Repeated intravenous infusion of mesenchymal stem cells enhances recovery of motor function in a rat model with chronic spinal cord injury
Kurihara K, Sasaki M, Nagahama H, Obara H, Fukushi R, Hirota R, Yoshimoto M, Teramoto A, Kocsis J, Yamashita T, Honmou O. Repeated intravenous infusion of mesenchymal stem cells enhances recovery of motor function in a rat model with chronic spinal cord injury. Brain Research 2023, 1817: 148484. PMID: 37442249, DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2023.148484.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpinal cord injuryInfusion of MSCsChronic spinal cord injuryMesenchymal stem cellsAxonal sproutingCord injuryHD-MSCsIntravenous infusionMotor functionVehicle groupWeek 6Single high-dose infusionInjection of MSCsChronic SCI ratsSingle MSC injectionGreater functional recoveryRat SCI modelSingle intravenous infusionHigh-dose infusionLimited treatment optionsGreater functional improvementSingle high doseHigh disease burdenVivo diffusion tensor imagingEx vivo diffusion tensor imagingTherapeutic efficacy of intravenous infusion of mesenchymal stem cells in rat perinatal brain injury
Terada K, Sasaki M, Nagahama H, Kataoka-Sasaki Y, Oka S, Ukai R, Yokoyama T, Iizuka Y, Sakai T, Fukumura S, Tsugawa T, Kocsis J, Honmou O. Therapeutic efficacy of intravenous infusion of mesenchymal stem cells in rat perinatal brain injury. Pediatric Research 2023, 94: 1921-1928. PMID: 37422495, DOI: 10.1038/s41390-023-02717-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPerinatal brain injuryBrain injuryMesenchymal stem cellsIntravenous infusionVehicle groupBrain volumeTherapeutic efficacyInfused mesenchymal stem cellsLeft common carotid arteryHistological analysisNon-ischemic hemispherePostnatal day 7Common carotid arteryEmbryonic day 18Stem cellsHypoxia-ischemiaMSC infusionPreterm infantsGABAergic cellsNeurological functionSignificant complicationsCortical synapsesFunctional improvementCarotid arteryIntravenous administrationHuman mesenchymal stem‐derived extracellular vesicles improve body growth and motor function following severe spinal cord injury in rat
Nakazaki M, Lankford K, Yamamoto H, Mae Y, Kocsis J. Human mesenchymal stem‐derived extracellular vesicles improve body growth and motor function following severe spinal cord injury in rat. Clinical And Translational Medicine 2023, 13: e1284. PMID: 37323108, PMCID: PMC10272923, DOI: 10.1002/ctm2.1284.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpinal cord injurySevere spinal cord injuryFunctional motor recoveryYoung adult ratsMotor recoveryMesenchymal stem/stromal cellsSmall extracellular vesiclesMSC-sEVsCord injuryM2 macrophagesMotor functionAdult ratsBody growthPro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosisAdult spinal cord injuryDay 7 post-SCISystemic pro-inflammatory cytokinesIGF-1 levelsPro-inflammatory cytokinesCytokine tumor necrosisSystemic serum levelsBroad therapeutic benefitsNormal body growthExtracellular vesiclesDifferent treatment groupsDeriving Schwann cells from hPSCs enables disease modeling and drug discovery for diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Majd H, Amin S, Ghazizadeh Z, Cesiulis A, Arroyo E, Lankford K, Majd A, Farahvashi S, Chemel A, Okoye M, Scantlen M, Tchieu J, Calder E, Le Rouzic V, Shibata B, Arab A, Goodarzi H, Pasternak G, Kocsis J, Chen S, Studer L, Fattahi F. Deriving Schwann cells from hPSCs enables disease modeling and drug discovery for diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Cell Stem Cell 2023, 30: 632-647.e10. PMID: 37146583, PMCID: PMC10249419, DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2023.04.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDiabetic peripheral neuropathySchwann cellsPeripheral neuropathyPeripheral nervous systemPrimary Schwann cellsBupropion treatmentDiabetic patientsMyelin damageSensory dysfunctionPrimary gliaSelective vulnerabilityAntidepressant drugsHyperglycemic miceLower incidenceRetrospective analysisHuman pluripotent stem cellsSC deathNervous systemTherapeutic candidateHigh glucoseNeuropathyHealth recordsMolecular featuresStem cellsPluripotent stem cellsA practical protocol for high-spatial-resolution magnetic resonance angiography for cerebral arteries in rats
