctional circuitryAIIDistinct cell typesOutput neuronsNeuronsInhibition pathwayMotion sensitivityPhotoreceptor pathwaysCells
A Synaptic Mechanism for Retinal Adaptation to Luminance and Contrast
Jarsky T, Cembrowski M, Logan SM, Kath WL, Riecke H, Demb JB, Singer JH. A Synaptic Mechanism for Retinal Adaptation to Luminance and Contrast. Journal Of Neuroscience 2011, 31: 11003-11015. PMID: 21795549, PMCID: PMC3152984, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.2631-11.2011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdaptation, PhysiologicalAmacrine CellsAnimalsBiophysical PhenomenaBiophysicsCalciumContrast SensitivityElectric StimulationExcitatory Postsynaptic PotentialsFemaleIn Vitro TechniquesLightingMaleMiceMice, Inbred C57BLModels, NeurologicalNumerical Analysis, Computer-AssistedPatch-Clamp TechniquesPhotic StimulationPresynaptic TerminalsRetinaRetinal Bipolar CellsSynaptic TransmissionConceptsSynaptic mechanismsSynaptic transmissionBipolar cell synaptic transmissionMouse retinal slice preparationVesicle depletionCommon synaptic mechanismsPrimary sensory circuitsUse-dependent regulationAII amacrine cellsContrast adaptationRetinal slice preparationBipolar cell synapsesCell synaptic transmissionRetinal neural circuitWhole-cell recordingsRetinal bipolar cellsPhasic transmissionTonic transmissionAmacrine cellsSlice preparationCell synapsesBipolar cellsSame cellular mechanismsSensory circuitsNeural circuits
Disinhibition Combines with Excitation to Extend the Operating Range of the OFF Visual Pathway in Daylight
Manookin MB, Beaudoin DL, Ernst ZR, Flagel LJ, Demb JB. Disinhibition Combines with Excitation to Extend the Operating Range of the OFF Visual Pathway in Daylight. Journal Of Neuroscience 2008, 28: 4136-4150. PMID: 18417693, PMCID: PMC2557439, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.4274-07.2008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOFF ganglion cellsAII amacrine cellsCone bipolar cellsGanglion cellsAmacrine cellsAII cellsBipolar cellsPresence of CNQXBipolar cell synapsesD-APOFF visual pathwayBipolar cell pathwaysGap junctionsGlycine releaseExcitatory responsesIonotropic glutamateSynaptic inhibitionCell synapsesON pathwayGlycine receptorsLight decrementsVisual pathwayElectrical synapsesMeclofenamic acidDaylight vision
Cellular Mechanisms for Direction Selectivity in the Retina
Demb JB. Cellular Mechanisms for Direction Selectivity in the Retina. Neuron 2007, 55: 179-186. PMID: 17640521, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2007.07.001.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsDirection selectivityGanglion cellsDirection-selective ganglion cellsExcitatory circuitryInhibitory circuitryInhibitory interneuronsSynaptic inputsMammalian visual systemAction potentialsCellular mechanismsDirection preferenceMultiple sensory systemsDirection-selective mechanismsRetinaSensory systemsCellular Basis for Contrast Gain Control over the Receptive Field Center of Mammalian Retinal Ganglion Cells
Beaudoin DL, Borghuis BG, Demb JB. Cellular Basis for Contrast Gain Control over the Receptive Field Center of Mammalian Retinal Ganglion Cells. Journal Of Neuroscience 2007, 27: 2636-2645. PMID: 17344401, PMCID: PMC6672510, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.4610-06.2007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsReceptive field centerPresynaptic bipolar cellsGanglion cellsBipolar cellsAmacrine cellsGanglion cell receptive field centersContrast gain controlMammalian retinal ganglion cellsMammalian ganglion cellsRetinal ganglion cellsWhole-cell recordingsInhibitory neurotransmitter receptorsField centerVoltage-clamp conditionsInhibitory interneuronsSynaptic releaseNeurotransmitter receptorsCenter responseExtracellular recordingsPharmacological conditionsAdequate stimulationInhibitory conductanceCalcium bufferingSubthreshold responsesMembrane currents