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De Aquino Selected as Travel Award Recipient for 2021 ACNP Annual Meeting

July 30, 2021

João De Aquino, MD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, has been selected as a recipient of a travel award for the 2021 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) Annual Meeting.

The meeting, scheduled from Dec. 5-8, 2021, will be presented in a hybrid format, both in person at the Puerto Rico Convention Center in San Juan and on the ACNP’s virtual platform.

As a travel award recipient De Aquino will have his registration fee waived, as well as that of one accompanying guest. He will also receive lodging for up to five nights at a designated hotel; roundtrip airfare; a daily stipend of $50 for meals and other meeting expenses; and up to $100 ground transportation. At the meeting, De Aquino will receive an ACNP member mentor for the meeting, an automatic invitation to attend the ACNP annual meeting for the next four years with a reduced registration fee, along with the opportunity to present a poster at each meeting, and the opportunity to attend a special reception with ACNP leadership, committee chairs, and travel awardee mentors.

De Aquino will also be expected to present a poster at the meeting.

The ACNP annual meeting is one of the world’s leading forums for the exchange of cutting-edge scientific information about the brain, behavior, and psychotropic drugs. It provides attendees an opportunity to attend an outstanding scientific program in clinical and basic research on brain behavior-drug interactions, learn about the most recent and often unpublished advances in psychopharmacology, and meet and interact with internationally distinguished researchers and scientists.