What R Mandarin Chinese /ɹ/s? – acoustic and articulatory features of Mandarin Chinese rhotics
Chen S, Whalen D, Mok P. What R Mandarin Chinese /ɹ/s? – acoustic and articulatory features of Mandarin Chinese rhotics. Phonetica 2024, 81: 509-552. PMID: 39279469, PMCID: PMC11449382, DOI: 10.1515/phon-2023-0023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTongue shapeRhotic soundsSyllable positionEffect of syllable positionPhonetic variationPhonetic featuresVowel contextsHigher F2Speech productionArticulatory featuresFricative noiseRhoticsAcoustic differencesMandarinAcoustic featuresPrevocalicLanguageTonguePostvocalicRetroflexVowelsArticulatorySpeakersSoundSpeechThe effect of native language and bilingualism on multimodal perception in speech: A study of audio-aerotactile integrationa)
Saito H, Tiede M, Whalen D, Ménard L. The effect of native language and bilingualism on multimodal perception in speech: A study of audio-aerotactile integrationa). The Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 2024, 155: 2209-2220. PMID: 38526052, PMCID: PMC10965246, DOI: 10.1121/10.0025381.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFrench listenersNative languageEffect of native languageVoice onset time continuumStudy of speech perceptionPerception of stop consonantsFrench monolingualsBilingual speakersNative language(sBilingual listenersLinguistic experienceSyllable onsetsPhoneme perceptionSpeech perceptionListenersAir puffEnglishLanguageBilingualsMonolingualsIdentification taskSpeechTime continuumMultisensory integrationLanguage(sDirect neural coding of speech: Reconsideration of Whalen et al. (2006) (L)
Whalen D. Direct neural coding of speech: Reconsideration of Whalen et al. (2006) (L). The Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 2024, 155: 1704-1706. PMID: 38426833, PMCID: PMC10908555, DOI: 10.1121/10.0025125.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Characterizing sensorimotor profiles in children with residual speech sound disorder: a pilot study
Kabakoff H, Gritsyk O, Harel D, Tiede M, Preston J, Whalen D, McAllister T. Characterizing sensorimotor profiles in children with residual speech sound disorder: a pilot study. Journal Of Communication Disorders 2022, 99: 106230. PMID: 35728449, PMCID: PMC9464712, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcomdis.2022.106230.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAssociated with lower accuracySpeech productionMotor skillsModels of speech productionResidual speech sound disorderSpeech sound disordersPredictor of accuracySomatosensory acuityPost-treatmentSound disordersSpeech errorsSpeech accuracyPilot studySensorimotor profileMotor planningReduced motor skillsProduction accuracySensorimotor measuresPredictive relationshipAuditory acuityStimulation taskSpeechLifelong challengesPre-treatmentSpeech outcomesAcoustic effects of syllable position of English /s/: Is there a “dark” [s]?
Lombardo D, Whalen D, Chen W, Shadle C. Acoustic effects of syllable position of English /s/: Is there a “dark” [s]? Proceedings Of Meetings On Acoustics 2022, 46: 060005. DOI: 10.1121/2.0001725.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchComparing metrics for quantification of children’s tongue shape complexity using ultrasound imaging
Kabakoff H, Beames S, Tiede M, Whalen D, Preston J, McAllister T. Comparing metrics for quantification of children’s tongue shape complexity using ultrasound imaging. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 2022, 37: 169-195. PMID: 35243947, PMCID: PMC9440959, DOI: 10.1080/02699206.2022.2039300.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTongue shapeAdult speakersSample of young childrenSpeech sound disordersVocal tract sizeMotor skillsYoung childrenSound disordersArticulatory complexityDisordered speakersSpeech soundsTongue bodySpeakersSpeech delayAssessment proceduresSpeechTongueDisordersPosterior regionDevelopment of motor skillsChildrenTract sizeSkillsPhonemeInflectionThe effect of gap duration on the perception of fluent versus disfluent speech
Warner H, Whalen D, Harel D, Jackson E. The effect of gap duration on the perception of fluent versus disfluent speech. Journal Of Fluency Disorders 2022, 71: 105896. PMID: 35032922, PMCID: PMC8925352, DOI: 10.1016/j.jfludis.2022.105896.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Extending Ultrasound Tongue Shape Complexity Measures to Speech Development and Disorders.
