Shared and distinct parental influences on teen impaired driving in rural and suburban contexts: A mixed methods study of young drivers
Camenga D, Li K, Banz B, Zuniga V, Iannotti R, Grayton C, Haynie D, Simons-Morton B, Curry L, Vaca F. Shared and distinct parental influences on teen impaired driving in rural and suburban contexts: A mixed methods study of young drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention 2023, 193: 107330. PMID: 37788529, PMCID: PMC10634432, DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2023.107330.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAccidents, TrafficAdolescentAdultAlcohol DrinkingAutomobile DrivingChildHumansParentsSchoolsConceptsParental influenceTrajectory classesNEXT Generation Health StudyHigh schoolYoung driversParent modelingRural adolescentsImpaired driversSuburban adolescentsEcodevelopmental theoryChildren's riskImpaired behaviorMixed-methods studyAdolescentsQualitative interviewsPrevention interventionsParticipantsMethods studyContextInterviewsSchoolsPurposeful selectionRural contextSuburban contextAdulthoodLongitudinal perspectives of riding with a cannabis-impaired driver
Banz B, Camenga D, Li K, Zuniga V, Iannotti R, Grayton C, Haynie D, Simons-Morton B, Curry L, Vaca F. Longitudinal perspectives of riding with a cannabis-impaired driver. Accident Analysis & Prevention 2023, 193: 107300. PMID: 37717297, PMCID: PMC10757553, DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2023.107300.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCannabis-impaired driversYoung adulthoodTrajectory classesHigh schoolNEXT Generation Health StudyAdolescent health behaviorsYoung driversSemi-structured interviewsLongitudinal perspectiveEveryday activitiesMultifaceted natureAdulthoodHealth behaviorsQualitative interviewsUnique themesParticipantsSchoolsTheoretical modelInterviewsLegal concernsPerceptionContextEmergeDriversThemesDo adolescent trajectories of riding with an impaired driver and driving impaired predict similar behaviors in early adulthood?
Li K, Camenga D, Banz B, Zuniga V, Iannotti R, Grayton C, Dziura J, Haynie D, Simons-Morton B, Curry L, Vaca F. Do adolescent trajectories of riding with an impaired driver and driving impaired predict similar behaviors in early adulthood? Accident Analysis & Prevention 2023, 193: 107304. PMID: 37729749, PMCID: PMC10591885, DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2023.107304.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDWI behaviorEarly adulthoodMarijuana useImpaired driversAnnual assessment wavesNEXT Generation Health StudyAdolescent trajectoriesLatent class analysis studyRepresentative longitudinal studyAssessment wavesNext participantHigher engagementTrajectory classesLongitudinal studyProspective associationsMixed-methods studyLatest followWork hoursRelated deathsLong-term effectsAdulthoodInterview 4Health StudyHealth statusGrade cohorts
Brain-based limitations in attention and secondary task engagement during high-fidelity driving simulation among young adults.
Banz BC, Wu J, Camenga DR, Mayes LC, Crowley MJ, Vaca FE. Brain-based limitations in attention and secondary task engagement during high-fidelity driving simulation among young adults. Neuroreport 2020, 31: 619-623. PMID: 32366810, DOI: 10.1097/wnr.0000000000001451.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAuditory attention taskP3 responseAttention taskNo-Load ConditionSelective auditory attention taskEvent-related potential componentHigh-fidelity driving simulationPosterior sitesSecondary task engagementPosterior midline sitesPosterior P2Auditory attentionAttention processingAuditory taskAttention conditionAttention capabilitiesCognitive loadTask engagementNeural processingFrontal sitesAuditory stimuliAuditory tonesP3 componentDistracted drivingP2 responses
Complexities of Young Driver Injury and Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes.
Banz BC, Fell JC, Vaca FE. Complexities of Young Driver Injury and Fatal Motor Vehicle Crashes. The Yale Journal Of Biology And Medicine 2019, 92: 725-731. PMID: 31866787, PMCID: PMC6913817.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAccidents, TrafficAdolescentAutomobile DrivingHumansMotor VehiclesNeurosciencesYoung AdultConceptsYoung driversAlcohol/drug useMotor vehicle crashesRisk of drivingNeuroscience methodsCognitive developmentPsychosocial developmentDriver trainingFatal motor vehicle crashesDriver inexperiencePeer influenceYoung driver crashesIntervention programsYoung adulthoodTraffic safety legislationBrain maturationCrash risk factorsPrevention scienceYoung adultsVehicle crashesDriver crashesCompressive understandingImportant underlying reasonsComprehensive trainingMultidisciplinary research approachRealistic driving simulation during generalized epileptiform discharges to identify electroencephalographic features related to motor vehicle safety: Feasibility and pilot study
Cohen E, Antwi P, Banz BC, Vincent P, Saha R, Arencibia CA, Ryu JH, Atac E, Saleem N, Tomatsu S, Swift K, Hu C, Krestel H, Farooque P, Levy S, Wu J, Crowley M, Vaca FE, Blumenfeld H. Realistic driving simulation during generalized epileptiform discharges to identify electroencephalographic features related to motor vehicle safety: Feasibility and pilot study. Epilepsia 2019, 61: 19-28. PMID: 31646628, PMCID: PMC7424790, DOI: 10.1111/epi.16356.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEpileptiform dischargesGeneralized epileptiform dischargesEEG amplitudeClinical seizuresElectroencephalographic featuresGeneralized epilepsyLarger sample sizeDriving impairmentClinical accompanimentBaseline testingPilot studyMotor vehicle safetyLonger durationSimultaneous EEGSeizuresVisual stimuliEEGSubjectsStimuliRiskSafetyDurationSample sizeResponseEpilepsyRelationships between drinking quantity and frequency and behavioral and hippocampal BOLD responses during working memory performance involving allocentric spatial navigation in college students
Banz BC, Worhunsky PD, Pittman BP, Astur RS, Tennen HA, Raskin SA, Austad CS, Wood RM, Fallahi CR, Potenza MN, Pearlson GD. Relationships between drinking quantity and frequency and behavioral and hippocampal BOLD responses during working memory performance involving allocentric spatial navigation in college students. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2019, 201: 236-243. PMID: 31254750, PMCID: PMC7370814, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.03.030.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpatial working memorySix monthsYoung adult healthDorsolateral prefrontal cortexFrequency of drinkingVirtual Morris water taskVisible trialsNeurocognitive impairmentMorris water taskHippocampal functionCognitive deficitsPrefrontal cortexAlcohol useAdult HealthYoung adultsBOLD responseDrinking weekTrialsAllocentric spatial navigationGreater frequencyWater taskFuture studiesH periodDrinkingCurrent study
Gender-related Differences in Inhibitory Control and Sustained Attention among Adolescents with Prenatal Cocaine Exposure.
Banz BC, Wu J, Crowley MJ, Potenza MN, Mayes LC. Gender-related Differences in Inhibitory Control and Sustained Attention among Adolescents with Prenatal Cocaine Exposure. The Yale Journal Of Biology And Medicine 2016, 89: 143-51. PMID: 27354841, PMCID: PMC4918878.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrenatal cocaine exposureSustained attentionAttention trialsInhibitory controlCocaine exposureGreater sustained attentionGender-related differencesGreater risk behaviorNeural correlatesResponse inhibitionElectrophysiological correlatesTrial typesInhibition trialsAttention indexImportant gender-related differencesElectrophysiological responsesAdolescentsUnderlying processRisk behaviorsCorrelatesBoysAttentionAdolescenceLarger responsesGender