Leukocytospermia does not negatively impact outcomes in in vitro fertilization cycles with intracytoplasmic sperm injection and preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy: findings from 5435 cycles
Gill P, Puchalt N, Molinaro T, Werner M, Seli E, Hotaling J, Cheng P. Leukocytospermia does not negatively impact outcomes in in vitro fertilization cycles with intracytoplasmic sperm injection and preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy: findings from 5435 cycles. Journal Of Assisted Reproduction And Genetics 2024, 41: 1213-1219. PMID: 38642270, PMCID: PMC11143111, DOI: 10.1007/s10815-024-03085-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLive birth rateIntracytoplasmic sperm injectionClinical pregnancy rateSustained implantation ratesIn vitro fertilizationIn vitro fertilization cyclesPreimplantation genetic testingBlastulation ratePGT-AAneuploidy rateEmbryological outcomesSperm injectionGenetic testingEuploid embryo transferPrevalence of leukocytospermiaRetrospective cohort studyMale partner ageImplantation rateBaseline characteristicsEmbryo transferLeukocytospermiaFertilization cyclesCohort studyPregnancy ratePrimary outcome
B-cell lymphoma 6 expression is not associated with live birth in a normal responder in vitro fertilization population
Klimczak AM, Herlihy NS, Scott CS, Hanson BM, Kim JG, Titus S, Seli E, Scott RT. B-cell lymphoma 6 expression is not associated with live birth in a normal responder in vitro fertilization population. Fertility And Sterility 2021, 117: 351-358. PMID: 34809978, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.09.036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsB-cell lymphoma 6 (Bcl6) expressionLive birth groupLive birthsFertilization populationNormal respondersBirth groupProportion of patientsLive birth ratePopulation of patientsEuploid embryo transferCase-control studyEndometrial tissue samplesPreimplantation genetic testingGroup of womenIVF stimulationMean HSCOREIVF outcomesInfertility centerIVF successMAIN OUTCOMEGroup 2Group 1Embryo transferPatientsClinical decisionEmbryology outcomes after oocyte vitrification with super-cooled slush nitrogen are similar to outcomes with conventional liquid nitrogen: a randomized controlled trial
Hanson BM, Kim JG, Suarez SI, Ackerman BK, Comito CE, Pangasnan R, Seli E, Hong KH, Scott RT. Embryology outcomes after oocyte vitrification with super-cooled slush nitrogen are similar to outcomes with conventional liquid nitrogen: a randomized controlled trial. Fertility And Sterility 2021, 117: 106-114. PMID: 34654569, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.08.043.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMetaphase II oocytesEmbryology outcomesOocyte survivalII oocytesOocyte donor cyclesOocyte survival ratePreimplantation genetic testingBlastocyst formationWhole chromosome aneuploidyChromosome aneuploidySecondary outcomesPrimary outcomeDonor cyclesDonor oocytesRate of fertilizationMAIN OUTCOMESurvival rateOocyte vitrificationTrophectoderm biopsyGenetic testingDonor spermPrivate practiceNext-generation sequencingOutcomesDemonstrable improvementNoninvasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy exhibits high rates of deoxyribonucleic acid amplification failure and poor correlation with results obtained using trophectoderm biopsy
Hanson BM, Tao X, Hong KH, Comito CE, Pangasnan R, Seli E, Jalas C, Scott RT. Noninvasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy exhibits high rates of deoxyribonucleic acid amplification failure and poor correlation with results obtained using trophectoderm biopsy. Fertility And Sterility 2021, 115: 1461-1470. PMID: 33745720, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.01.028.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAneuploidyBlastocystCulture MediaEmbryo Culture TechniquesEmbryo ImplantationEmbryo TransferFemaleFertilityHigh-Throughput Nucleotide SequencingHumansInfertilityLive BirthMaleNoninvasive Prenatal TestingNucleic Acid Amplification TechniquesPredictive Value of TestsPregnancyPregnancy RatePreimplantation DiagnosisReproducibility of ResultsSperm Injections, IntracytoplasmicTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeWhole Genome SequencingConceptsPreimplantation genetic testingGenetic testingBiopsy resultsProspective cohort study SETTINGTrophectoderm biopsyTE biopsyNoninvasive preimplantation genetic testingCohort study SETTINGNext-generation sequencingHigh ratePrimary outcomeClinical outcomesMAIN OUTCOMEBiopsyStudy settingAmplification failureDiscordant resultsClinical applicabilityPrivate practiceNiPGTAvailable kitsCulture mediumShort durationOutcomesCulture medium samplesThe Appraisal of Body Content (ABC) trial: Increased male or female adiposity does not significantly impact in vitro fertilization laboratory or clinical outcomes