Kabakoff H, Harel D, Tiede M, Whalen D, McAllister T. Extending Ultrasound Tongue Shape Complexity Measures to Speech Development and Disorders. Journal Of Speech Language And Hearing Research 2021, 64: 2557-2574. PMID: 34232685, PMCID: PMC8632483, DOI: 10.1044/2021_jslhr-20-00537.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpeech sound disordersSound disordersSkilled motor controlSpeech developmentTongue shapeChild's phonemic inventoryChildren's speech developmentMotor controlPhonological knowledgePhonemic inventoryChildren's speechSpeech structureAdult targetsArticulatory patternsSpeech patternsSpeech soundsChild sampleDiagnostic groupsTongue increaseDiagnostic classificationSpeechPhonemeMotor componentsDisordersTreatment approaches
Vowel Acoustics and Speech Intelligibility in Young Adults With Down Syndrome.
Carl M, Kent R, Levy E, Whalen D. Vowel Acoustics and Speech Intelligibility in Young Adults With Down Syndrome. Journal Of Speech Language And Hearing Research 2020, 63: 674-687. PMID: 32160481, DOI: 10.1044/2019_jslhr-19-00204.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCorner vowelsVowel productionSingle-word productionSpeech production deficitsAcoustic measurementsIntelligence scoresYoung adultsSpeech intelligibilityDown syndromeLow vowelsVowel centralizationEnglish wordsFormant dataVowel acousticsProduction deficitsVowelsAdult listenersSpeech impairmentSpeech intelligibility scoresAcoustic findingsSpeakersReduced intelligibilitySpeechTD controlsMethod Participants
Tongue shapes for rhotics in school-age children with and without residual speech errors
Preston J, McCabe P, Tiede M, Whalen D. Tongue shapes for rhotics in school-age children with and without residual speech errors. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 2018, 33: 334-348. PMID: 30199271, PMCID: PMC6409154, DOI: 10.1080/02699206.2018.1517190.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPhonetic documentation in the literature: Coverage rates for topics and languages
Whalen D, DiCanio C, Dockum R. Phonetic documentation in the literature: Coverage rates for topics and languages. The Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 2018, 144: 1936-1936. DOI: 10.1121/1.5068471.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLanguage familiesUnder-documented languageIndo-European languagesInternational Phonetic AssociationJournal of PhoneticsAspects of speechPhonetic substancePhonetic detailPhonetic documentationPhonetic literatureTarget languagePhonetic AssociationArticulatory aspectsLanguageSound systemTypological assessmentPhoneticsSpeechRough guideCoverageTopicsWorld projectsJournalsArticleLiteratureIndividual differences and their effect on the nature of speech motor errors in younger and older adults
Dawson K, Tiede M, Whalen D. Individual differences and their effect on the nature of speech motor errors in younger and older adults. The Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 2018, 144: 1905-1905. DOI: 10.1121/1.5068347.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSpeech errorsOlder adultsAge-related effectsMotor speechWord pairsRating taskCognitive abilitiesSpeech paradigmSpeech movementsBehavioral predictorsLip apertureMotor errorSpeechError tendenciesMetronome rateAdultsTaskTongue contoursIndividual characteristicsArticulatory dataError incidenceMetronomeWordsSpeakersParticipantsTreatment for Residual Rhotic Errors With High- and Low-Frequency Ultrasound Visual Feedback: A Single-Case Experimental Design
Preston J, McAllister T, Phillips E, Boyce S, Tiede M, Kim J, Whalen D. Treatment for Residual Rhotic Errors With High- and Low-Frequency Ultrasound Visual Feedback: A Single-Case Experimental Design. Journal Of Speech Language And Hearing Research 2018, 61: 1-18. PMID: 30073249, PMCID: PMC6198924, DOI: 10.1044/2018_jslhr-s-17-0441.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUltrasound visual feedbackVisual feedbackMultiple-baseline across-subjects designResidual speech errorsSpeech sound learningSpeech therapyTreatment orderAcross-subjects designTreatment conditionsResidual rhotic errorsConsistent with empirical workGroup-level analysisUntreated wordsSpeech errorsSound learningMeasure generalizationRhotic errorsSpeech targetsHF-LFTreatment phaseParticipantsSpeechLF conditionsLF-HFEmpirical work
