Highly Reactive Group I Introns Ubiquitous in Pathogenic Fungi
Liu T, Pyle A. Highly Reactive Group I Introns Ubiquitous in Pathogenic Fungi. Journal Of Molecular Biology 2024, 436: 168513. PMID: 38447889, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmb.2024.168513.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGroup I intronsAntifungal drug targetsRNA metabolismPathogenic fungiPhylogeny of fungiSelf-splicing intronsDrug targetsSystemic fungal infectionsGenetic hotspotsRiboregulatory elementsMitochondrial intronsMitochondrial genesBioinformatics pipelineC. aurisCandida aurisRelevant fungiRNA elementsAspergillus fumigatusC. albicansHousekeeping genesCandida albicansNoncoding transcriptomeCryptococcus neoformansFungal infectionsFungi
Discovery of highly reactive self-splicing group II introns within the mitochondrial genomes of human pathogenic fungi
Liu T, Pyle AM. Discovery of highly reactive self-splicing group II introns within the mitochondrial genomes of human pathogenic fungi. Nucleic Acids Research 2021, 49: 12422-12432. PMID: 34850132, PMCID: PMC8643640, DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkab1077.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGroup II intronsSelf-splicing group II intronsPathogenic fungiDrug targetsAntifungal drug targetsSelf-splicing intronsHuman pathogenic fungiMitochondrial genomeNear-physiological conditionsPromising drug targetProtein cofactorsStriking diversitySequence dataIntronsFungal pathogensInformatics searchBioinformatics workflowsFungiDimorphic fungusStructural signaturesPathogensGenomeCofactorDiversityTargetNoncoding RNAs: biology and applications—a Keystone Symposia report
Cable J, Heard E, Hirose T, Prasanth KV, Chen L, Henninger JE, Quinodoz SA, Spector DL, Diermeier SD, Porman AM, Kumar D, Feinberg MW, Shen X, Unfried JP, Johnson R, Chen C, Wilusz JE, Lempradl A, McGeary SE, Wahba L, Pyle AM, Hargrove AE, Simon MD, Marcia M, Przanowska RK, Chang HY, Jaffrey SR, Contreras LM, Chen Q, Shi J, Mendell JT, He L, Song E, Rinn JL, Lalwani MK, Kalem MC, Chuong EB, Maquat LE, Liu X. Noncoding RNAs: biology and applications—a Keystone Symposia report. Annals Of The New York Academy Of Sciences 2021, 1506: 118-141. PMID: 34791665, PMCID: PMC9808899, DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14713.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPIWI-interacting RNAsKeystone Symposia reportPotential drug targetsRNA biologyHuman transcriptomeEpigenetic modificationsKeystone eSymposiumNoncoding RNAsCell signalingBasic biologyDrug targetsRNABiologyDisease mechanismsNucleotidesSpeciesTranscriptomeImportant roleRNAsTranscriptionSymposium reportSignalingTranslationRoleTargetComprehensive in vivo secondary structure of the SARS-CoV-2 genome reveals novel regulatory motifs and mechanisms
Huston NC, Wan H, Strine MS, de Cesaris Araujo Tavares R, Wilen CB, Pyle AM. Comprehensive in vivo secondary structure of the SARS-CoV-2 genome reveals novel regulatory motifs and mechanisms. Molecular Cell 2021, 81: 584-598.e5. PMID: 33444546, PMCID: PMC7775661, DOI: 10.1016/j.molcel.2020.12.041.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRNA structureSecondary structureRNA virusesSARS-CoV-2 RNA genomeNovel regulatory motifsSingle-nucleotide resolutionDownstream functional analysisRNA drug targetsPositive-sense RNA virusesGenome architectureGenomic structureEvolutionary analysisRegulatory motifsSARS-CoV-2 genomeViral life cycleRNA genomeFunctional analysisGenomeDrug targetsPrimer designInfected cellsViral RNADepth structural analysisLife cycleÎ’-coronavirus
The Global and Local Distribution of RNA Structure throughout the SARS-CoV-2 Genome
de Cesaris Araujo Tavares R, Mahadeshwar G, Wan H, Huston NC, Pyle AM. The Global and Local Distribution of RNA Structure throughout the SARS-CoV-2 Genome. Journal Of Virology 2020, 95: 10.1128/jvi.02190-20. PMID: 33268519, PMCID: PMC8092842, DOI: 10.1128/jvi.02190-20.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSARS-CoV-2 genomeRNA structureRNA genomeRNA virusesViral genomeIndividual RNA structuresDrug targetsSARS-CoV-2 RNA genomeSilico pipelineMost RNA virusesRNA structural featuresComplex viral genomesRNA drug targetsStructured viral RNAsPotential drug targetsViral RNAViral infection cycleBase pair contentRNA biologyStructural ORFsLong genomeCellular mixturesGenomeRNA transcriptsInfection cycle
The hepatitis C viral NS3 protein is a processive DNA helicase with cofactor enhanced RNA unwinding
Pang PS, Jankowsky E, Planet PJ, Pyle AM. The hepatitis C viral NS3 protein is a processive DNA helicase with cofactor enhanced RNA unwinding. The EMBO Journal 2002, 21: 1168-1176. PMID: 11867545, PMCID: PMC125889, DOI: 10.1093/emboj/21.5.1168.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRNA unwindingHelicase activityDNA helicase activityCytoplasmic RNA virusesProcessive DNA helicaseImportant drug targetsReplicative DNA intermediatesNS3 helicase activityViral NS3 proteinDNA helicaseDuplex unwindingPhylogenetic analysisReplicative roleProcessive helicaseDNA intermediatesHelicaseHost DNARNA virusesRNA activityRNA replicationDrug targetsNS3 proteinUnwindingCentral roleDNA