Clinical Benefits of Achieving Hemoglobin (Hb) Levels ≥ 10 g/dL in Transfusion-Dependent (TD) Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent (ESA)-Naive Patients (Pts) with Lower-Risk (LR) Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) Treated with Luspatercept in the COMMANDS Trial
Santini V, Zeidan A, Platzbecker U, Komrokji R, Garcia-Manero G, Miteva D, Yucel A, Pozharskaya V, Rose S, Lai Y, Giuseppi A, Valcárcel Ferreiras D, Fenaux P, Shortt J, Della Porta M. Clinical Benefits of Achieving Hemoglobin (Hb) Levels ≥ 10 g/dL in Transfusion-Dependent (TD) Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent (ESA)-Naive Patients (Pts) with Lower-Risk (LR) Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) Treated with Luspatercept in the COMMANDS Trial. Blood 2024, 144: 1818-1818. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-194239.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDuration of responseMedian duration of responseDose escalationRBC-TILR-MDSHb levelsTransfusion-dependentClinical benefitRed blood cellsHigh dosesTransfusion independenceMedian durationCutoff dateShort duration of responseExposure-adjusted incidence ratesData cutoff dateIncidence of gradeTarget Hb levelBaseline Hb levelsClinically meaningful ratesIncreased Hb levelsClinically significant increaseLowered riskLuspatercept groupClinically significant improvementLong-Term Response Analysis of Transfusion Independence in Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agent-Naive Patients with Very Low-, Low-, or Intermediate-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes Treated with Luspatercept Vs Epoetin Alfa in the COMMANDS Trial
Garcia-Manero G, Santini V, Zeidan A, Komrokji R, Pozharskaya V, Keeperman K, Lai Y, Aggarwal B, Miteva D, Ferreiras D, Fenaux P, Shortt J, Della Porta M, Platzbecker U. Long-Term Response Analysis of Transfusion Independence in Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agent-Naive Patients with Very Low-, Low-, or Intermediate-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes Treated with Luspatercept Vs Epoetin Alfa in the COMMANDS Trial. Blood 2024, 144: 350. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-194240.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHigh-risk myelodysplastic syndromeAcute myeloid leukemiaLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesRBC-TIDuration of responseMyelodysplastic syndromeRed blood cellsEpoetin alfaClinical benefitSerum erythropoietinIntermediate-risk myelodysplastic syndromesExposure-adjusted incidence ratesRed blood cell transfusionCumulative durationWithdrawal of consentClinically relevant subgroupsLong-term clinical valueVery low-Transfusion independenceData cutoffEligible ptsMyeloid leukemiaClinical efficacyTreatment armsLuspaterceptChanges in Red Blood Cell Transfusion Burden with Luspatercept Versus Epoetin Alfa in Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes in the Phase 3, Open-Label, Randomized, Controlled COMMANDS Trial
Garcia-Manero G, Della Porta M, Santini V, Zeidan A, Komrokji R, Fenaux P, Valcárcel D, Shortt J, Glassberg M, Yucel A, Lai Y, Miteva D, Rose S, Hnoosh A, Platzbecker U. Changes in Red Blood Cell Transfusion Burden with Luspatercept Versus Epoetin Alfa in Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes in the Phase 3, Open-Label, Randomized, Controlled COMMANDS Trial. Blood 2024, 144: 1832-1832. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-198304.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRegular red blood cell transfusionsLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesErythropoiesis-stimulating agentsTreated with epoetin alfaEpoetin alfaRBC unitsLuspatercept treatmentTransfusion burdenMyelodysplastic syndromeOpen-labelFirst-in-class erythroid maturation agentRed blood cell transfusion burdenEfficacy of erythropoiesis-stimulating agentsRed blood cell transfusionErythroid maturation agentBlood cell transfusionBaseline Hb levelsArm of treatmentRBC-TICell transfusionMedian ageResponse durabilityChronic anemiaHb levelsLuspaterceptCorrelation of Patient-Reported Outcomes with Red Blood Cell Transfusion Reduction and Rise in Hemoglobin in Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes in the IMerge Trial
