Niacin skin flush and membrane polyunsaturated fatty acids in schizophrenia from the acute state to partial remission: a dynamic relationship
Yu Y, Su H, Lin S, Hsiao P, Lin Y, Liu C, Hwang T, Hsieh M, Liu C, Chien Y, Kuo C, Hwu H, Chen W. Niacin skin flush and membrane polyunsaturated fatty acids in schizophrenia from the acute state to partial remission: a dynamic relationship. Schizophrenia 2022, 8: 38. PMID: 35853900, PMCID: PMC9261101, DOI: 10.1038/s41537-022-00252-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSchizophrenia patientsMembrane polyunsaturated fatty acidsNiacin skin testFlushing responseArachidonic acid levelsArachidonic acidFollow-upIncreased turnover of arachidonic acidSkin testFlush scorePolyunsaturated fatty acidsVulnerability to schizophreniaTurnover of arachidonic acidDihomo-gamma-linolenic acidSchizophrenia inpatientsPartial remissionSchizophreniaAcute exacerbationSkin flushingHealthy controlsControl-to-case ratioPatientsPersistent decreaseDocosahexaenoic acidIncreased turnover
Six Gynecological Cancer Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 After Surgery or Radio-/Chemo-Therapy Treatment: Case Series
Liu C, Huang Y, Qin T, Guo E, Wu P, Sun C, Chen G. Six Gynecological Cancer Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 After Surgery or Radio-/Chemo-Therapy Treatment: Case Series. Frontiers In Oncology 2020, 10: 1606. PMID: 33042803, PMCID: PMC7522534, DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2020.01606.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTreatment of gynecological cancer patientsGynecologic cancer patientsCancer patientsSARS-CoV-2History of cancer treatmentTreatment historyLow immune stateRaised white blood cellNosocomial SARS-CoV-2 infectionDifficulty of diagnosisCancer treatment historySARS-CoV-2 infectionWhite blood cellsDiagnosis of COVID-19Symptoms of COVID-19Antiviral treatmentAtypical symptomsAuxiliary examinationsTongji HospitalTreatment of COVID-19Treatment planningImmune stateCancer-related treatmentPatientsCancer treatmentDevelopment and Validation of a Machine Learning Individualized Treatment Rule in First-Episode Schizophrenia
Wu C, Luedtke A, Sadikova E, Tsai H, Liao S, Liu C, Gau S, VanderWeele T, Kessler R. Development and Validation of a Machine Learning Individualized Treatment Rule in First-Episode Schizophrenia. JAMA Network Open 2020, 3: e1921660. PMID: 32083693, PMCID: PMC7043195, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.21660.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFirst-episode schizophreniaAntipsychotic medicationPrescribed antipsychotic medicationTreatment success rateTreatment successSchizophrenic disordersFirst-episodeSuccess rateSchizophreniaProbability of treatment successTaiwan National Health Insurance Research DatabaseNational Health Insurance Research DatabaseHealth Insurance Research DatabaseEstimating treatment successValidation sampleIndividualized treatment rulesMedicationPrognostic studyPatientsInvestigated biomarkersClinical implementationDischarge diagnosisClinical observationsDemographic dataPragmatic trialResected Pancreatic Cancer With N2 Node Involvement Is Refractory to Gemcitabine-Based Adjuvant Chemotherapy
Liu C, Cheng H, Jin K, Fan Z, Gong Y, Qian Y, Deng S, Huang Q, Ni Q, Yu X, Luo G. Resected Pancreatic Cancer With N2 Node Involvement Is Refractory to Gemcitabine-Based Adjuvant Chemotherapy. Cancer Control 2020, 27: 1073274820915947. PMID: 32268796, PMCID: PMC7153189, DOI: 10.1177/1073274820915947.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGemcitabine-based adjuvant chemotherapyResectable pancreatic cancerPancreatic cancerAdjuvant chemotherapyN2 node involvementNode involvementCurative resection of pancreatic adenocarcinomaResection of pancreatic adenocarcinomaGemcitabine-based regimenGemcitabine-based treatmentNode-positive subgroupEfficacy of gemcitabineGemcitabine-based chemotherapyN2 tumorsAdjuvant regimenNodal involvementNodal statusNode-negativeCurative resectionPancreatic adenocarcinomaSubgroup patientsLymphatic metastasisChemotherapyPatientsCancer
Genetic associations and expression of extra-short isoforms of disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 in a neurocognitive subgroup of schizophrenia
