Overall survival in TP53-mutated AML and MDS
Puzo C, Hager K, Rinder H, Weinberg O, Siddon A. Overall survival in TP53-mutated AML and MDS. Annals Of Hematology 2024, 1-11. PMID: 39443370, DOI: 10.1007/s00277-024-06054-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOverall survivalBlast countTP53 mutationsSignificant predictors of OSP53 mutation typePredictors of OSAggressive disease biologyRetrospective chart reviewKaplan-Meier curvesYale-New Haven HospitalNext generation sequencingCox proportional hazards modelsProportional hazards modelComplex karyotypePoor OSP53 mutationsWHO criteriaChart reviewNew Haven HospitalPoor prognosisCo-mutationsPathogenic mutationsAMLICCS guidelinesMutation typeOptimization criteria for ordering myeloid neoplasm next‐generation sequencing
Gisriel S, Howe J, Tormey C, Torres R, Hager K, Rinder H, Siddon A. Optimization criteria for ordering myeloid neoplasm next‐generation sequencing. EJHaem 2024, 5: 1236-1242. PMID: 39691272, PMCID: PMC11647727, DOI: 10.1002/jha2.1036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNext-generation sequencingNext-generation sequencing testMyeloid neoplasmsDiagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemiaAltering treatment plansEnd-of-inductionFluorescence in situ hybridizationRecurrence post-transplantChronic myeloid leukemiaSuspicion of progressionPathogenic mutationsClinical suspicionMutation statusMN diagnosisMyeloid leukemiaPost-transplantRisk stratificationWorsening diseaseTreatment planningCancellation criteriaSuspicionDiagnosisSequenceCenters for MedicareB testAssessing the Effect of Changing the Average Hematocrit in Red Blood Cell (RBC) Units on the Post- Procedure Hematocrits of Patients Undergoing Erythrocytapheresis
Musante K, Roome L, Yurtsever N, Rinder H, Tormey C, Lee E. Assessing the Effect of Changing the Average Hematocrit in Red Blood Cell (RBC) Units on the Post- Procedure Hematocrits of Patients Undergoing Erythrocytapheresis. American Journal Of Clinical Pathology 2024, 162: s147-s147. DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqae129.326.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSickle cell diseaseRed blood cell unitsSickle cell disease patientsRed blood cellsPatient's HctRBC unitsTransfused RBC unitsRetrospective chart reviewTwo-sample t-testChart reviewAdverse eventsMedian numberPre-procedureProphylactic procedureCell diseasePatientsAcademic hospitalAverage hematocritAverage HctBlood cellsHctTransfusion servicesT-testQuality studiesHematocritHematocrits of red blood cell units increase during storage due to changes in mean corpuscular volume, impacting outcomes of red cell exchange procedures
Lee E, Musante K, Errico J, Rinder H, Kleinstein S, Tormey C, Yurtsever N. Hematocrits of red blood cell units increase during storage due to changes in mean corpuscular volume, impacting outcomes of red cell exchange procedures. American Journal Of Clinical Pathology 2024, 162: s157-s157. DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqae129.348.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMean corpuscular volumeMultilevel linear regression modelsPosterior meanStorage timeWeeks of storageRed blood cell exchangeFunction of storage timeLinear regression modelsRed blood cell unitsPosterior distribution of model parametersAkaike weightsMultilevel regression modelsRegression modelsRed blood cellsPosterior distributionDistribution of model parametersRBC unitsModel selectionRStan packageCorpuscular volumeHematological parametersFlow cytometry for RBC damage and complement activation
Villalba C, Yurtsever N, Paternoster K, Gallipoli P, Nash B, Bizzario L, Shah B, Rinder H, Tormey C, Lee E. Flow cytometry for RBC damage and complement activation. American Journal Of Clinical Pathology 2024, 162: s182-s183. DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqae129.400.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDirect antiglobulin testRed blood cellsTukey HSD testHSD testAntiglobulin testComplement depositionOne-way ANOVANegative direct antiglobulin testFlow cytometryRed blood cell clearanceStatistically significant differenceTwo-sample t-testPercentage of red blood cellsExposure of PSHealthy donorsDiluted red blood cellsRBC recoveryRBC unitsPhosphatidylserine expressionRBC injuryFlow cytometry assayHealthy individualsPS expressionRed blood cell ageComplement activationPhenotypic and genotypic evaluation of bleeding diagnostic dilemmas: Two case studies