Sekeres M, Santini V, Zeidan A, Platzbecker U, Komrokji R, Diez-Campelo M, Fenaux P, Savona M, Madanat Y, Valcarcel D, Regnault A, Creel K, Sengupta N, Dougherty S, Shah S, Sun L, Wan Y, Navada S, Oliva E. Correlation of Patient-Reported Outcomes with Red Blood Cell Transfusion Reduction and Rise in Hemoglobin in Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes in the IMerge Trial. Blood 2024, 144: 3210. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-199636.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesErythropoiesis-stimulating agentsPatient-reported outcomesFunctional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-AnemiaRed blood cellsAnemia symptomsQuality of lifeRBC-TDRBC-TITransfusion burdenPlacebo recipientsTransfusion independenceMyelodysplastic syndromeTransfusion reductionRed blood cell transfusion independenceFunctional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT)-FatigueBaseline to cycleUnited States Food and Drug AdministrationStates Food and Drug AdministrationCorrelations of patient-reported outcomesFirst-in-classFunctional assessmentFood and Drug AdministrationMaintenance of quality of lifePost hoc analysisInitial Results from the QTc Substudy of the IMerge Phase 3 Trial Demonstrate Clinically Meaningful Efficacy, Manageable Safety, and Absence of Proarrhythmic Risk in Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes Who Received Prior Therapies Beyond Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents
Komrokji R, Santini V, Platzbecker U, Van Eygen K, Diez-Campelo M, De Paz R, Sanz G, Thépot S, Kaźmierczak M, Oliva E, Sekeres M, Fenaux P, Madanat Y, Savona M, Riggs J, Dougherty S, Lennox A, Xia Q, Sun L, Berry T, Zeidan A. Initial Results from the QTc Substudy of the IMerge Phase 3 Trial Demonstrate Clinically Meaningful Efficacy, Manageable Safety, and Absence of Proarrhythmic Risk in Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes Who Received Prior Therapies Beyond Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents. Blood 2024, 144: 4590-4590. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-200885.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesErythropoiesis-stimulating agentsHematological improvement-erythroidFood and Drug AdministrationRBC-TIPhase 3 trialPlacebo recipientsHypomethylating agentsInternational Working GroupData cutoffMyelodysplastic syndromeTransfusion reductionRed blood cellsProarrhythmic riskProgression to acute myeloid leukemiaErythropoiesis-stimulating agent useConcentration-QT relationshipEffects of imetelstatRBC transfusion independenceGrade 3/4 neutropeniaMedian treatment durationKaplan-Meier methodologyClinically meaningful efficacyUnited States Food and Drug AdministrationAcute myeloid leukemiaEffect of Prior Treatments on the Clinical Activity of Imetelstat in Transfusion-Dependent Patients with Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent, Relapsed or Refractory/Ineligible Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Platzbecker U, Santini V, Zeidan A, Sekeres M, Fenaux P, Raza A, Mittelman M, Thépot S, Buckstein R, Germing U, Madanat Y, Diez-Campelo M, Valcarcel D, Jonasova A, Dougherty S, Shah S, Xia Q, Sun L, Navada S, Savona M, Komrokji R. Effect of Prior Treatments on the Clinical Activity of Imetelstat in Transfusion-Dependent Patients with Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent, Relapsed or Refractory/Ineligible Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes. Blood 2024, 144: 352-352. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-203612.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesHematological improvement-erythroidErythropoiesis-stimulating agentsErythropoiesis-stimulating agent therapyHb riseRBC-TIHypomethylating agentsTransfusion reductionClinical activityMyelodysplastic syndromeQTc studyRed blood cellsPrior treatmentInternational Working GroupRBC transfusion independenceHypomethylating agent treatmentTransfusion-dependent patientsPhase 2/3 trialsLimited treatment optionsUnited States Food and Drug AdministrationStates Food and Drug AdministrationFirst-in-classFood and Drug AdministrationRBC-TDLenalidomide treatmentMDS-156 Efficacy of Imetelstat on Red Blood Cell (RBC)-Transfusion Independence (TI) in the Absence of Platelet Transfusions or Myeloid Growth Factors (MGF) in IMerge