Liu C, Liu Y, Hwu H, Fann C, Yang U, Hsu P, Chang C, Chen W, Hwang T, Hsieh M, Liu C, Chien Y, Lin Y, Tsuang M. Genetic associations and expression of extra-short isoforms of disrupted-in-schizophrenia 1 in a neurocognitive subgroup of schizophrenia. Journal Of Human Genetics 2019, 64: 653-663. PMID: 30976040, DOI: 10.1038/s10038-019-0597-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDisrupted-in-schizophrenia 1Deficient sustained attentionSchizophrenia patientsContinuous Performance TestFrequency of AA genotypeRisk polymorphismsNeurocognitive subgroupsAssociated with schizophreniaEBV-transformed lymphocytesSustained attentionAA genotypeG alleleMRNA expression levelsA allelePatientsFamilial loadingIntron 4Genetic variantsSchizophreniaIsoform transcriptsGenetic associationSNPsExpression levelsIsoformsESV1
Application of the Eighth Edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Liu C, Cheng H, Jin K, Guo M, Lu Y, Wang Z, Yang C, Long J, Ni Q, Yu X, Luo G. Application of the Eighth Edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Pancreas 2018, 47: 742-747. PMID: 29851752, DOI: 10.1097/mpa.0000000000001073.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAmerican Joint Committee on CancerAmerican Joint Committee on Cancer stageTumor resectionPancreatic cancerEighth editionAmerican Joint Committee on Cancer eighth editionAmerican Joint Committee on Cancer seventh editionStage classificationLymph node involvementEnd Results registrySeventh editionPrognosis to patientsNode involvementTumor diameterPositive nodesInstitutional seriesPancreatic adenocarcinomaCancer stageStage distributionSurvival curvesPatientsSurvival analysisTumorStatistical differenceCancer
Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio predicts survival in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Luo G, Liu C, Cheng H, Jin K, Guo M, Lu Y, Long J, Xu J, Ni Q, Chen J, Yu X. Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio predicts survival in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Oncology Letters 2017, 13: 2454-2458. PMID: 28454419, PMCID: PMC5403377, DOI: 10.3892/ol.2017.5716.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNeutrophil-lymphocyte ratioPancreatic neuroendocrine tumorsOverall survivalPrognostic factorsPrognostic roleNeuroendocrine tumorsRole of NLRBaseline NLR levelHigh-risk patientsKaplan-Meier methodPoor prognostic factorTNM stage IIIROC curveG2/G3Variety of tumorsNLR levelsNLR valuesConsecutive patientsIndependent predictorsTumor sizeSingle institutionClinical dataStage IIIAggressive characteristicsPatients
Lymph node status predicts the benefit of adjuvant chemoradiotherapy for patients with resected pancreatic cancer
Liu Z, Luo G, Guo M, Jin K, Xiao Z, Liu L, Liu C, Xu J, Ni Q, Long J, Yu X. Lymph node status predicts the benefit of adjuvant chemoradiotherapy for patients with resected pancreatic cancer. Pancreatology 2015, 15: 253-258. PMID: 25921232, DOI: 10.1016/j.pan.2015.03.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdenocarcinomaAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAntineoplastic AgentsAntineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy ProtocolsChemoradiotherapy, AdjuvantDeoxycytidineFemaleHumansLymph NodesLymphatic MetastasisMaleMiddle AgedPancreatectomyPancreatic NeoplasmsRetrospective StudiesSurvival AnalysisTreatment OutcomeConceptsAdjuvant chemoradiotherapyLymph node statusNode statusPancreatic cancerPancreatic adenocarcinomaDifferent lymph node statusCurative R0 resectionEffect of chemoradiotherapyImproved median OSLN-negative diseaseLN-positive diseaseRole of lymphOverall median survivalMedian OSAdjuvant therapyR0 resectionMedian survivalPositive diseaseNegative diseaseChemoradiotherapyPatientsMultivariate analysisDiseaseLymphAdenocarcinomaMetabolic tumor burden is associated with major oncogenomic alterations and serum tumor markers in patients with resected pancreatic cancer
