Video-rate nanoscopy using sCMOS camera–specific single-molecule localization algorithms
Huang F, Hartwich TM, Rivera-Molina FE, Lin Y, Duim WC, Long JJ, Uchil PD, Myers JR, Baird MA, Mothes W, Davidson MW, Toomre D, Bewersdorf J. Video-rate nanoscopy using sCMOS camera–specific single-molecule localization algorithms. Nature Methods 2013, 10: 653-658. PMID: 23708387, PMCID: PMC3696415, DOI: 10.1038/nmeth.2488.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
3-D Reconstruction of Microtubules from Multi-Angle Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy Using Bayesian Framework
Yang Q, Karpikov A, Toomre D, Duncan JS. 3-D Reconstruction of Microtubules from Multi-Angle Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy Using Bayesian Framework. IEEE Transactions On Image Processing 2011, 20: 2248-2259. PMID: 21324778, DOI: 10.1109/tip.2011.2114359.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEvanescent fieldDifferent penetration depthsTIRF imagesPenetration depthSamples of microtubulesLaser beamTotal internal reflection fluorescence microscopyAxial resolutionReflection fluorescence microscopyLarge radiusIncident angleMulti-angle total internal reflection fluorescence microscopyElectron microscopy imagesTIRF dataSmall radiusTracking of microtubulesMicroscopy imagesFluorescence microscopyMicroscopyRadiusReconstruction resultsCurvilinear characteristicsZ-dimensionExperimental calibrationMicrotubule curvatureAn Expectation Maximization Based Method for Subcellular Particle Tracking Using Multi-angle TIRF Microscopy
Liang L, Shen H, De Camilli P, Toomre DK, Duncan JS. An Expectation Maximization Based Method for Subcellular Particle Tracking Using Multi-angle TIRF Microscopy. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 2011, 14: 629-636. PMID: 22003671, PMCID: PMC3648983, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23623-5_79.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Estimation of 3D Geometry of Microtubules Using Multi-angle Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy
Yang Q, Karpikov A, Toomre D, Duncan J. Estimation of 3D Geometry of Microtubules Using Multi-angle Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 2010, 13: 538-545. PMID: 20879357, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-15745-5_66.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTotal internal reflection fluorescence microscopyReflection fluorescence microscopyTotal internal reflection fluorescence microscopy imagesPtK2 cellsMicrotubulesFluorescence microscopyTIRF imagesImportant biological parametersTIRF dataFluorescence microscopy imagesMulti-angle total internal reflection fluorescence microscopyBiological parametersMicrotubule curvatureBiological samples
Measuring Spatiotemporal Dependencies in Bivariate Temporal Random Sets with Applications to Cell Biology
Diaz E, Sebastian R, Ayala G, Diaz M, Zoncu R, Toomre D, Gasman S. Measuring Spatiotemporal Dependencies in Bivariate Temporal Random Sets with Applications to Cell Biology. IEEE Transactions On Pattern Analysis And Machine Intelligence 2008, 30: 1659-1671. PMID: 18617722, DOI: 10.1109/tpami.2007.70821.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMotion tracking of the outer tips of microtubules
Hadjidemetriou S, Toomre D, Duncan J. Motion tracking of the outer tips of microtubules. Medical Image Analysis 2008, 12: 689-702. PMID: 18571462, DOI: 10.1016/j.media.2008.04.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMicrotubule assemblyCoordination of mitosisTransport of chromosomesHigh throughput quantitative studiesNumerous critical rolesMicrotubule tipsLiving cellsCell migrationStructural tracksConfocal microscopyEpifluorescent microscopyNeurodegenerative diseasesCritical roleCell pathologyMicrotubulesAssemblyCellsSequenceOuter tipChromosomesOrganellesMitosisAbnormal functionCytoplasmVesiclesAutomatic Detection of Large Dense-Core Vesicles in Secretory Cells and Statistical Analysis of Their Intracellular Distribution
DÃaz E, Ayala G, DÃaz ME, Gong LW, Toomre D. Automatic Detection of Large Dense-Core Vesicles in Secretory Cells and Statistical Analysis of Their Intracellular Distribution. IEEE/ACM Transactions On Computational Biology And Bioinformatics 2008, 7: 2-11. PMID: 20150664, DOI: 10.1109/tcbb.2008.30.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAlgorithmsAnimalsAnimals, NewbornArtificial IntelligenceCells, CulturedChromaffin CellsChromaffin GranulesComputer SimulationData Interpretation, StatisticalImage EnhancementImage Interpretation, Computer-AssistedInformation Storage and RetrievalMiceMicroscopy, ElectronModels, BiologicalModels, StatisticalPattern Recognition, AutomatedReproducibility of ResultsSecretory VesiclesSensitivity and SpecificityConceptsPlasma membraneLarge dense-core vesiclesDense-core vesiclesDifferent spatial point processesRegulated exocytosisLocation of granulesStudy of secretionIntracellular distributionCell cytoplasmSecretory cellsDysfunctional secretionDifferent cellsFunctional descriptorsDifferent cell groupsAnalysis of diseasesVesiclesCellsMembraneNovel toolCell groupsDensity of granulesGranulesExocytosisCytoplasmMorphological appearance
Analysis of Spatially and Temporally Overlapping Events with Application to Image Sequences
Ayala G, Sebastian R, DÃaz ME, DÃaz E, Zoncu R, Toomre D. Analysis of Spatially and Temporally Overlapping Events with Application to Image Sequences. IEEE Transactions On Pattern Analysis And Machine Intelligence 2006, 28: 1707-1712. PMID: 16986551, DOI: 10.1109/tpami.2006.199.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction of Microtubules in Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy (TIRFM)
Hadjidemetriou S, Toomre D, Duncan JS. Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction of Microtubules in Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy (TIRFM). Lecture Notes In Computer Science 2005, 8: 761-769. PMID: 16685915, DOI: 10.1007/11566465_94.Peer-Reviewed Original Research