Zeidan A, Santini V, Platzbecker U, Sekeres M, Savona M, Fenaux P, Madanat Y, Raza A, Xia Q, Sun L, Riggs J, Shah S, Navada S, Berry T, Komrokji R. MDS-156 Efficacy of Imetelstat on Red Blood Cell (RBC)-Transfusion Independence (TI) in the Absence of Platelet Transfusions or Myeloid Growth Factors (MGF) in IMerge. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia 2024, 24: s386. DOI: 10.1016/s2152-2650(24)01344-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesMyeloid growth factorsErythropoiesis-stimulating agentsRBC-TIPlatelet transfusionsTransfusion-dependentHb levelsLong-term respondersPercentage of patientsHb riseRBC-TDPlacebo patientsNon-del(5qMyelodysplastic syndromePlacebo groupPrimary endpointSecondary endpointsInvestigator's discretionClinical benefitPlaceboAnalysis cutoffImetelstatDisease progressionTransfusionSupportive careMDS-166 Clinical Benefit of Luspatercept Treatment in Transfusion-Dependent (TD), Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent (ESA)-Naive Patients With Very Low-, Low-, or Intermediate-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) in the COMMANDS Trial
Zeidan A, Platzbecker U, Della Porta M, Santini V, Garcia-Manero G, Li J, Kreitz S, Pozharskaya V, Rose S, Lai Y, Davidárcel D, Fenaux P, Shortt J, Komrokji R. MDS-166 Clinical Benefit of Luspatercept Treatment in Transfusion-Dependent (TD), Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent (ESA)-Naive Patients With Very Low-, Low-, or Intermediate-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) in the COMMANDS Trial. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia 2024, 24: s387-s388. DOI: 10.1016/s2152-2650(24)01346-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEA patientsTransfusion-dependentRBC unitsLuspatercept treatmentRBC-TITransfusion burdenMyelodysplastic syndromeLR-MDSRBC transfusionIntermediate-risk myelodysplastic syndromesEA-treated patientsRBC transfusion independenceBone marrow blastsLowered riskTransfusion independenceMarrow blastsTreatment initiationCumulative medianLuspaterceptEpoetin alfaESA-naivePatients adultsEffective treatmentPatientsInterquartile rangeMDS-157 Overall Survival (OS), Clinical Benefit, and Durable Red Blood Cell (RBC) Transfusion Independence (TI) With Imetelstat in the IMerge Phase 3 Trial of RBC-Transfusion Dependent (TD) Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR-MDS)
Santini V, Komrokji R, Sekeres M, Savona M, Fenaux P, Madanat Y, Oliva E, Buckstein R, Annaášová A, Germing U, Mittelman M, Thepot S, Riggs J, Dougherty S, Berry T, Navada S, Xia Q, Sun L, Zeidan A, Platzbecker U. MDS-157 Overall Survival (OS), Clinical Benefit, and Durable Red Blood Cell (RBC) Transfusion Independence (TI) With Imetelstat in the IMerge Phase 3 Trial of RBC-Transfusion Dependent (TD) Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR-MDS). Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia 2024, 24: s386-s387. DOI: 10.1016/s2152-2650(24)01345-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesNon-del(5q) lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesErythropoiesis-stimulating agentsRBC-TIOverall survivalRBC-TDNon-del(5qClinical benefitRed blood cellsHemoglobin increaseRBC transfusion dependenceStratified log-rank testMedian follow-upKaplan-Meier methodLog-rank testWithdrawal of consentMedian OSOS ratesHemoglobin riseMyelodysplastic syndromeOS analysisHemoglobin levelsAssess OSPlaceboImetelstatEfficacy of imetelstat on red blood cell (RBC)-transfusion independence (TI) in the absence of platelet transfusions or myeloid growth factors in IMerge.
Zeidan A, Santini V, Platzbecker U, Sekeres M, Savona M, Fenaux P, Madanat Y, Raza A, Xia Q, Sun L, Riggs J, Shah S, Navada S, Berry T, Komrokji R. Efficacy of imetelstat on red blood cell (RBC)-transfusion independence (TI) in the absence of platelet transfusions or myeloid growth factors in IMerge. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2024, 42: 6566-6566. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2024.42.16_suppl.6566.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesRBC-TIMyeloid growth factorsPlatelet transfusionsTransfusion-dependentHb levelsGrowth factorGrowth factor supportLong-term respondersGrowth factor useErythropoiesis stimulating agentsHb riseSevere neutropeniaMyelodysplastic syndromePlacebo groupPrimary endpointSecondary endpointsFactor supportInvestigator's discretionClinical benefitAdverse eventsPlaceboAnalysis cutoffImetelstatDisease progressionClinical benefit of luspatercept treatment (tx) in transfusion-dependent (TD), erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA)–naive patients (pts) with very low-, low- or intermediate-risk myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) in the COMMANDS trial.
