Emily Christison-Lagay, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery (Pediatrics)
Director of Pediatric Trauma, Surgery; Surgical Director, Pediatric Thyroid Center, Surgery
Emily Christison-Lagay, MD is a pediatric surgeon with broad clinical interests spanning the width pediatric surgery from congenital anomalies in newborns to common childhood surgical conditions (hernias, appendicitis, gallbladder disease) to childhood tumors, trauma, and benign and malignant thyroid disease. She is the surgical director of the Pediatric Thyroid Center at Yale and the Director of Pediatric Trauma. Following completion of her pediatric surgical training, Dr. Christison-Lagay pursued additional training in the medical and surgical management of pediatric solid tumors including thoracic, liver, and renal tumors, as well as neuroblastoma, childhood sarcomas, and pediatric diseases of the thyroid. She is board-certified in surgery and pediatric surgery,
Dr. Christison-Lagay completed her medical degree at Harvard Medical School and her general surgical residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital, with research in tumor angiogenesis at Boston Children's Hospital. From there, she completed a pediatric surgical fellowship at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, followed by a "super"-fellowship in pediatric surgical oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. She is a member of the Children's Oncology Group and the International Society of Paediatric Surgical Oncology as well the American Thyroid Association Taskforce on Pediatric Thyroid Disease and a founding member of the Child and Adolescent Thyroid Consortium.
Pediatric Surgery
Associate Professor on TermPrimaryPediatrics
Associate Professor on TermSecondary
Other Departments & Organizations
- Fetal Care Center
- General Pediatric & Thoracic Surgery
- Pediatric Aerodigestive Disorders Program
- Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Surgery Program
- Pediatric Surgery
- Pediatric Surgery
- Pediatric Trauma Surgery Program
- Pediatrics
- Surgery
- Yale Medicine
- Yale Ventures
Education & Training
- Fellowship
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (2012)
- Fellowship
- Hospital for Sick Children (2011)
- Residency
- Massachusetts General Hospital (2009)
- MD
- Harvard Medical School (2002)
Unnecessary Scans Lead to Unnecessary Re-scans: Evaluating Clinical Management of Low and Intermediate Risk Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injuries
Rivero R, Curran I, Hellmann Z, Carroll M, Hornick M, Solomon D, DiLuna M, Morrell P, Christison-Lagay E. Unnecessary Scans Lead to Unnecessary Re-scans: Evaluating Clinical Management of Low and Intermediate Risk Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injuries. Journal Of Pediatric Surgery 2024, 60: 162097. PMID: 39693726, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2024.162097.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPediatric Emergency Care Applied Research NetworkPECARN guidelinesPediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network criteriaClinically important traumatic brain injuryComputed tomographyRisk patientsCross-sectional imagingIntermediate risk group patientsHead traumaIntracranial injuryIntermediate risk patientsRisk group patientsLow-risk injuriesLow-risk patientsRetrospective cohort studyClinically significant progressionEvaluate clinical managementIncreased hospital costsMild head traumaPenetrating head traumaLength of stayTraumatic brain injuryNon-accidental traumaBrain injuryRetrospective reviewMassive thymic hyperplasia in a toddler masquerading as a loculated pleural effusion: A case report
Zolfaghari E, Shaughnessy M, Wu H, Caty M, Christison-Lagay E, Hornick M. Massive thymic hyperplasia in a toddler masquerading as a loculated pleural effusion: A case report. Journal Of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports 2024, 110: 102885. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsc.2024.102885.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMassive thymic hyperplasiaChest X-rayThymic hyperplasiaCase reportComputed tomographyDifferential diagnosis of pediatric patientsSurveillance chest x-raysDiagnosis of pediatric patientsTrue thymic hyperplasiaRecurrent respiratory distressPost-operative coursePercutaneous core biopsyLoculated pleural effusionHistory of multiple admissionsPersistent respiratory symptomsSurgical resectionCore biopsyParapneumonic effusionPediatric patientsAbnormal findingsPleural effusionRight thoracotomyRare conditionRight hemithoraxSuspected pneumoniaSurgical Incisions in Pediatric Surgical Oncology
Christison-Lagay E. Surgical Incisions in Pediatric Surgical Oncology. 2024, 45-52. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-65890-7_9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMinimally invasive approachResection of Wilms' tumorTreatment of pediatric cancersPediatric surgical oncologyLymph node resectionLymph node yieldSuperior mesenteric artery rootLymph node samplingLaparoscopic resectionThoracoabdominal approachNode resectionUnder-stagingNode yieldWilms tumorOncologic resectionSurgical approachSurgical treatmentArterial rootsInvasive approachSurgical incisionDistal aortaPoor outcomeResectionSurgical oncologyNode samplingEvaluation and Surgical Management of Pediatric Cutaneous Melanoma and Atypical Spitz and Non-Spitz Melanocytic Tumors (Melanocytomas): A Report From Children's Oncology Group.