Nagahama H, Sasaki M, Komatsu K, Sato K, Katagiri Y, Kamagata M, Kataoka-Sasaki Y, Oka S, Ukai R, Yokoyama T, Terada K, Kobayashi M, Kocsis J, Honmou O. A practical protocol for high-spatial-resolution magnetic resonance angiography for cerebral arteries in rats. Journal Of Neuroscience Methods 2023, 386: 109784. PMID: 36608904, DOI: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2023.109784.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Enhanced Network in Corticospinal Tracts after Infused Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Spinal Cord Injury
Hirota R, Sasaki M, Kataoka-Sasaki Y, Oshigiri T, Kurihara K, Fukushi R, Oka S, Ukai R, Yoshimoto M, Kocsis JD, Yamashita T, Honmou O. Enhanced Network in Corticospinal Tracts after Infused Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Spinal Cord Injury. Journal Of Neurotrauma 2022, 39: 1665-1677. PMID: 35611987, PMCID: PMC9734021, DOI: 10.1089/neu.2022.0106.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpinal cord injuryCorticospinal tractMesenchymal stem cellsCord injurySpinal cordSpontaneous recoveryInfused mesenchymal stem cellsLimited spontaneous recoveryDorsal corticospinal tractLateral corticospinal tractStem cellsCST pathwayCST projectionsSCI inductionMSC infusionAxonal sproutingFunctional recoveryLateral funiculusIntravenous infusionAxonal tracerLesion coreMotor pathwaysFunctional improvementCircuit reorganizationMajor projections
Possible role of intravenous administration of mesenchymal stem cells to alleviate interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome in a Toll-like receptor-7 agonist-induced experimental animal model in rat
Tabata H, Sasaki M, Kataoka-Sasaki Y, Shinkai N, Ichihara K, Masumori N, Kocsis JD, Honmou O. Possible role of intravenous administration of mesenchymal stem cells to alleviate interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome in a Toll-like receptor-7 agonist-induced experimental animal model in rat. BMC Urology 2021, 21: 156. PMID: 34774029, PMCID: PMC8590770, DOI: 10.1186/s12894-021-00923-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHunner-type ICBladder pain syndromeAnti-inflammatory pathwayMSC groupMesenchymal stem cellsPain syndromeAnimal modelsToll-like receptor 7 agonistTherapeutic efficacyBehavior testsRight external jugular veinFemale Sprague-Dawley ratsGFP-positive mesenchymal stem cellsReceptor 7 agonistChronic pelvic painAnti-inflammatory effectsEfficacious treatment optionExperimental animal modelsSprague-Dawley ratsExternal jugular veinReal-time polymerase chain reactionMRNA expression levelsPositive mesenchymal stem cellsStem cellsHunner lesions
Sciatic nerve regeneration is not inhibited by anti-NGF antibody treatment in the adult rat
Lankford K, Arroyo E, Liu C, Somps C, Zorbas M, Shelton D, Evans M, Hurst S, Kocsis J. Sciatic nerve regeneration is not inhibited by anti-NGF antibody treatment in the adult rat. Neuroscience 2013, 241: 157-169. PMID: 23531437, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.03.024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNerve growth factorAdult ratsNerve regenerationFunctional recoveryAnti-NGF antibody treatmentElevated nerve growth factorUnilateral sciatic nerve crushDorsal root ganglion neuronsAnti-NGF antibodySciatic nerve crushType of painVehicle-treated animalsSciatic nerve regenerationPost nerve injuryNovel therapeutic approachesCell body sizePeripheral nerve regenerationFluro-GoldPeripheral nervous system developmentNerve injuryPain modelNerve crushPain managementAntibody treatmentGait recovery
Peripheral glial cell differentiation from neurospheres derived from adipose mesenchymal stem cells