Zeidan A, Platzbecker U, Della Porta M, Santini V, Garcia-Manero G, Li J, Kreitz S, Pozharskaya V, Rose S, Lai Y, Valcárcel D, Fenaux P, Shortt J, Komrokji R. Clinical benefit of luspatercept treatment (tx) in transfusion-dependent (TD), erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA)–naive patients (pts) with very low-, low- or intermediate-risk myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) in the COMMANDS trial. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2024, 42: 6565-6565. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2024.42.16_suppl.6565.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRed blood cell unitsLower-risk MDSRBC-TITransfusion burdenRed blood cellsTransfusion-dependentMyelodysplastic syndromeClinical benefitRed blood cell transfusion independenceAssessment of clinical benefitIntermediate-risk myelodysplastic syndromesLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesBone marrow blastsClinically meaningful responseYears of ageLuspatercept treatmentMarrow blastsTransfusion independenceMean HbRinged sideroblastsEligible ptsMean hemoglobinHb levelsCumulative medianLuspaterceptEFFICACY AND SAFETY OF LUSPATERCEPT VERSUS EPOETIN ALFA IN ERYTHROPOIESIS-STIMULATING AGENT (ESA)-NAIVE PATIENTS WITH TRANSFUSION-DEPENDENT LOWER-RISK MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROMES (LR-MDS): FULL ANALYSIS OF THE COMMANDS TRIAL
Garcia-Manero G, Platzbecker U, Santini V, Zeidan A, Fenaux P, Komrokji R, Shortt J, Valcarcel D, Jonasova A, Dimicoli-Salazar S, Tiong I, Lin C, Li J, Zhang J, Giuseppi A, Kreitz S, Pozharskaya V, Keeperman K, Rose S, Prebet T, Degulys A, Paolini S, Cluzeau T, Della Porta M. EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF LUSPATERCEPT VERSUS EPOETIN ALFA IN ERYTHROPOIESIS-STIMULATING AGENT (ESA)-NAIVE PATIENTS WITH TRANSFUSION-DEPENDENT LOWER-RISK MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROMES (LR-MDS): FULL ANALYSIS OF THE COMMANDS TRIAL. Leukemia Research Reports 2024, 21: 100447. DOI: 10.1016/j.lrr.2024.100447.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesTreatment-emergent adverse eventsEA-treated patientsRBC-TIPrimary endpointHI-ERed blood cell transfusion independenceHematological improvement-erythroidTransfusion independenceErythroid responseMyelodysplastic syndromeSecondary endpointsAdverse eventsFull analysisLuspaterceptAssessed efficacySafety resultsEpoetin alfaTreatment durationPatientsEndpointEfficacyDurationPost-treatmentAML
Efficacy of Imetelstat in Achieving Red Blood Cell Transfusion Independence (RBC-TI) across Different Risk Subgroups in Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR-MDS) Relapsed/Refractory (R/R) to Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents (ESAs) in IMerge Phase 3 Study
Komrokji R, Santini V, Fenaux P, Savona M, Madanat Y, Berry T, Sherman L, Navada S, Feller F, Sun L, Xia Q, Wan Y, Huang F, Zeidan A, Platzbecker U. Efficacy of Imetelstat in Achieving Red Blood Cell Transfusion Independence (RBC-TI) across Different Risk Subgroups in Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR-MDS) Relapsed/Refractory (R/R) to Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents (ESAs) in IMerge Phase 3 Study. Blood 2023, 142: 194. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-181237.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInternational Prognostic Scoring SystemLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesDifferent risk subgroupsErythropoiesis stimulating agentsLow-risk subgroupsRisk groupsRisk subgroupsResponse rateTI ratesRBC-TIClinical efficacyRisk categoriesHigh riskLower riskRed blood cell transfusion independenceIPSS risk groupPhase 3 portionIntermediate-risk groupCytogenetic risk groupHigh-risk patientsPhase 3 studyPrognostic scoring systemIntermediate-risk subgroupsHigh-risk subgroupsHigh-risk groupLong-Term Evaluation of Luspatercept in Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent (ESA)-Intolerant/Refractory Patients (pts) with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR-MDS) in the Phase 3 MEDALIST Study