Gu S, Butt A, Schulz V, Rinder H, Lee A, Gallagher P, Hwa J, Bona R. Phenotypic and genotypic evaluation of bleeding diagnostic dilemmas: Two case studies. Blood Cells Molecules And Diseases 2024, 110: 102893. PMID: 39260211, DOI: 10.1016/j.bcmd.2024.102893.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInherited platelet disordersClinically significant bleedingCases of patientsHeterogeneous group of conditionsGroup of conditionsSignificant bleedingDiagnostic yieldDiagnostic dilemmaPlatelet disordersBleeding disordersEvaluating patientsPatient cohortMolecular pathogenesisMass cytometryHeterogeneous groupPatientsMultimodal approachBleedingImprove patient careDiagnosisDisordersPatient careGenetic sequencesLaboratory testing approachPotential utilityThrombosis risk with haemoglobin C trait and haemoglobin C disease: A systematic review
Jacobs J, Sharma D, Stephens L, Villalba C, Rinder H, Woo J, Wheeler A, Gerberi D, Goel R, Tormey C, Booth G, Bloch E, Adkins B. Thrombosis risk with haemoglobin C trait and haemoglobin C disease: A systematic review. British Journal Of Haematology 2024, 204: 1500-1506. PMID: 38291731, DOI: 10.1111/bjh.19313.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRisk of thrombosisHemoglobin C traitHemoglobin C diseaseVenous thromboembolismC diseaseIncreased risk of thrombosisProspective cohort studyFactor to thrombosisAssessment of patientsCohort studySystematic reviewInclusion criteriaPregnant individualsThrombotic riskCase seriesCase reportVTE riskChronic haemolysisSystematic literature reviewArterial thrombosisThrombosis riskHigh blood viscosityIncreased riskThrombosisC trait
Heidenhain variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease masquerading as neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: recognizing when apheresis is not the answer
Burke O, Jacobs J, Tormey C, Rinder H, Villalba C, Lee E, Campos J, Abels E, Yurtsever N. Heidenhain variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease masquerading as neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: recognizing when apheresis is not the answer. Lab Medicine 2023, 55: 520-523. PMID: 38142129, DOI: 10.1093/labmed/lmad107.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNeuromyelitis optica spectrum disorderCreutzfeld-Jakob diseaseOptica spectrum disorderHeidenhain variantBilateral vision lossTherapeutic plasma exchangeReal-time quaking-induced conversionCreutzfeldt-Jakob diseaseImmunosuppressive therapyVisual disturbancesPlasma exchangeNeurocognitive symptomsTreatment modalitiesVision lossHospice careSpectrum disorderRare formPreliminary diagnosisDiseaseDiagnosisDisordersEarly stagesPatientsApheresisTherapyComprehensive Characterization of Coagulation Parameters in Venous Malformations
Restrepo V, Pine A, Butt A, Chang E, Bar N, Baluha A, Brooks A, Chirico G, Curran J, Dumont A, Obura-Wilkes P, Rinder H, Tormey C, Nassiri N, Lee A, Prozora S. Comprehensive Characterization of Coagulation Parameters in Venous Malformations. Blood 2023, 142: 27. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-190609.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHigher thrombin-antithrombin complexesNormal D-dimerThrombin-antithrombin complexPlasminogen activator inhibitor-1Localized intravascular coagulopathyInternational normalized ratioD-dimerVenous malformationsCoagulation parametersPartial thromboplastin timeCoagulation testsFactor VIIIVWF activityChart reviewMost patientsHematology clinicProthrombin timeTissue involvementVWF antigenVon Willebrand factor antigenHigher TAT levelsMultiple coagulation parametersBaseline patient characteristicsRetrospective chart reviewCoagulation test resultsMultimodality Platelet Evaluation By Mass Cytometry and Genetic Analysis in Patients with Bleeding Disorders