Sargen M, Barnhill R, Elder D, Swetter S, Prieto V, Ko J, Bahrami A, Gerami P, Karunamurthy A, Pappo A, Schuchter L, LeBoit P, Yeh I, Kirkwood J, Jen M, Dunkel I, Durham M, Christison-Lagay E, Austin M, Aldrink J, Mehrhoff C, Hawryluk E, Chu E, Busam K, Sondak V, Messina J, Puig S, Colebatch A, Coughlin C, Berrebi K, Laetsch T, Mitchell S, Seynnaeve B. Evaluation and Surgical Management of Pediatric Cutaneous Melanoma and Atypical Spitz and Non-Spitz Melanocytic Tumors (Melanocytomas): A Report From Children's Oncology Group. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2024, jco2401154. PMID: 39365959, DOI: 10.1200/jco.24.01154.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSentinel lymph node biopsyAtypical Spitz tumorsCutaneous melanomaSpitz tumorsRe-excisionSurgical managementMelanocytic tumorsSurgical management of cutaneous melanomaManagement of cutaneous melanomaNational Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelinesLymph node biopsyDefinitive surgical treatmentProgression to CMChildren's Oncology GroupDiagnosis of CMNode biopsyExcisional biopsyOncology GroupMalignant potentialSurgical treatmentNetwork guidelinesBiopsyClinicopathological evaluationCohort studyMelanocytic neoplasmsFeasibility of a prospective pediatric melanocytic tumor clinical trial: A report of multidisciplinary clinician survey data from the Children's Oncology Group Rare Tumor Committee
Mitchell S, Christison‐Lagay E, Aldrink J, Sargen M, Laetsch T, Austin M, Jen M, Gartrell R, Karunamurthy A, Kirkwood J, Pappo A, Seynnaeve B. Feasibility of a prospective pediatric melanocytic tumor clinical trial: A report of multidisciplinary clinician survey data from the Children's Oncology Group Rare Tumor Committee. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2024, 71: e31312. PMID: 39252525, PMCID: PMC11583290, DOI: 10.1002/pbc.31312.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAbstract B023: Multicenter histology image integration and multiscale deep learning for pediatric sarcoma subtype classification
Thiesen A, Domanskyi S, Foroughi pour A, Sheridan T, Neuhauser S, Stetson A, Dannheim K, Cameron D, Ahn S, Wu H, Christison-Lagay E, Bult C, Chuang J, Rubinstein J. Abstract B023: Multicenter histology image integration and multiscale deep learning for pediatric sarcoma subtype classification. Cancer Research 2024, 84: b023-b023. DOI: 10.1158/1538-7445.pediatric24-b023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchArtificial neural networkFeature extractionDeep learningTile sizeDeep learning feature extractionConvolutional artificial neural networksHistology datasetDeep learning backbonesTraining of artificial neural networksLearning feature extractionNon-overlapping tilesImage integrationImage format conversionFeature concatenationStain normalizationTiling parametersClassification performanceANN classifierClassification accuracyNeural networkAutomated classificationTraining modelDigitization of histology slidesFormat conversionDatasetSurgical management of rare tumors (Part 1)
Stetson A, Saluja S, Cameron D, Mansfield S, Polites S, Honeyman J, Dahl J, Austin M, Aldrink J, Christison‐Lagay E. Surgical management of rare tumors (Part 1). Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2024, e31287. PMID: 39185712, DOI: 10.1002/pbc.31287.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOncology GroupManagement of rare tumorsEuropean Cooperative Study GroupDifferentiated thyroid cancerRare tumor typeRare pediatric cancerChildren's Oncology GroupCooperative Study GroupCooperative group effortsChildren aged 0Rare tumorAdult guidelinesSurgical managementThyroid cancerTumor typesRare cancersPediatric variantsTreatment strategiesStudy groupPediatric cancerCancer typesCancerTumorChildhood cancerAged 0Synoptic operative reports for pediatric surgical oncology