Radtke C, Schmitz B, Spies M, Kocsis J, Vogt P. Peripheral glial cell differentiation from neurospheres derived from adipose mesenchymal stem cells. International Journal Of Developmental Neuroscience 2009, 27: 817-823. PMID: 19699793, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2009.08.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMesenchymal stem cellsStem cellsGlial-like cellsAdipose-derived mesenchymal stem cellsGlial cell differentiationPeripheral glial cellsGrowth factorEpidermal growth factorGrowth factor receptorMitogen withdrawalFibroblast growth factorBasic fibroblast growth factorCell differentiationDorsal root ganglion neuronsSchwann cell marker S100P75 nerve growth factor receptorAdipose-derived stem cellsNerve growth factor receptorCellular aggregatesSimultaneous expressionOlfactory Ensheathing CellsAppropriate inductionFactor receptorNeurospheresGlia markers
Demyelinating diseases and potential repair strategies
Radtke C, Spies M, Sasaki M, Vogt PM, Kocsis JD. Demyelinating diseases and potential repair strategies. International Journal Of Developmental Neuroscience 2007, 25: 149-153. PMID: 17408905, PMCID: PMC2692731, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdevneu.2007.02.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMultiple sclerosisInjury modelSpinal cord injuryCell-based strategiesAxon lossNerve compressionNeuroprotective potentialCord injuryFunctional outcomeClinical studiesMS lesionsTherapeutic goalsVulnerable axonsCellular transplantationNeurological disordersDemyelinationRemyelinationNeuroprotectionPotential repair strategiesCell typesSclerosisTransplantationInjuryLesionsAxons
Myelination and nodal formation of regenerated peripheral nerve fibers following transplantation of acutely prepared olfactory ensheathing cells
Dombrowski MA, Sasaki M, Lankford KL, Kocsis JD, Radtke C. Myelination and nodal formation of regenerated peripheral nerve fibers following transplantation of acutely prepared olfactory ensheathing cells. Brain Research 2006, 1125: 1-8. PMID: 17112480, PMCID: PMC2673087, DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2006.09.089.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAnimals, Genetically ModifiedCell Adhesion Molecules, NeuronalCell TransplantationGreen Fluorescent ProteinsImmunohistochemistryMicroscopy, ImmunoelectronMyelin SheathNAV1.6 Voltage-Gated Sodium ChannelNerve RegenerationNeurofilament ProteinsNeurogliaOlfactory BulbRanvier's NodesRatsRats, Sprague-DawleySciatic NeuropathySodium ChannelsTime FactorsConceptsPeripheral nerve fibersPeripheral nervesNodes of RanvierFunctional outcomeAxonal regenerationNerve fibersRegenerated peripheral nerve fibersSciatic nerve crush lesionNerve crush lesionPeripheral-type myelinSpinal cord resultsTransplantation of olfactoryPeripheral axonal regenerationParanodal CasprCrush lesionCord resultsFunctional improvementOlfactory bulbTransection siteTransgenic ratsLesion zoneNerveNodal formationTransplantation siteOECsNeuroprotection by PlGF gene-modified human mesenchymal stem cells after cerebral ischaemia
Liu H, Honmou O, Harada K, Nakamura K, Houkin K, Hamada H, Kocsis J. Neuroprotection by PlGF gene-modified human mesenchymal stem cells after cerebral ischaemia. Brain 2006, 129: 2734-2745. PMID: 16901914, PMCID: PMC2605397, DOI: 10.1093/brain/awl207.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdenoviridaeAnimalsApoptosisBrain IschemiaGenetic VectorsHumansImage Processing, Computer-AssistedInfarction, Middle Cerebral ArteryMagnetic Resonance ImagingMaleMesenchymal Stem Cell TransplantationMesenchymal Stem CellsModels, AnimalNeovascularization, PathologicNeuropsychological TestsPlacenta Growth FactorPregnancy ProteinsRatsRats, Sprague-DawleyTransduction, GeneticConceptsMiddle cerebral artery occlusionCerebral ischaemiaMesenchymal stem cellsIntravenous deliveryPermanent middle cerebral artery occlusionHuman MSCsControl sham groupLimb placement testRats 3 hCerebral artery occlusionTreadmill stress testPlacental growth factorIntraluminal vascular occlusionEnzyme-linked immunosorbentNon-neural tissuesHuman mesenchymal stem cellsStem cellsAdult bone marrowArtery occlusionInfarcted hemisphereSham groupFunctional outcomeVascular occlusionFunctional deficitsInfarction size