Gu S, Gallagher P, Butt A, Gu V, Lezon-Geyda K, Schulz V, Prozora S, Lee A, Neparidze N, Bar N, Martin K, Cornell J, Chirico G, Chakraborty R, Rinder H, Hwa J, Bona R. Multimodality Platelet Evaluation By Mass Cytometry and Genetic Analysis in Patients with Bleeding Disorders. Blood 2023, 142: 1197. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-177946.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBleeding tendencyBleeding disorderPlatelet markersPlatelet aggregometryMass cytometryPlatelet functionPlatelet disordersSingle-center prospective studyLow-risk groupAbnormal bleeding tendencyQualitative platelet disordersLarge patient cohortQuantitative platelet disordersCommon underlying causeGenetic variantsMultimodality evaluationTotal patientsRisk stratificationLaboratory suspicionPlatelet dysfunctionProspective studyPatient cohortUnivariate analysisPlatelet volumeRisk groupsBotulism mimicking Guillain‐Barre syndrome: The question of plasma exchange in an unusual case of acute paralysis
Campos J, Abels E, Rinder H, Tormey C, Jacobs J. Botulism mimicking Guillain‐Barre syndrome: The question of plasma exchange in an unusual case of acute paralysis. Journal Of Clinical Apheresis 2023, 38: 760-763. PMID: 37519071, DOI: 10.1002/jca.22081.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGuillain-Barré syndromeAcute flaccid paralysisFlaccid paralysisPlasma exchangeImmune-mediated polyradiculoneuropathyIntravenous immune globulinCranial nerve palsyGuillain-Barre syndromeCerebrospinal fluid analysisAppropriate therapeutic modalityCases of botulismAlbuminocytological dissociationNerve palsyRespiratory failureEmpiric administrationImmune globulinLaboratory featuresPrompt diagnosisIngestion/inhalationPoor outcomeAcute paralysisBotulinum toxinCommon causeTherapeutic modalitiesUnusual caseOptimizing Donor Chimerism Threshold for Next-Generation Sequencing Monitoring of Measurable Residual Disease Post-Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation for Myeloid Neoplasms
Puzo C, Tormey C, Rinder H, Siddon A. Optimizing Donor Chimerism Threshold for Next-Generation Sequencing Monitoring of Measurable Residual Disease Post-Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation for Myeloid Neoplasms. Transplantation And Cellular Therapy 2023, 29: 459.e1-459.e4. PMID: 37062510, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtct.2023.04.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAllogeneic stem cell transplantationStem cell transplantationDonor chimerismCell transplantationNGS testingPost allogeneic stem cell transplantationMeasurable residual diseaseNext-generation sequencingAcute myeloid leukemiaConditioning regimenRelated donorsMyelodysplastic syndromeResidual diseaseValidation cohortMyeloid leukemiaMyeloid neoplasmsNGS panelLogistic regressionPatientsChimerismSignificant predictorsCharacteristic curveTransplantationRegimenConservative thresholdQuantitative Risk for Single-Positive Lupus Anticoagulant Results With Different Anticoagulants
Khan W, Tormey C, Rinder H, Siddon A. Quantitative Risk for Single-Positive Lupus Anticoagulant Results With Different Anticoagulants. American Journal Of Clinical Pathology 2023, 159: 417-419. PMID: 36940149, DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqac183.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Platelet production and kinetics
Binns T, Tormey C, Rinder H. Platelet production and kinetics. 2022, 158-167. DOI: 10.1002/9781119719809.ch15.ChaptersComplex biological processesPlatelet productionEpigenetic effectorsRegulatory RNAsMegakaryocyte differentiationPlatelet biogenesisAnucleate cellsGenetic regulationMatrix metalloproteinase proteinsNormal platelet productionMammalian physiologyTranscription factorsProplatelet processesSinusoidal blood vesselsBiological processesMature megakaryocytesMegakaryopoiesisMetalloproteinase proteinsMegakaryocytesHuman physiologyNew insightsEndothelial cellsTurnover rateNormal hemostasisPhysiologyA guide to molecular and functional investigations of platelets to bridge basic and clinical sciences
