Repeated Doses of the Perfluorocarbon FC-100 Improve Lung Function of Preterm Lambs
Moya F, Llanos A, RÃos A, Riquelme R, Moraga F, Rubio L, Salvo H, Jacobs H. Repeated Doses of the Perfluorocarbon FC-100 Improve Lung Function of Preterm Lambs. Pediatric Research 1997, 42: 893-898. PMID: 9396575, DOI: 10.1203/00006450-199712000-00028.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLung functionPreterm lambsInitial doseIntratracheal administrationFC-100Administration of ExosurfSurfactant-deficient animalsSynthetic surfactant ExosurfArterial blood pressureDynamic lung compliancePreterm neonatesBlood pressureLung complianceSingle doseArterial PO2Arterial PCO2Surfactant deficiencyHeart rateAdditional doseExosurfStudy periodDoseAdministrationDosesSimilar changes
Identification of Hox genes in newborn lung and effects of gestational age and retinoic acid on their expression
Bogue CW, Gross I, Vasavada H, Dynia DW, Wilson CM, Jacobs HC. Identification of Hox genes in newborn lung and effects of gestational age and retinoic acid on their expression. American Journal Of Physiology 1994, 266: l448-l454. PMID: 7909996, DOI: 10.1152/ajplung.1994.266.4.l448.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGestational ageReverse transcription-polymerase chain reactionNewborn mouse lungRat lung explantsMouse lungRetinoic acidMRNA levelsLung explantsRat lungFetal rat lung explantsEffects of RATranscription-polymerase chain reactionM retinoic acidTime-dependent increaseNewborn lungRA treatmentFetal miceLungRodent lungsSignificant doseHigher mRNA levelsFetal tissuesDivergent homeobox gene HexGene expressionPattern of expression
Effect of artificial surfactant on pulmonary function in preterm and full-term lambs
Gladstone I, Ray A, Salafia C, Perez-Fontan J, Mercurio M, Jacobs H. Effect of artificial surfactant on pulmonary function in preterm and full-term lambs. Journal Of Applied Physiology 1990, 69: 465-472. PMID: 2121700, DOI: 10.1152/jappl.1990.69.2.465.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFunctional residual capacityFull-term lambsMean lung volumePreterm lambsLung volumeResidual capacityTest agentsFC-100Higher minimum surface tensionsRespiratory failureLung functionPulmonary functionLung expansionAlveolar washMinimum surface tensionDynamic complianceArtificial surfactantQualitative histologyOxygenationLambsAgentsGas exchangePretermComplianceHistologyCorticosteroids and Intratracheal Surfactant Both Alter the Distribution between the Airways and Lung Tissue of Intratracheally Administered Radiolabeled Phosphatidylcholine in the Preterm Rabbit
Fiascone J, Mercurio M, Lima D, Jacobs H. Corticosteroids and Intratracheal Surfactant Both Alter the Distribution between the Airways and Lung Tissue of Intratracheally Administered Radiolabeled Phosphatidylcholine in the Preterm Rabbit. Experimental Lung Research 1990, 16: 311-321. PMID: 2394199, DOI: 10.3109/01902149009108847.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIntratracheal surfactantLung tissueAlveolar spaceCorticosteroid exposureMechanical ventilationRinger's lactateAntenatal corticosteroid exposurePrenatal corticosteroid exposurePreterm rabbitsLung clearanceIntratracheal injectionAlveolar lavageDay 25FetusesClearanceVentilationAirwayRadiolabel distributionLactateTissueRabbitsExposureRadiolabelCorticosteroidsLavage
Antenatal steroids, postnatal surfactant, and pulmonary function in premature rabbits
Gladstone I, Mercurio M, Devenny S, Jacobs H. Antenatal steroids, postnatal surfactant, and pulmonary function in premature rabbits. Journal Of Applied Physiology 1989, 67: 1377-1382. PMID: 2793738, DOI: 10.1152/jappl.1989.67.4.1377.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDynamic compliancePulmonary functionLung resistanceTotal lung conductanceTotal lung resistancePulmonary function testsRespiratory distress syndromeConsistent tidal volumeAntenatal corticosteroidsAntenatal steroidsIntramuscular betamethasonePostnatal surfactantDistress syndromeFunction testsCombination therapyPulmonary mechanicsExpiratory timePremature rabbitsTidal volumeStatic complianceLung conductanceFirst breathDay 27Day 25SteroidsSurface tension and pulmonary compliance in premature rabbits
Mercurio M, Fiascone J, Lima D, Jacobs H. Surface tension and pulmonary compliance in premature rabbits. Journal Of Applied Physiology 1989, 66: 2039-2044. PMID: 2745272, DOI: 10.1152/jappl.1989.66.5.2039.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Betamethasone Increases Pulmonary Compliance in Part by Surfactant-Independent Mechanisms in Preterm Rabbits