I.v. infusion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene-modified human mesenchymal stem cells protects against injury in a cerebral ischemia model in adult rat
Nomura T, Honmou O, Harada K, Houkin K, Hamada H, Kocsis J. I.v. infusion of brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene-modified human mesenchymal stem cells protects against injury in a cerebral ischemia model in adult rat. Neuroscience 2005, 136: 161-169. PMID: 16229956, PMCID: PMC2605391, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2005.06.062.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBrain-derived neurotrophic factorMesenchymal stem cell groupBrain-derived neurotrophic factor contributesMiddle cerebral artery occlusionStem cell groupCerebral artery occlusionCerebral ischemia modelMesenchymal stem cellsNeurotrophic factorArtery occlusionCell groupsIschemia modelPermanent middle cerebral artery occlusionRat cerebral ischemia modelHuman mesenchymal stem cellsBrain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) geneStem cellsControl sham groupTreadmill stress testRats 6 hFactor contributesNeurotrophic factor geneIntraluminal vascular occlusionAdult bone marrowCerebral ischemiaIntravenous infusion of immortalized human mesenchymal stem cells protects against injury in a cerebral ischemia model in adult rat
Honma T, Honmou O, Iihoshi S, Harada K, Houkin K, Hamada H, Kocsis J. Intravenous infusion of immortalized human mesenchymal stem cells protects against injury in a cerebral ischemia model in adult rat. Experimental Neurology 2005, 199: 56-66. PMID: 15967439, PMCID: PMC2605388, DOI: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2005.05.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAntigens, CDBehavior, AnimalBrain IschemiaCell CountCells, CulturedDisease Models, AnimalExercise TestGreen Fluorescent ProteinsHumansImmunohistochemistryInfusions, IntravenousMagnetic Resonance ImagingMagnetic Resonance SpectroscopyMaleMaze LearningMesenchymal Stem Cell TransplantationMesenchymal Stem CellsPhosphopyruvate HydrataseRatsRats, Sprague-DawleyTime FactorsConceptsMiddle cerebral artery occlusionIntravenous infusionFunctional outcomeLesion sizeTransient middle cerebral artery occlusionMesenchymal stem cellsCerebral artery occlusionCerebral infarction volumeCerebral ischemia modelSpinal cord injurySubsequent histological examinationPotential therapeutic benefitRats 12 hMorris water mazeBone marrow cellsHuman mesenchymal stem cellsStem cellsHTERT-MSCsArtery occlusionInfarction volumeCerebral ischemiaCord injuryFunctional improvementLesion volumeIschemia model
Hepatocyte growth factor is a mitogen for olfactory ensheathing cells
Yan H, Nie X, Kocsis J. Hepatocyte growth factor is a mitogen for olfactory ensheathing cells. Journal Of Neuroscience Research 2001, 66: 698-704. PMID: 11746390, PMCID: PMC2605377, DOI: 10.1002/jnr.10009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAntibodiesBrain Tissue TransplantationCell DivisionCell SizeCell SurvivalCells, CulturedColforsinCulture Media, Serum-FreeCyclic AMPDose-Response Relationship, DrugDrug InteractionsFemaleGlial Fibrillary Acidic ProteinHepatocyte Growth FactorImmunohistochemistryMitogensNeurogliaOlfactory BulbProto-Oncogene Proteins c-metRatsRats, WistarReceptor, Nerve Growth FactorS100 ProteinsTrauma, Nervous SystemConceptsHepatocyte growth factorActivity of HGFAdult rat olfactory bulbHGF/c-Met systemGrowth factorOEC proliferationMitogenic activityOlfactory Ensheathing CellsRat olfactory bulbAbility of HGFC-Met receptorAddition of forskolinCultured OECsOlfactory bulbVariety of cellsDNA synthesisC-MetSerum-free mediumPotential mitogenic activityPotent mitogenMulti-functional effectsImmunocytochemical analysisCell proliferationOlfactory systemOECs[The role of transplanted astrocytes for the regeneration of CNS axons].