Tyagi T, Jain K, Gu S, Qiu M, Gu V, Melchinger H, Rinder H, Martin K, Gardiner E, Lee A, Tang W, Hwa J. A guide to molecular and functional investigations of platelets to bridge basic and clinical sciences. Nature Cardiovascular Research 2022, 1: 223-237. PMID: 37502132, PMCID: PMC10373053, DOI: 10.1038/s44161-022-00021-z.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsVascular smooth muscle cellsPlatelet functional assaysCoronavirus disease 2019Smooth muscle cellsImmune cellsImmune regulationVascular remodelingDisease 2019Pathophysiological processesTranslational relevancePatient diagnosisFlow cytometryMuscle cellsPlatelet biologyFunctional assaysPlatelet investigationsHomeostatic processesPlateletsPhenotypic heterogeneityFunctional stateClinical scienceCellsAdditional roleThrombosisSuch diverse functions
Concomitant factor VIII inhibitor and lupus anticoagulant in an asymptomatic patient
Jacobs JW, Gisriel SD, Iyer K, Rinder HM. Concomitant factor VIII inhibitor and lupus anticoagulant in an asymptomatic patient. Journal Of Thrombosis And Thrombolysis 2021, 53: 945-949. PMID: 34697688, PMCID: PMC8544916, DOI: 10.1007/s11239-021-02591-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPartial thromboplastin timeLupus anticoagulantFVIII inhibitorsAsymptomatic patientsFactor VIIIComprehensive hematologic evaluationLife-threatening hemorrhageTypical laboratory findingsDistinctive clinical presentationFactor VIII inhibitorsRisk of thrombosisSigns of hemorrhageSevere bleeding diathesisCoagulation factor VIIIImmunosuppressive therapyClinical presentationClinical symptomsPathologic antibodiesVIII inhibitorsLaboratory findingsHematologic evaluationUnique presentationBleeding diathesisThromboplastin timeAutoantibodiesIncreased complement activation is a distinctive feature of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection
Ma L, Sahu S, Cano M, Kuppuswamy V, Bajwa J, McPhatter J, Pine A, Meizlish M, Goshua G, Chang C, Zhang H, Price C, Bahel P, Rinder H, Lei T, Day A, Reynolds D, Wu X, Schriefer R, Rauseo A, Goss C, O’Halloran J, Presti R, Kim A, Gelman A, Dela Cruz C, Lee A, Mudd P, Chun H, Atkinson J, Kulkarni H. Increased complement activation is a distinctive feature of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. Science Immunology 2021, 6: eabh2259. PMID: 34446527, PMCID: PMC8158979, DOI: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abh2259.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSevere SARS-CoV-2 infectionSARS-CoV-2 infectionIntensive care unitComplement activationRespiratory failureEndothelial injuryCOVID-19Non-COVID cohortPersonalized clinical trialsAcute respiratory failureInvasive mechanical ventilationSevere COVID-19Tertiary care centerAlternative complement pathwayICU admissionCritical illnessCare unitMechanical ventilationRisk prognosticationWashington University SchoolWorse outcomesCare centerClinical trialsHigh riskPatients
Criteria for Ordering Myeloid Neoplasm Next-Generation Sequencing to Optimize Personalized Patient Care and Cost
Gisriel S, Rinder H, Siddon A. Criteria for Ordering Myeloid Neoplasm Next-Generation Sequencing to Optimize Personalized Patient Care and Cost. Blood 2020, 136: 39-40. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2020-139035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNext-generation sequencingNGS testingNGS testsAML/MDSEvidence-based indicationsPatients' emotional distressCancellation criteriaMedicaid Services reimbursementPersonalized patient careClinical suspicionPathologic diagnosisMedical recordsClinical indicationsClinical trialsChimerism statusUnnecessary testingMDS progressionPatient carePathogenic variantsMolecular findingsUnknown significancePatientsPathogenic mutationsService reimbursementMolecular diagnostic laboratoriesAssessment of Factor V Activity in Apheresis Platelet Units: Implications for Management of FV Deficiency
Gupta G, Hendrickson J, Bahel P, Siddon A, Rinder H, Tormey C. Assessment of Factor V Activity in Apheresis Platelet Units: Implications for Management of FV Deficiency. American Journal Of Clinical Pathology 2020, 154: s6-s7. DOI: 10.1093/ajcp/aqaa137.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAcute kidney injury is associated with reversible platelet dysfunction in hospitalized patients with decompensated cirrhosis
Zanetto A, Rinder H, Deng Y, Ciarleglio M, Wilson F, Bulato C, Simioni P, Garcia-Tsao G. Acute kidney injury is associated with reversible platelet dysfunction in hospitalized patients with decompensated cirrhosis. Digestive And Liver Disease 2020, 52: e13. DOI: 10.1016/j.dld.2019.12.031.Peer-Reviewed Original Research