Outreach and Recruitment
The Yale New Haven Hospital (YNHH) and Yale School of Medicine (YSM) Diversifying the Healthcare Workforce Dinner on February 20 went very well. We had 210 attendees, 116 of whom were student applicants to our various programs. I would like to thank Karen McCausland, Maureen Broatch, and all other members of staff who worked hard to ensure that the event was a resounding success. We are grateful to the following YNHH and YSM leaders who gave welcoming remarks: Marietta Vazquez, MD; Ena Williams, PhD, MBA; Rita Asuquo, MD; and Ann Arthur, MD.
On March 14 and 15, we sent a delegation to the Howard University College of Medicine career fair. While there, we conducted mock interviews to help students prepare for interview season, wherever it may take them. We also showcased our learning climate, work culture of inclusive excellence, and our vast array of excellent training programs.
In just a few days, representatives from YSM and YNHH will hold a recruitment and outreach event for the four medical schools in Puerto Rico.
Next month, I will deliver grand rounds to Hartford HealthCare’s East Region for a talk titled “Diversifying the Health Care Workforce: From Students and Beyond.”
At the Department of Medicine faculty meeting, Cayetana Navarro, MBA, PMP, introduced a new initiative she is spearheading called “Including Men.” This initiative is designed to foster inclusivity by creating a platform and providing tools for participants to share their perspectives and engage in inclusion efforts across the department. All faculty and staff in Internal Medicine are welcome. If you would like to attend the first meeting, please respond through this link.
The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Internal Medicine is excited to host guest speaker Zachary White, MD, for a talk titled: “The Long Game: Embracing Challenges to Fulfill a Medical Calling” on March 26 from 5 to 6 p.m. in the Anlyan Center (TAC) auditorium, followed by refreshments.
Dr. White is a PGY 4 radiation oncology resident at Stanford School of Medicine and is a current White House fellow assigned to the Department of Veterans Affairs. He is also the national chair of the Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (ARRO) Executive Committee, Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee, and chair of the Stanford GME Diversity Committee.
If you would like to attend, please RSVP.
Upcoming Talks
Don’t miss our next Equity Begins with Everyone (EBE) gathering today, Monday, March 17, at noon in Fitkin Auditorium and on Zoom. Our guest speaker will be Mahalia Desruisseaux, MD. We will continue our theme of sourcing food from different parts of the world.
Below are some of the secular and religious events during March:
- March 1: Ramadan begins
- March 6: Ash Wednesday
- March 8: International Women’s Day
- March 14: Holi
- March 14: Hola Mohalla
- March 20: Nowruz
- March 31: Eid al-Fitr
I am committed to supporting and expanding our efforts within the Department of Internal Medicine; please join me. Equity begins with everyone. Together, we strive. Together, we rise.
Respectfully yours,
Benjamin Mba, MBBS, MRCP (UK), CHCQM, FACP
Professor of Medicine
Vice Chair, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the Department of Internal Medicine
Graduate Medical Education Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion & Associate Designated Institutional Official for Yale New Haven Hospital and Yale School of Medicine