Fiascone J, Jacobs H, Moya F, Mercurio M, Lima D. Betamethasone Increases Pulmonary Compliance in Part by Surfactant-Independent Mechanisms in Preterm Rabbits. Pediatric Research 1987, 22: 730-735. PMID: 3431959, DOI: 10.1203/00006450-198712000-00024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntenatal corticosteroidsIntratracheal surfactantPulmonary complianceDynamic complianceAlveolar surfactant contentHigher dynamic complianceAntenatal exposurePreterm rabbitsPreterm animalsSingle therapyAlveolar lavageTidal volumeCorticosteroidsFirst breathFetusesDay 25Compliance studiesVentilationRabbitsComplianceCompliance measurementsLavageGestationBetamethasoneTherapyThresholds for physiological effects of plasma catecholamines in fetal sheep
Padbury J, Ludlow J, Ervin M, Jacobs H, Humme J. Thresholds for physiological effects of plasma catecholamines in fetal sheep. American Journal Of Physiology 1987, 252: e530-e537. PMID: 3565562, DOI: 10.1152/ajpendo.1987.252.4.e530.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBlood pressurePlasma concentrationsFetal sheepPg/Plasma free fatty acidsDiastolic blood pressureSystolic blood pressurePlasma catecholamine levelsFull-term animalsInfusion of norepinephrineMinimum plasma concentrationDose-response curvePlasma catecholamine valuesInfused norepinephrineHigher peak responsesNeonatal adaptationCatecholamine levelsPlasma catecholaminesPreterm animalsFree fatty acidsGlucose levelsE concentrationsCatecholamine valuesNorepinephrineMarked increase
Left ventricular performance and contractility before and after volume infusion: a comparative study of preterm and full-term newborn lambs.
Baylen B, Ogata H, Ikegami M, Jacobs H, Jobe A, Emmanouilides G. Left ventricular performance and contractility before and after volume infusion: a comparative study of preterm and full-term newborn lambs. Circulation 1986, 73: 1042-1049. PMID: 3754496, DOI: 10.1161/01.cir.73.5.1042.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFull-term lambsLeft ventricular performanceVolume infusionPreterm lambsVentricular performanceStroke workLeft ventricular peak dP/dtLeft ventricleVentricular peak dP/dtLeft ventricular end-diastolic volumeFull-term newborn lambsVentricular end-diastolic volumeLeft ventricular stroke workPeak dP/dtGreater stroke workPostnatal circulatory adaptationSystemic vascular resistanceVentricular stroke workFull-term animalsDays gestational ageEnd-diastolic volumeLeft ventricular pressureDP/dtVascular resistancePulmonary function
Effects of high-frequency and conventional ventilation on the premature lamb lung
Solimano A, Bryan C, Jobe A, Ikegami M, Jacobs H. Effects of high-frequency and conventional ventilation on the premature lamb lung. Journal Of Applied Physiology 1985, 59: 1571-1577. PMID: 3840801, DOI: 10.1152/jappl.1985.59.5.1571.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMean airway pressureConventional mechanical ventilationProtein leakPremature lamb lungsFetal lung fluidRespiratory distress syndromeDays gestational ageDegree of leakHigh-frequency oscillationsGroups of lambsAirway pressureCesarean sectionDistress syndromeGestational ageConventional ventilationMechanical ventilationPathological findingsLung diseaseBlood gasesImmature lungVentilator settingsEpithelial necrosisBlood gasLung sectionsTracer doseLeakage of protein in the immature rabbit lung; effect of surfactant replacement
Robertson B, Berry D, Curstedt T, Grossmann G, Machiko I, Jacobs H, Jobe A, Jones S. Leakage of protein in the immature rabbit lung; effect of surfactant replacement. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 1985, 61: 265-276. PMID: 3840603, DOI: 10.1016/0034-5687(85)90070-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSurfactant-treated animalsControl animalsSurfactant replacementAlveolar wash samplesOnset of ventilationAverage tidal volumeImmature rabbit lungsImmature newborn rabbitsInsufflation pressureImmature lungSurfactant inhibitorsTidal volumeRabbit lungsAlveolar compartmentNewborn rabbitsDay 27Wash samplesPrevious treatmentLeakage of proteinsDistribution of Pulmonary Blood Flow in Relation to Atelectasis in Premature Ventilated Lambs1–3