Santini V, Komrokji R, Garcia-Manero G, Buckstein R, Oliva E, Keeperman K, Rose S, Giuseppi A, Vilmont V, Lai Y, Miteva D, Aggarwal B, Platzbecker U, Fenaux P, Zeidan A. Long-Term Evaluation of Luspatercept in Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agent (ESA)-Intolerant/Refractory Patients (pts) with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR-MDS) in the Phase 3 MEDALIST Study. Blood 2023, 142: 915. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-178546.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesTreatment-emergent adverse eventsLong-term efficacyEntire treatment periodExposure-adjusted incidence ratesMedian cumulative durationRBC-TITreatment periodCumulative durationData cutoffTreatment-related treatment-emergent adverse eventsCommon treatment-emergent adverse eventsRed blood cell transfusion independencePrevious short-term reportsLong-term safety profileAcute myeloid leukemia progressionRegular RBC transfusionsPermanent treatment discontinuationKaplan-Meier analysisErythropoiesis stimulating agentsShort-term reportsMyeloid leukemia progressionEligible ptsHR-MDSRefractory patientsImproved benefit of continuing luspatercept therapy: sub-analysis of patients with lower-risk MDS in the MEDALIST study
Germing U, Fenaux P, Platzbecker U, Buckstein R, Santini V, DÃez-Campelo M, Yucel A, Tang D, Fabre S, Zhang G, Zoffoli R, Ha X, Miteva D, Hughes C, Komrokji R, Zeidan A, Garcia-Manero G. Improved benefit of continuing luspatercept therapy: sub-analysis of patients with lower-risk MDS in the MEDALIST study. Annals Of Hematology 2023, 102: 311-321. PMID: 36635381, PMCID: PMC9889415, DOI: 10.1007/s00277-022-05071-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRBC transfusion burdenTransfusion burdenWeek 25Transfusion unitsRBC-TIInitial nonrespondersHemoglobin levelsErythroid responseClinical benefitRed blood cell transfusion independenceLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesPlacebo-treated patientsSerum ferritin levelsAdditional clinical benefitWeeks of treatmentLower-risk MDSTransfusion independenceFerritin levelsSerum ferritinMyelodysplastic syndromeRing sideroblastsPatientsClinical practiceLuspaterceptMaximum dose
Long-term utilization and benefit of luspatercept in patients (pts) with lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes (LR-MDS) from the MEDALIST trial.
Fenaux P, Santini V, Komrokji R, Zeidan A, Garcia-Manero G, Buckstein R, Miteva D, Keeperman K, Holot N, Zhang J, Hughes C, Rosettani B, Yucel A, Platzbecker U. Long-term utilization and benefit of luspatercept in patients (pts) with lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes (LR-MDS) from the MEDALIST trial. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2022, 40: 7056-7056. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2022.40.16_suppl.7056.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesAcute myeloid leukemiaErythropoiesis-stimulating agentsMedian cumulative durationCumulative durationRBC-TIMedian durationPlacebo armAML progressionRegular red blood cell transfusionsRed blood cell transfusionRBC transfusion independenceBlood cell transfusionHigh-risk MDSKaplan-Meier analysisLong-term followRate of progressionLong-term clinical valueEligible ptsCell transfusionPrimary endpointDurable responsesTransfusion independenceAML diagnosisDose escalation
Analysis of Duration of Response, Exposure-Adjusted Safety and Progression to Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) for Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR-MDS) Receiving Luspatercept in the MEDALIST Study
Platzbecker U, Santini V, Komrokji R, Zeidan A, Garcia-Manero G, Buckstein R, Rose S, Fabre S, Miteva D, Zhang J, Yucel A, Hughes C, Fenaux P. Analysis of Duration of Response, Exposure-Adjusted Safety and Progression to Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) for Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR-MDS) Receiving Luspatercept in the MEDALIST Study. Blood 2021, 138: 1524. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2021-145723.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesTreatment-emergent adverse eventsClinical Trials CommitteeAcute myeloid leukemiaErythropoiesis-stimulating agentsExposure-adjusted incidence ratesRBC-TITrials CommitteeEntire treatment periodDuration of treatmentRing sideroblastsAML progressionCurrent equity holderMedian durationTreatment optionsIncidence rateTreatment periodWk 1Only treatment-emergent adverse eventClass erythroid maturation agentMDS/myeloproliferative neoplasmAdvisory CommitteeRegular RBC transfusionsTolerable safety profileSpeakers bureauIMerge: A phase 3 study to evaluate imetelstat in transfusion-dependent subjects with IPSS low or intermediate-1 risk myelodysplastic syndromes that are relapsed/refractory to erythropoiesis-stimulating agent treatment.