Shi S, Ji S, Qin Y, Xu J, Zhang B, Xu W, Liu J, Long J, Liu C, Liu L, Ni Q, Yu X. Metabolic tumor burden is associated with major oncogenomic alterations and serum tumor markers in patients with resected pancreatic cancer. Cancer Letters 2015, 360: 227-233. PMID: 25687883, DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2015.02.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMetabolic tumor burdenMetabolic tumor volumeSerum tumor markersTumor burdenTumor markersPancreatic cancerAbnormal expressions of TP53Abnormal expressionMonitoring treatment responsePancreatic cancer patientsProgression of pancreatic cancerExpression of TP53Tumor volumeCA19-9SMAD4/DPC4 geneTreatment responseCancer patientsDisease progressionPET/CTPredictive significanceSurvival rateLethal diseasePatientsCancerSerum
18F-FDG PET/CT can be used to detect non-functioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors
Luo G, Liu Z, Guo M, Jin K, Xiao Z, Liu L, Xu J, Zhang B, Liu C, Huang D, Hu S, Ni Q, Long J, Yu X. 18F-FDG PET/CT can be used to detect non-functioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. International Journal Of Oncology 2014, 45: 1531-1536. PMID: 25096059, DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2014.2570.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-functioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumorsPancreatic neuroendocrine tumorsPET/CTNeuroendocrine tumorsNon-functioning endocrine pancreatic tumorsPET/CT scansDistant metastatic lesionsShanghai Cancer CenterEndocrine pancreatic tumorsClinical characteristicsMetastatic lesionsTumor sizeCancer CenterTNM stagePancreatic tumorsLarge cohortCT scanClinical valueAdvanced stageSignificant associationTumorsPatientsCTCohortLesions
Deep Sequencing Analysis of HCV NS3 Resistance-Associated Variants and Mutation Linkage in Liver Transplant Recipients
Kirst M, Li E, Wang C, Dong H, Liu C, Fried M, Nelson D, Wang G. Deep Sequencing Analysis of HCV NS3 Resistance-Associated Variants and Mutation Linkage in Liver Transplant Recipients. PLOS ONE 2013, 8: e69698. PMID: 23922778, PMCID: PMC3726766, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0069698.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsResistance-associated variantsProtease inhibitorsChronic HCV infectionLiver transplant recipientsHCV drug resistanceFuture therapeutic strategiesHCV protease inhibitorsMutation linkageHigh-level resistanceLow levelsPI monotherapyTransplant recipientsHCV infectionLiver transplantLiver transplantationAntiviral therapyHCV populationTherapeutic strategiesViral variantsDrug resistanceDecreased susceptibilityQuasispecies populationPatientsDominant variantDeep sequencing analysis
Management of a Malignant Case of Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor of Pancreas
Ji S, Xu J, Zhang B, Xu Y, Liu C, Long J, Ni Q, Yu X. Management of a Malignant Case of Solid Pseudopapillary Tumor of Pancreas. Pancreas 2012, 41: 1336-1340. PMID: 22699200, DOI: 10.1097/mpa.0b013e31824d52c7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSolid pseudopapillary tumorMalignant SPTPseudopapillary tumorCase of solid pseudopapillary tumorCases of metastasisUnresectable tumorsExcellent prognosisMalignant potentialClinicopathological featuresSurgical removalMalignant casesTumorYoung femalesPancreasRadiotherapyChemotherapyMetastasisNeoplasmsPrognosisRecurrencePatientsCasesOPA1 downregulation is involved in sorafenib-induced apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma
Zhao X, Tian C, Puszyk W, Ogunwobi O, Cao M, Wang T, Cabrera R, Nelson D, Liu C. OPA1 downregulation is involved in sorafenib-induced apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma. Laboratory Investigation 2012, 93: 8-19. PMID: 23108376, PMCID: PMC3860369, DOI: 10.1038/labinvest.2012.144.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsApoptosisCarcinoma, HepatocellularCell Line, TumorCytochromes cDown-RegulationGene Knockdown TechniquesGTP PhosphohydrolasesHumansLiverLiver NeoplasmsMiceMice, SCIDMitochondriaNiacinamidePhenylurea CompoundsPhosphatidylinositol 3-KinasesProto-Oncogene Proteins c-aktraf Kinasesras ProteinsRNA, Small InterferingSignal TransductionSorafenibXenograft Model Antitumor AssaysConceptsHepatocellular carcinomaSorafenib-induced apoptosisHCC xenograft tumor growthOptic atrophy 1HCC cellsPatients' hepatocellular carcinomaNon-tumor tissue samplesAdvanced hepatocellular carcinomaPathogenesis of HCCNovel therapeutic targetTumorigenesis of HCCXenograft tumor growthTumor tissue analysisNormal human primary hepatocytesHuman primary hepatocytesCell growth inhibitionSorafenib treatmentHCC patientsTherapeutic targetExposure of cellsTumor growthMitochondrial injuryPatientsSorafenibOPA1 expressionSerum levels of soluble CD25 as a marker for hepatocellular carcinoma