Berry D, Jobe A, Jacobs H, Ikegami M. Distribution of Pulmonary Blood Flow in Relation to Atelectasis in Premature Ventilated Lambs1–3. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 1985, 132: 500-3. PMID: 4037523, DOI: 10.1164/arrd.1985.132.3.500.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAnimals, NewbornLungOrgan SizePulmonary AtelectasisPulmonary CirculationRespiration, ArtificialSheepConceptsBlood flowAtelectatic regionsLung volumePulmonary blood flow distributionAtelectatic lung segmentsLower lobe bronchusRespiratory distress syndromePulmonary blood flowPieces of lungBlood flow distributionBronchial obstructionDistress syndromeLobe bronchusBalloon occlusionAtelectatic lungLung segmentsBalloon catheterPulmonary bloodAtelectasisLungBloodLambsPretermBronchusCatheterLung protein leaks in ventilated lambs: effects of gestational age
Jobe A, Jacobs H, Ikegami M, Berry D. Lung protein leaks in ventilated lambs: effects of gestational age. Journal Of Applied Physiology 1985, 58: 1246-1251. PMID: 3988678, DOI: 10.1152/jappl.1985.58.4.1246.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDays gestational ageGestational ageFull-term lambsGroups of lambsVentilated lambsLung tissueAlveolar washBlood gas valuesNatural sheep surfactantPremature lambsPreterm lambsPremature lungIntravascular injectionSheep surfactantLung proteinGas valuesPCO2 valuesAgeAlveoliAirwayLambsBidirectional fluxesTissueGroupAlbuminAccumulation of Alveolar Surfactant Following Delivery and Ventilation of Premature Lambs
Jacobs H, Jobe A, Ikegami M, Jones S. Accumulation of Alveolar Surfactant Following Delivery and Ventilation of Premature Lambs. Experimental Lung Research 1985, 8: 125-140. PMID: 3839748, DOI: 10.3109/01902148509057517.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlveolar washTreatment doseAlveolar surfactantMean gestational ageArterial blood gasPeak inspiratory pressureMin of ageSurfactant pool sizeAlveolar surfactant accumulationPhosphatidylcholine specific activityCesarean sectionPremature lambsGestational agePremature lungInspiratory pressureIntratracheal administrationBlood gasTrace doseDilution techniqueDoseAgeAirwayPool sizeBirthAccumulation of surfactant
A protein from airways of premature lambs that inhibits surfactant function
Ikegami M, Jobe A, Jacobs H, Lam R. A protein from airways of premature lambs that inhibits surfactant function. Journal Of Applied Physiology 1984, 57: 1134-1142. PMID: 6209255, DOI: 10.1152/jappl.1984.57.4.1134.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLack of correlation of severity of lung disease with the phosphatidylcholine concentration in fetal lung fluid from premature lambs at 133-136 days gestational age.
Jobe A, Jacobs H, Ikegami M. Lack of correlation of severity of lung disease with the phosphatidylcholine concentration in fetal lung fluid from premature lambs at 133-136 days gestational age. Journal Of Developmental Physiology 1984, 6: 417-21. PMID: 6568247.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFetal lung fluidPeak inspiratory pressureDays gestational ageLung diseaseLung fluidPremature lambsGestational ageInspiratory pressureConcentration of phosphatidylcholinePhosphatidylcholine concentrationNarrow gestational age rangePhosphatidylcholine pool sizesGestational age rangeTime of deliveryLung compliance valuesMechanical ventilationAlveolar washTotal phosphatidylcholineDiseaseAge rangeSeverityLack of correlationAgeLambsCompliance valuesSurfactant and pulmonary blood flow distributions following treatment of premature lambs with natural surfactant.
Jobe A, Ikegami M, Jacobs H, Jones S. Surfactant and pulmonary blood flow distributions following treatment of premature lambs with natural surfactant. Journal Of Clinical Investigation 1984, 73: 848-856. PMID: 6546766, PMCID: PMC425089, DOI: 10.1172/jci111280.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPieces of lungBlood flow distributionPulmonary blood flow distributionLungs of lambsMechanical ventilationRight ductal shuntPulmonary blood flowConstant distending pressurePeriod of ventilationGroups of lambsDuctal shuntPremature lambsAtelectatic areasSurfactant instillationVentricular outputTracheal instillationDistending pressureBlood flowLungLung piecesVentilationInstillationBirthLambsNatural surfactantAdrenal Epinephrine and the Regulation of Pulmonary Surfactant Release in Neonatal Rabbits
Padbury J, Jacobs H, Lam R, Conaway D, Jobe A, Fisher D. Adrenal Epinephrine and the Regulation of Pulmonary Surfactant Release in Neonatal Rabbits. Experimental Lung Research 1984, 7: 177-186. PMID: 6549291, DOI: 10.3109/01902148409087911.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdrenal E contentPulmonary surfactant releaseSKF 29661Surfactant releaseFetal adrenal glandE contentEpinephrine synthesisMaternal doseNeonatal periodAdrenal epinephrineAdrenal glandPregnant rabbitsNeonatal rabbitsAlveolar washPhosphatidylcholine contentBirthRabbitsAgeReleaseEpinephrineDoseSecretion