Baertschiger R, Polites S, Fusco J, Roach J, Christison‐Lagay E, Malek M, Gow K. Synoptic operative reports for pediatric surgical oncology. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2024, e31280. PMID: 39152638, DOI: 10.1002/pbc.31280.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImprove patient care outcomesElectronic medical record systemMultidisciplinary healthcare teamPatient care outcomesSurgical oncologySynoptic operative reportMedical record systemCare outcomesHealthcare teamPediatric surgical oncologyQuality assurance effortsDocumentation practicesData extractionDocumentation of surgical proceduresEffective communicationSynoptic reportingOperative notesRecording systemAssurance effortsEnhanced accessOncologyTumor characteristicsOperative reportsPediatric patientsResearch purposesEvaluation and Management of Biliary Dyskinesia in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review From the APSA Outcomes and Evidence-Based Committee
Kulaylat A, Lucas D, Chang H, Derderian S, Beres A, Ham P, Huerta C, Sulkowski J, Wakeman D, Englum B, Gulack B, Acker S, Gonzalez K, Levene T, Christison-Lagay E, Mansfield S, Yousef Y, Pennell C, Russell K, Rentea R, Tashiro J, Diesen D, Alemayehu H, Ricca R, Kelley-Quon L, Rialon K. Evaluation and Management of Biliary Dyskinesia in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review From the APSA Outcomes and Evidence-Based Committee. Journal Of Pediatric Surgery 2024, 59: 161678. PMID: 39227244, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2024.08.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSystematic reviewBiliary dyskinesiaOxford Levels of EvidencePreferred Reporting ItemsGrading of RecommendationsAmerican Pediatric Surgical Association OutcomesRisk of biasEvidence-based recommendationsDiagnostic criteriaPredictors of symptom reliefLevel of evidenceNon-operative managementResolution of symptomsPediatric-specific guidelinesOutcome of medical managementLong-term outcomesReporting ItemsNon-randomized studiesOxford LevelsMeta-analysesMethodological IndexAssociated outcomesClinical entityProspective studySymptom reliefCurrent surgical practice for central venous access to deliver chemotherapy and enteral access for nutritional support in pediatric patients with an oncological diagnosis
van den Bosch C, Grant C, Brown E, Morrison Z, Luques L, Christison‐Lagay E, Baertschiger R. Current surgical practice for central venous access to deliver chemotherapy and enteral access for nutritional support in pediatric patients with an oncological diagnosis. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2024, e31206. PMID: 39030929, DOI: 10.1002/pbc.31206.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCentral venous catheterCentral venous accessPediatric patientsEnteral accessVenous accessNutritional supportTunneled central venous cathetersParenteral nutrition deliveryAdministration of chemotherapyLong-term outcomesCurrent surgical practiceDeterminants of outcomeSurgical oncology patientsModern oncology practiceCentral venous catheter managementDeliver chemotherapyVenous cathetersNutrition deliveryNutritional assessmentAccess surgerySurgical perspectiveOncological diagnosisOncology patientsNutritional statusSurgical practice
Clinical Care
Emily Christison-Lagay, MD, is a pediatric surgeon with broad clinical interests spanning the width of pediatric surgery from congenital anomalies in newborns to common childhood surgical conditions (hernias, appendicitis, gallbladder disease) to childhood tumors, trauma, and benign and malignant thyroid disease. She is board-certified in surgery and pediatric surgery and has pursued additional training in the medical and surgical management of pediatric solid tumors including thoracic, liver, and renal tumors, as well as neuroblastoma, childhood sarcomas, and pediatric diseases of the thyroid.
She completed her medical degree at Harvard Medical School and her general surgical residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital, with research in tumor angiogenesis at Boston Children's Hospital. From there, she completed a pediatric surgical fellowship at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, followed by a "super" fellowship in pediatric surgical oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. She is a member of both the Children's Oncology Group and the American Thyroid Association Taskforce on Pediatric Thyroid Disease.
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