Platzbecker U, Komrokji R, Fenaux P, Zeidan A, Sekeres M, Savona M, Madanat Y, Sherman L, Dougherty S, Sun L, Huang F, Wan Y, Rizo A, Berry T, Feller F, Santini V. IMerge: A phase 3 study to evaluate imetelstat in transfusion-dependent subjects with IPSS low or intermediate-1 risk myelodysplastic syndromes that are relapsed/refractory to erythropoiesis-stimulating agent treatment. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2021, 39: tps7056-tps7056. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2021.39.15_suppl.tps7056.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInternational Prognostic Scoring SystemErythropoiesis-stimulating agentsPhase 3 partRisk myelodysplastic syndromesMyelodysplastic syndromeRBC-TIRed blood cell (RBC) transfusion-dependent patientsErythropoiesis-stimulating agent treatmentLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesPhase 2 partProgression of MDSRBC transfusion independenceTransfusion dependent subjectsPlacebo-controlled trialPhase 2/3 studyPhase 3 studyPrognostic scoring systemCurrent treatment optionsTransfusion-dependent patientsQuality of lifeMedian TI durationRate of CRVariant allele frequencyMechanism of actionAdult pts
Efficacy and Safety of Luspatercept Treatment in Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome/Myeloproliferative Neoplasm with Ring Sideroblasts and Thrombocytosis (MDS/MPN-RS-T): A Retrospective Analysis from the Medalist Study
Komrokji R, Platzbecker U, Fenaux P, Garcia-Manero G, Mufti G, Santini V, Diez-Campelo M, Finelli C, Jurcic J, Greenberg P, Sekeres M, Zeidan A, DeZern A, Savona M, Shetty J, Ito R, Zhang G, Ha X, Sinsimer D, Backstrom J, Verma A. Efficacy and Safety of Luspatercept Treatment in Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome/Myeloproliferative Neoplasm with Ring Sideroblasts and Thrombocytosis (MDS/MPN-RS-T): A Retrospective Analysis from the Medalist Study. Blood 2020, 136: 13-15. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2020-137232.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMDS/MPN-RSCurrent equity holderMedian leukocyte countMedian platelet countPlacebo armRing sideroblastsSpeakers bureauRBC-TIPrimary endpointClinical benefitPlatelet countTreatment optionsLeukocyte countRetrospective analysisMyelodysplastic syndrome/myeloproliferative neoplasmClass erythroid maturation agentMean serum ferritin levelWk 1Boehringer IngelheimAdvisory CommitteeDaiichi SankyoClinical benefit responseMean Hb increaseRBC transfusion independenceRegular RBC transfusionsMDS-175: Assessment of Dose-Dependent Response to Luspatercept in Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR-MDS) with Ring Sideroblasts (RS) in the Phase 3 MEDALIST Trial
Platzbecker U, Fenaux P, Mufti G, Garcia-Manero G, Komrokji R, Buckstein R, Diez-Campelo M, Finelli C, Sekeres M, Selleslag D, DeZern A, Quesnel B, Beyne-Rauzy O, Voso M, Greenberg P, Zeidan A, Adès L, Verma A, Savona M, Laadem A, Ito R, Zhang J, Rampersad A, Morison J, Louis C, Linde P, Santini V. MDS-175: Assessment of Dose-Dependent Response to Luspatercept in Patients with Lower-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndromes (LR-MDS) with Ring Sideroblasts (RS) in the Phase 3 MEDALIST Trial. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia 2020, 20: s318. DOI: 10.1016/s2152-2650(20)30972-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTreatment-emergent adverse eventsLower-risk myelodysplastic syndromesRBC-TIRing sideroblastsDose levelsDose reductions/delaysMaximum doseLR-MDS patientsRBC transfusion independenceMajority of patientsMaintenance of responseSame dose levelFirst responseDose delaysDose-dependent responseEligible patientsDose titrationNew onsetTransfusion burdenTransfusion independenceAdverse eventsDose escalationMedian timeMyelodysplastic syndromeHemoglobin increase