Kim J, Patounakis G, Juneau C, Morin S, Neal S, Bergh P, Seli E, Scott R. The Appraisal of Body Content (ABC) trial: Increased male or female adiposity does not significantly impact in vitro fertilization laboratory or clinical outcomes. Fertility And Sterility 2021, 116: 444-452. PMID: 33581854, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2020.12.037.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexBioelectric impedance analysisLive birth rateLow birth weightClinical outcomesMiscarriage rateBlastocyst formation rateEuploidy rateImplantation rateBirth weightLow birth weight/Low birth weight infantsNormal weight patientsBirth weight infantsProspective cohort studyImpact of obesityFertilization laboratoryBirth rateFertilization rateBF categoriesWeight patientsMaternal obesityWeight infantsCohort studyObese women
A multicenter, prospective, blinded, nonselection study evaluating the predictive value of an aneuploid diagnosis using a targeted next-generation sequencing–based preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy assay and impact of biopsy
Tiegs AW, Tao X, Zhan Y, Whitehead C, Kim J, Hanson B, Osman E, Kim TJ, Patounakis G, Gutmann J, Castelbaum A, Seli E, Jalas C, Scott RT. A multicenter, prospective, blinded, nonselection study evaluating the predictive value of an aneuploid diagnosis using a targeted next-generation sequencing–based preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy assay and impact of biopsy. Fertility And Sterility 2020, 115: 627-637. PMID: 32863013, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2020.07.052.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPreimplantation genetic testingSustained implantationPredictive valueGenetic testingClinical outcomesTrophectoderm biopsyAge-matched control groupImpact of biopsyPGT-A resultsAntral follicle countRecurrent pregnancy lossBody mass indexDetectable adverse impactAneuploid resultsSecondary outcomesFertilization cyclesFollicle countPrimary outcomeMass indexUsable blastocystsBlastocyst transferFertility centerPregnancy lossClinical error ratesStudy groupThe appraisal of body content (ABC) trial: obesity does not significantly impact gamete production in infertile men and women
Kim J, Juneau C, Patounakis G, Morin S, Neal S, Seli E, Scott R. The appraisal of body content (ABC) trial: obesity does not significantly impact gamete production in infertile men and women. Journal Of Assisted Reproduction And Genetics 2020, 37: 2733-2742. PMID: 32827101, PMCID: PMC7642175, DOI: 10.1007/s10815-020-01930-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexLower serum AMHLower serum FSHOvarian reserve parametersPresence of PCOSControlled ovarian hyperstimulationNormal-weight counterpartsMature oocytesPercent body fatBF categoriesOvarian hyperstimulationSerum AMHOvarian reservePCOS diagnosisSerum FSHIVF outcomesLess muscle massOvarian responseMass indexFemale obesityInfertility treatmentReserve parametersBody fatInfertile menObesitySperm Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number Is Not a Predictor of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Cycle Outcomes
Tiegs AW, Tao X, Landis J, Zhan Y, Franasiak JM, Seli E, Wells D, Fragouli E, Scott RT. Sperm Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number Is Not a Predictor of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Cycle Outcomes. Reproductive Sciences 2020, 27: 1350-1356. PMID: 31994001, DOI: 10.1007/s43032-020-00163-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSperm mitochondrial DNA copy numberLive birth rateQuantitative real-time polymerase chain reactionMitochondrial DNA copy numberICSI cyclesBirth rateIntracytoplasmic sperm injection cycle outcomesBlastocyst developmentDay-3 embryo biopsyMtDNA-CNDNA copy numberBlastocyst euploidy ratesMixed-effects logistic regressionReal-time polymerase chain reactionSperm samplesEffects logistic regressionBlastocyst euploidyCohort studyPrimary outcomeSecondary outcomesInfertility centerCycle outcomeEuploidy rateMaternal ageInfertile population
The association between assisted reproductive technologies and low birth weight.
