Cloning of a Novel MHC-Encoded Serine Peptidase Highly Expressed by Cortical Epithelial Cells of the Thymus
Bowlus C, Ahn J, Chu T, Gruen J. Cloning of a Novel MHC-Encoded Serine Peptidase Highly Expressed by Cortical Epithelial Cells of the Thymus. Cellular Immunology 1999, 196: 80-86. PMID: 10527559, DOI: 10.1006/cimm.1999.1543.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAmino Acid SequenceAnimalsAntigen PresentationAntigens, Differentiation, B-LymphocyteBase SequenceCarboxypeptidasesConsensus SequenceCosmidsEpithelial CellsFluorescent Antibody Technique, IndirectGenesHistocompatibility Antigens Class IIHumansIn Situ HybridizationLysosomesMajor Histocompatibility ComplexMiceMice, Inbred C57BLMolecular Sequence DataSequence AlignmentSequence Homology, Amino AcidSerine EndopeptidasesThymus GlandConceptsCortical thymic epithelial cellsAntigen-presenting cellsThymic epithelial cellsEpithelial cellsMHC class II presentationClass II antigen processingMHC class II antigen processingClass II presentationCortical epithelial cellsMajor histocompatibility complex regionThymic capsuleThymic cortexAntigen presentationT cellsSerine proteasesStrong stainingNovel MHCAntigen processingInvariant chainCathepsin SProteolytic milieuThymusPresentationSitu hybridizationStainingThe genomic organization of the histone clusters on human 6p21.3
Ahn J, Gruen J. The genomic organization of the histone clusters on human 6p21.3. Mammalian Genome 1999, 10: 768-770. PMID: 10384058, DOI: 10.1007/s003359901089.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Evolving Views of the Major Histocompatibility Complex
Gruen J, Weissman S. Evolving Views of the Major Histocompatibility Complex. Blood 1997, 90: 4252-4265. PMID: 9373235, DOI: 10.1182/blood.v90.11.4252.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Cloning of a New "Finger" Protein Gene (ZNF173) within the Class I Region of the Human MHC
Chu T, Capossela A, Coleman R, Goei V, Nallur G, Gruen J. Cloning of a New "Finger" Protein Gene (ZNF173) within the Class I Region of the Human MHC. Genomics 1995, 29: 229-239. PMID: 8530076, DOI: 10.1006/geno.1995.1236.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywordsalpha-FetoproteinsAmino Acid SequenceAnimalsBase SequenceCloning, MolecularConsensus SequenceConserved SequenceDNA, ComplementaryDNA-Binding ProteinsGene LibraryGenes, MHC Class IHominidaeHumansKidneyMajor Histocompatibility ComplexMiceMolecular Sequence DataRestriction MappingSequence Homology, Amino AcidZinc FingersConceptsFull-length cDNA cloneClass I regionHuman coding regionsPartial genomic cloneHuman MHCConceptual proteinFinger proteinGenomic clonesPositional cloningCDNA clonesCDNA sequenceProtein genePolyglutamic acid regionCarboxyl terminusI regionBiological roleCoding regionsAcid regionRelated sequencesGenesMultiple tissuesProteinMajor histocompatability complexCloningNucleic acids
Physical and genetic mapping of the telomeric major histocompatibility complex region in man and relevance to the primary hemochromatosis gene (HFE)
Gruen J, Goei V, Summers K, Capossela A, Powell L, Halliday J, Zoghbi H, Shukla H, Weissman S. Physical and genetic mapping of the telomeric major histocompatibility complex region in man and relevance to the primary hemochromatosis gene (HFE). Genomics 1992, 14: 232-240. PMID: 1427838, DOI: 10.1016/s0888-7543(05)80211-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPhysical mapGenomic DNACell linesRadiation hybrid cell linesHigh-resolution physical mapLong-range physical mapGenetic mapping studiesHuman genomic DNAPulsed-field gel electrophoresisHybrid cell linesRestriction fragment banding patternsMajor histocompatibility complex regionGenetic mappingMajor histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I regionHuman genomeHLA-F geneBanding patternsClass I regionGenesDisequilibrium analysisGel electrophoresisMapping studiesDNAI regionClass I
Differential expression of novel Gsα signal transduction protein cDNA species
Swaroop A, Agarwal N, Gruen J, Bick D, Weissman S. Differential expression of novel Gsα signal transduction protein cDNA species. Nucleic Acids Research 1991, 19: 4725-4729. PMID: 1716359, PMCID: PMC328715, DOI: 10.1093/nar/19.17.4725.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCDNA speciesAlpha speciesDifferential expressionSignal transduction proteinsAlpha cDNA cloneTransduction proteinsHeterotrimeric complexCDNA clonesAlternative promotersNovel exonsAlternate splicingAUG codonHuman adult retinaMembrane receptorsGs alphaNovel signalSpeciesSpecific oligonucleotide probesOligonucleotide probesSitu hybridizationExon 2Total RNASpecific primersMolecular heterogeneityAdult retina