CABRERA R, FITIAN A, ARARAT M, XU Y, BRUSKO T, WASSERFALL C, ATKINSON M, LIU C, NELSON D. Serum levels of soluble CD25 as a marker for hepatocellular carcinoma. Oncology Letters 2012, 4: 840-846. PMID: 23205111, PMCID: PMC3506698, DOI: 10.3892/ol.2012.826.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSerum levelsEarly hepatocellular carcinomaHepatocellular carcinomaHCC presenceSoluble CD25Pg/Levels of sCD25Healthy control subjectsNovel predictive markerAdvanced cirrhosisPresent study studyAdvanced fibrosisTumor burdenTumor stageControl subjectsHCC patientsPredictive markerImmune factorsGlobal unmet needLarge cohortSCD25PatientsSmall seriesUnmet needSignificant positive correlation
Therapeutic and prognostic importance of epithelial–mesenchymal transition in liver cancers: Insights from experimental models
Ogunwobi O, Liu C. Therapeutic and prognostic importance of epithelial–mesenchymal transition in liver cancers: Insights from experimental models. Critical Reviews In Oncology/Hematology 2011, 83: 319-328. PMID: 22178416, DOI: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2011.11.007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEpithelial-mesenchymal transitionHepatocellular carcinomaHepatic metastasesPrognostic importanceExperimental modelColon cancerTreatment of patientsRole of EMTHuman cancer patientsPotential therapeutic targetHuman malignant diseaseSignificant morbidityCancer patientsMalignant diseaseMalignant conditionsLiver cancerTherapeutic targetBasic scientistsCancerFurther studiesPatientsCarcinomaMetastasisLiverHuman tissues
Presentation and Management of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors of the Duodenum
Winfield R, Hochwald S, Vogel S, Hemming A, Liu C, Cance W, Grobmyer S. Presentation and Management of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors of the Duodenum. The American Surgeon 2006, 72: 719-723. PMID: 16913316, DOI: 10.1177/000313480607200811.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDuodenal gastrointestinal stromal tumorGastrointestinal stromal tumorsSmall bowel gastrointestinal stromal tumorsGastric gastrointestinal stromal tumorsStromal tumorsPartial duodenal resectionHistory of neurofibromatosisPortion of duodenumDuodenal resectionGastrointestinal bleedingMedian sizeAdjuvant therapyCommon presentationComplete resectionRetrospective reviewSmall bowelRare tumorCase reportSingle institutionIncidental findingPatientsPancreaticoduodenectomyResectionTumorsDuodenumCombined hepatic resection and radiofrequency ablation for multiple hepatic adenomas
Fujita S, Kushihata F, Herrmann G, Mergo P, Liu C, Nelson D, Fujikawa T, Hemming A. Combined hepatic resection and radiofrequency ablation for multiple hepatic adenomas. Journal Of Gastroenterology And Hepatology 2006, 21: 1351-1354. PMID: 16872326, DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1746.2006.03184.x.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Interleukin-1 Inhibits Hepatitis C Virus Subgenomic RNA Replication by Activation of Extracellular Regulated Kinase Pathway
Zhu H, Liu C. Interleukin-1 Inhibits Hepatitis C Virus Subgenomic RNA Replication by Activation of Extracellular Regulated Kinase Pathway. Journal Of Virology 2003, 77: 5493-5498. PMID: 12692250, PMCID: PMC153991, DOI: 10.1128/jvi.77.9.5493-5498.2003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInterferon-stimulated genesHepatitis C virusInterleukin-1Antiviral activityHCV subgenomic RNA replicationDirect antiviral activityIL-1 productionReplicon cell linesNovel antiviral pathwayViral protein expressionViral clearanceC virusChronic infectionInflammatory processRNA replicationExtracellular-regulated kinase (ERK) pathwayAntiviral pathwaysInhibitory effectProtein expressionCell linesKinase pathwayKinase activationActivationPatientsInfection