Reig A, Seli E. The association between assisted reproductive technologies and low birth weight. Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2019, 31: 183-187. PMID: 30893135, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0000000000000535.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLow birth weightFresh embryo transferFrozen embryo transferBirth weightNumber of embryosEmbryo transferReproductive technologiesART-conceived pregnanciesComparable birth weightMain risk factorsEndometrial preparationPerinatal outcomesMultiple gestationsRisk factorsAssisted reproductionPrematurityNewbornsIncidenceRecent studiesPregnancyGestationWeightMitochondrial unfolded protein response: a stress response with implications for fertility and reproductive aging
Seli E, Wang T, Horvath TL. Mitochondrial unfolded protein response: a stress response with implications for fertility and reproductive aging. Fertility And Sterility 2019, 111: 197-204. PMID: 30691623, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2018.11.048.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMitochondrial unfolded protein responseTwo-cell embryo developmentUnfolded protein responseImpaired oocyte maturationMorphology of mitochondriaMitochondrial dysfunction resultsPremature reproductive agingNovel mechanistic insightsMitochondrial DNA contentReactive oxygen species productionPrevention of agingCLPP resultsProtein responseOxygen species productionReproductive agingPreimplantation embryosAge-related accumulationOxidative phosphorylationStress responseEmbryo developmentForm blastocystsMitochondrial functionMitochondriaMitochondrial dysfunctionEnergy metabolismMetabolic imaging via fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy for egg and embryo assessment
Sanchez T, Zhang M, Needleman D, Seli E. Metabolic imaging via fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy for egg and embryo assessment. Fertility And Sterility 2019, 111: 212-218. PMID: 30691624, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2018.12.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMetabolic imagingInvasive diagnostic interventionsEmbryo assessmentPreimplantation genetic testingUseful diagnostic methodAssisted reproductive technology (ART) laboratoryClinical benefitSingle ETDiagnostic interventionsOxidative phosphorylationGenetic testingReproductive technology laboratoriesExperimental modelCopy number assessmentMetabolic functionsMorphologic parametersFluorescence lifetimeEmbryosClinical applicationMetabolic stateDiagnostic methodsEmbryo viabilityElectron transporterCentral roleCurrent strategies
Metabolic imaging with the use of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) accurately detects mitochondrial dysfunction in mouse oocytes
Sanchez T, Wang T, Pedro MV, Zhang M, Esencan E, Sakkas D, Needleman D, Seli E. Metabolic imaging with the use of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) accurately detects mitochondrial dysfunction in mouse oocytes. Fertility And Sterility 2018, 110: 1387-1397. PMID: 30446247, PMCID: PMC6289735, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2018.07.022.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsCells, CulturedComputer SystemsEmbryo Culture TechniquesEmbryo, MammalianEmbryonic DevelopmentEndopeptidase ClpFemaleFlavin-Adenine DinucleotideFluorescenceMaleMaternal AgeMiceMice, Inbred C57BLMice, KnockoutMicroscopy, FluorescenceMitochondriaMolecular ImagingNADOocytesReactive Oxygen SpeciesConceptsBlastocyst development rateOocyte dysfunctionReactive oxygen species levelsFlavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) autofluorescenceMetabolic dysfunctionOxygen species levelsYoung miceMetabolic parametersOld miceMAIN OUTCOMEGlobal knockoutDysfunctionNoninvasive toolNormal oocytesMetabolic imagingMitochondrial dysfunctionMiceOld oocytesFLIM parametersROS levelsMetabolic differencesMitochondrial functionNicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenaseIndividual oocytesWild-type oocytesHow new technical knowledge impacts clinical approach to infertile patients
GarcÃa-Velasco JA, Seli E. How new technical knowledge impacts clinical approach to infertile patients. Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2018, 30: 137-138. PMID: 29652726, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0000000000000461.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAssisted Reproductive Technology and Origins of Disease: The Clinical Realities and Implications