Imaizumi T, Lankford K, Kocsis J, Hashi K. [The role of transplanted astrocytes for the regeneration of CNS axons]. Brain And Nerve 脳と神経 2001, 53: 632-8. PMID: 11517487.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCompound action potentialRegenerated axonsSC transplantationAxonal regenerationAdult ratsLong-tract axonsMyelin associated proteinsDorsal column axonsRegeneration of axonsDC axonsCell transplantationDorsal rootsNeonatal ratsSpinal cordReduction of scarsHistological examinationTransplantationMammalian CNSCNS axonsAction potentialsAxonsMyelin formationLesionsThree daysRatsTransplantation of an acutely isolated bone marrow fraction repairs demyelinated adult rat spinal cord axons
Sasaki M, Honmou O, Akiyama Y, Uede T, Hashi K, Kocsis J. Transplantation of an acutely isolated bone marrow fraction repairs demyelinated adult rat spinal cord axons. Glia 2001, 35: 26-34. PMID: 11424189, PMCID: PMC2605363, DOI: 10.1002/glia.1067.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAnimals, Newbornbeta-GalactosidaseBone Marrow TransplantationCells, CulturedEthidiumGlial Fibrillary Acidic ProteinImmunohistochemistryMiceMice, TransgenicMyeloid Progenitor CellsNerve Fibers, MyelinatedNerve RegenerationNeurogliaRatsRats, WistarRecovery of FunctionSpinal CordSpinal Cord InjuriesConceptsBone marrow cellsSpinal cordMyelin-forming cellsMarrow cellsDemyelinated rat spinal cordRat spinal cord axonsDorsal column lesionBone marrow cell fractionRat spinal cordX-irradiation treatmentSpinal cord axonsLacZ transgenic miceSchwann cell myelinationCell fractionCell transplantation techniquesDorsal funiculusPeripheral patternTransgenic miceTransplantation techniquesHematopoietic stem cellsIsolated cell fractionsCordFemoral bonePrecursor cellsTransplantationTransplantation of Cryopreserved Adult Human Schwann Cells Enhances Axonal Conduction in Demyelinated Spinal Cord
Kohama I, Lankford K, Preiningerova J, White F, Vollmer T, Kocsis J. Transplantation of Cryopreserved Adult Human Schwann Cells Enhances Axonal Conduction in Demyelinated Spinal Cord. Journal Of Neuroscience 2001, 21: 944-950. PMID: 11157080, PMCID: PMC2605383, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.21-03-00944.2001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman Schwann cellsSchwann cellsDorsal columnsSural nerveAxonal conductionIntra-axonal recording techniquesDorsal column lesionLegs of patientsDemyelinated spinal cordHuman sural nerveAdult human Schwann cellsFunctional remyelinationExtensive remyelinationCell-based therapiesMultiple sclerosisVascular diseaseSpinal cordWistar ratsConduction blockAdult CNSConduction velocityLesion zoneAction potentialsMonoclonal antibodiesLesionsTransplantation of Clonal Neural Precursor Cells Derived from Adult Human Brain Establishes Functional Peripheral Myelin in the Rat Spinal Cord
Akiyama Y, Honmou O, Kato T, Uede T, Hashi K, Kocsis J. Transplantation of Clonal Neural Precursor Cells Derived from Adult Human Brain Establishes Functional Peripheral Myelin in the Rat Spinal Cord. Experimental Neurology 2001, 167: 27-39. PMID: 11161590, DOI: 10.1006/exnr.2000.7539.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAnimalsBrainBrain Tissue TransplantationCell DifferentiationCells, CulturedCerebral VentriclesClone CellsDemyelinating DiseasesFemaleGenes, ReporterHumansIntermediate Filament ProteinsMaleMiddle AgedMyelin SheathNerve Tissue ProteinsNestinNeural ConductionNeuronsRadiation Injuries, ExperimentalRatsRats, WistarSpinal CordStem Cell TransplantationStem CellsTransplantation, HeterologousConceptsAdult human brainRat spinal cordNestin-positive cellsNeural precursor cellsSpinal cordAdult rat spinal cordNormal conduction velocityHuman brainMitogen withdrawalSpinal cord resultsPrecursor cellsGlia-like cellsSchwann cell myelinationNeural progenitor cellsFunctional remyelinationP0 immunoreactivityRemyelinated axonsExtensive remyelinationCord resultsAnterior hornLateral ventricleSubventricular zoneMajority of cellsMyelin patternSchwann cells
Xenotransplantation of transgenic pig olfactory ensheathing cells promotes axonal regeneration in rat spinal cord
Imaizumi T, Lankford K, Burton W, Fodor W, Kocsis J. Xenotransplantation of transgenic pig olfactory ensheathing cells promotes axonal regeneration in rat spinal cord. Nature Biotechnology 2000, 18: 949-953. PMID: 10973214, PMCID: PMC2605371, DOI: 10.1038/79432.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAnimals, Genetically ModifiedAxonsCD59 AntigensCell SeparationElectrophysiologyFlow CytometryFluorescent Antibody Technique, IndirectHumansImmunosuppression TherapyModels, BiologicalOlfactory NerveRatsRats, WistarRegenerationSchwann CellsSciatic NerveSpinal CordSwineTransgenesTransplantation, HeterologousConceptsAxonal regenerationSpinal cordSchwann cellsImpulse conductionLesion-control ratsDorsal column lesionTransplantation of olfactoryRat spinal cordConduction velocity measurementsComplement inhibitory proteinsHyperacute responseRegenerated axonsImmunosuppressed ratsTransection siteLesion sitePeripheral patternHost tractCordNormal axonsDonor cellsAxonsInhibitory proteinRatsDonor cell typeTransgenic pigs