Non-linear dimensionality reduction for correlated tongue measurement points
Kang J, Whalen D, Nam H. Non-linear dimensionality reduction for correlated tongue measurement points. The Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 2017, 141: 3581-3581. DOI: 10.1121/1.4987635.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPerception and production of American English consonants /v/ and /w/ by Hindi speakers of English
Grover V, Shafer V, Whalen D, Levy E. Perception and production of American English consonants /v/ and /w/ by Hindi speakers of English. The Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 2017, 141: 3516-3516. DOI: 10.1121/1.4987387.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSpeakers of EnglishHindi speakersHindi listenersAmerican EnglishLength of residenceNative Hindi speakersAmerican English consonantsEnglish listenersEnglish consonantsWord formsProduction taskEnglishSpeakersHindiSpeech perceptionListenersPerceptual learningConsonantsFindings shed lightPerceptionLanguageSpeechTraining programTaskTokensUltrasound Images of the Tongue: A Tutorial for Assessment and Remediation of Speech Sound Errors.
Preston J, McAllister Byun T, Boyce S, Hamilton S, Tiede M, Phillips E, Rivera-Campos A, Whalen D. Ultrasound Images of the Tongue: A Tutorial for Assessment and Remediation of Speech Sound Errors. Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2017 PMID: 28117824, PMCID: PMC5351819, DOI: 10.3791/55123.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpeech sound errorsSpeech soundsSound errorsTongue shapeProduction of speech soundsClinical populationsSpeech-language pathologistsArticulatory natureIncorrect productionsError soundsSpeechSource of feedbackUltrasound feedbackSpeech therapyLingual soundsTongueExtended exampleSoundSpeakersClinical contextVisual feedbackIllustrative modelPathologistsContextClinicians
Recurrence Quantification Analysis of Sentence-Level Speech Kinematics
Jackson E, Tiede M, Riley M, Whalen D. Recurrence Quantification Analysis of Sentence-Level Speech Kinematics. Journal Of Speech Language And Hearing Research 2016, 59: 1315-1326. PMID: 27824987, PMCID: PMC5399759, DOI: 10.1044/2016_jslhr-s-16-0008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe Impact of Social–Cognitive Stress on Speech Variability, Determinism, and Stability in Adults Who Do and Do Not Stutter
Jackson E, Tiede M, Beal D, Whalen D. The Impact of Social–Cognitive Stress on Speech Variability, Determinism, and Stability in Adults Who Do and Do Not Stutter. Journal Of Speech Language And Hearing Research 2016, 59: 1295-1314. PMID: 27936276, PMCID: PMC5399758, DOI: 10.1044/2016_jslhr-s-16-0145.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDirect Perceptions of Carol Fowler's Theoretical Perspective
Whalen D. Direct Perceptions of Carol Fowler's Theoretical Perspective. Ecological Psychology 2016, 28: 183-187. PMID: 28584497, PMCID: PMC5456457, DOI: 10.1080/10407413.2016.1230367.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
A dual task study of the effects of increased cognitive load on speech motor control
Dawson K, Bomide G, Tiede M, Whalen D. A dual task study of the effects of increased cognitive load on speech motor control. The Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 2015, 138: 1779-1779. DOI: 10.1121/1.4933632.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInhibition taskCognitive loadEffect of increased cognitive loadBehavioral task performanceSpeech motor taskSpeech motor controlDual-task studiesSpeech taskSpeech measuresCognitive demandsTask performanceTask studiesVisual attentionMotor tasksNature of variablesMotor controlF0 measuresSpeech acousticsTaskConcurrent recordingMemorySpeechAnalysis of kinematic dataParticipantsKinematic data