Morin SJ, Seli E. Assisted Reproductive Technology and Origins of Disease: The Clinical Realities and Implications. Seminars In Reproductive Medicine 2018, 36: 195-203. PMID: 30866006, DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1677048.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSevere male factor infertilityART-exposed childrenLow birth weightMale factor infertilityReproductive technologiesSevere monogenic disordersAssisted Reproductive TechnologyMultiple gestationsSubfertile womenFactor infertilityMetabolic derangementsPremature birthAbsolute riskBirth weightCardiovascular diseaseAdditional diagnosisNumber of womenClinical realityMultiple studiesMonogenic disordersNumber of couplesRiskOrigin of diseaseDiseaseWomen
Same-sex reproduction
Greenfeld DA, Seli E. Same-sex reproduction. Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2016, 28: 202-205. PMID: 27077473, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0000000000000266.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSame-sex couplesSame-sex reproductionGay menPublic acceptanceSame-sex marriageSame-sex relationshipsSame-sex unionsHeterosexual parentsGay couplesHeterosexual couplesParenthoodHistorical significanceGreat endeavorNumber of menFertility treatment centreAssisted reproductionLesbiansGayWomenMarriageUnionAcceptanceRelationship satisfactionCouplesPositive functioningIVF
Seli E, Garcia-Velasco J. IVF. Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2016, 28: 149-150. PMID: 27077470, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0000000000000275.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The impact of assisted reproductive technologies on genomic imprinting and imprinting disorders
Uyar A, Seli E. The impact of assisted reproductive technologies on genomic imprinting and imprinting disorders. Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2014, 26: 210-221. PMID: 24752003, PMCID: PMC4123998, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0000000000000071.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRelevant clinical dataReproductive technology proceduresConclusive clinical trialsBeckwith-Wiedemann syndromeCase seriesLarge registriesClinical trialsART proceduresClinical dataHigh prevalenceGeneral populationLow prevalenceART usePotential associationGenomic imprintingGene expressionDisordersEarly embryo developmentReproductive technologiesAllele-specific gene expressionFurther studiesTechnology proceduresPrevalenceImprinted gene expressionImprinting disordersEpab is dispensable for mouse spermatogenesis and male fertility
Ozturk S, Guzeloglu-Kayisli O, Lowther KM, Lalioti MD, Sakkas D, Seli E. Epab is dispensable for mouse spermatogenesis and male fertility. Molecular Reproduction And Development 2014, 81: 390-390. PMID: 24599567, PMCID: PMC4079073, DOI: 10.1002/mrd.22319.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Epab and Pabpc1 Are Differentially Expressed During Male Germ Cell Development
Ozturk S, Guzeloglu-Kayisli O, Demir N, Sozen B, Ilbay O, Lalioti MD, Seli E. Epab and Pabpc1 Are Differentially Expressed During Male Germ Cell Development. Reproductive Sciences 2012, 19: 911-922. PMID: 22814100, PMCID: PMC4046314, DOI: 10.1177/1933719112446086.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRound spermatidsGene expressionMale germ cell developmentGerm cell developmentPABPC1 expressionTranslational regulationCytoplasmic polyadenylationPosttranscriptional mechanismsPABPC1Key proteinsCell developmentEPABSpatial expressionMature testesMouse testisMessenger RNASpermatogenic cellsTail lengthProteinSpermatocytesExpressionSpermatogoniaTestisEarly postnatal lifePolyadenylationEmbryonic poly(A)-binding protein (EPAB) is required for oocyte maturation and female fertility in mice
Guzeloglu-Kayisli O, Lalioti MD, Aydiner F, Sasson I, Ilbay O, Sakkas D, Lowther KM, Mehlmann LM, Seli E. Embryonic poly(A)-binding protein (EPAB) is required for oocyte maturation and female fertility in mice. Biochemical Journal 2012, 446: 47-58. PMID: 22621333, PMCID: PMC3955213, DOI: 10.1042/bj20120467.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTranslational activationOocyte maturationZygotic genome activationFemale fertilityGenome activationGerminal vesicle stage oocytesDazl mRNAEarly embryogenesisMaternal mRNAsDownstream regulatorsMammalian reproductionGene expressionEPABStage oocytesXenopus oocytesEpidermal growthLate antral folliclesOogenesisMRNAOocytesMaturationProteinFemale miceCumulus expansionAntral follicles