Featured Publications
In Support of Overdose Prevention Centers: Position Statement of AMERSA, Inc (Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance Use and Addiction)
Dunham K, Hill K, Kazal H, Butner J, Hull I, Sue K, Li L, Doneski K, Dinges B, Rife-Pennington T, Kung S, Thakarar K. In Support of Overdose Prevention Centers: Position Statement of AMERSA, Inc (Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance Use and Addiction). Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2024, 45: 328-336. PMID: 38747578, DOI: 10.1177/29767342241252590.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrevention CenterRates of fatal overdoseSubstance Use and AddictionDrop-in serviceEvidence-based strategiesHarm reduction strategiesMultidisciplinary Education and ResearchUnited StatesLifesaving servicesMedical careAdvocacy effortsIncrease accessPosition statementSocial servicesFatal overdoseEducation and ResearchDrug supplyTrained personnelPWUDPolicy changesFederal levelReduction strategiesInternational dataSterile suppliesServicesInternational perspectives on opioid use disorder and treatment: Results from an online convenience sample
Melby K, Farokhnia M, Tolomeo S, Bhad R, Bramnes J, Baldacchino A, Rao R, Kandasami G, Butner J, Phan V, Fonseca F, Rafei P, Long J, Tzeferakos G, Dom G. International perspectives on opioid use disorder and treatment: Results from an online convenience sample. Heroin Addiction And Related Clinical Problems 2024, 26: 1-8. DOI: 10.62401/2531-4122-2024-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIn Support of Community Drug Checking Programs: Position Statement of AMERSA, Inc. (Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance use and Addiction)
Hill K, Dunham K, Brokos Z, Butner J, Hull I, Sue K, Li L, Thakarar K. In Support of Community Drug Checking Programs: Position Statement of AMERSA, Inc. (Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance use and Addiction). Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2023, 45: 4-9. PMID: 38258861, DOI: 10.1177/29767342231212787.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHarm reduction strategiesPosition statementSerious adverse eventsImportant harm reduction strategyPublic health practitionersAdverse eventsUnregulated drug supplyFatal overdosesHealthcare providersComposition of drugsHealth consequencesHealth practitionersDrugsDrug supplyInsufficient dataDrug checkingUnited StatesUnderstanding the use of telemedicine across different opioid use disorder treatment models: A scoping review.
Tay Wee Teck J, Butner J, Baldacchino A. Understanding the use of telemedicine across different opioid use disorder treatment models: A scoping review. Journal Of Telemedicine And Telecare 2023, 1357633x231195607. PMID: 37661829, DOI: 10.1177/1357633x231195607.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOpioid use disorderUse disordersModel of careRole of telemedicineJoanna Briggs Institute methodologyComplex healthcare needsUse of telemedicineData extraction formInclusion healthOvid MEDLINEInclusion criteriaPre-pandemic normsExtraction formPWOUDHealthcare needsLiterature searchStudy designCareFunctional benefitsTreatment modelCOVID-19 pandemicDescriptive characteristicsDisordersReviewEvidence-based policyPrecipitated Opioid Withdrawal Treated With Ketamine in a Hospitalized Patient: A Case Report
Christian N, Butner J, Evarts M, Weimer M. Precipitated Opioid Withdrawal Treated With Ketamine in a Hospitalized Patient: A Case Report. Journal Of Addiction Medicine 2023, 17: 488-490. PMID: 37579118, DOI: 10.1097/adm.0000000000001151.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical NotesConceptsClinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) scoresOpioid use disorderKetamine infusionOpioid withdrawalCase reportUse disordersScale scoreSevere opioid use disorderFull opioid agonistsHours of admissionEmergency department settingFirst case reportInpatient hospital settingLife-saving medicationsReceptor-mediated signalingLack of evidenceMale patientsFentanyl useOpioid agonistsEmergency departmentComplete resolutionDepartment settingClinical dilemmaAppropriate treatmentHospital settingClinical progress note: Xylazine use and its sequelae
Allcroft H, Heiman E, Butner J. Clinical progress note: Xylazine use and its sequelae. Journal Of Hospital Medicine 2024, 19: 713-715. PMID: 38561251, DOI: 10.1002/jhm.13338.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNon-Medical Prescription Opioid Use and Prescription Opioid Use Disorder: A Review.
Tetrault JM, Butner JL. Non-Medical Prescription Opioid Use and Prescription Opioid Use Disorder: A Review. The Yale Journal Of Biology And Medicine 2015, 88: 227-33. PMID: 26339205, PMCID: PMC4553642.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrescription opioid use disorderOpioid use disorderNon-medical useUse disordersPrescription opioidsMedical prescription opioid usePrescription opioid useOpioid useTreatment optionsHeroin useEpidemic proportionsPotential progressionDrug useRelated stigmaMedical communityDisordersDevastating consequencesOpioidsUnited StatesReview articleUnanswered questionsNational effortsEpidemiologyProgression
In Support of the Decriminalization of Personal Drug and Paraphernalia Use and Possession: Position Statement of AMERSA, Inc (Association for Multidisciplinary Education, Research, Substance Use and Addiction)
Hill K, Dunham K, Doneski K, Sue K, Thakarar K, Butner J. In Support of the Decriminalization of Personal Drug and Paraphernalia Use and Possession: Position Statement of AMERSA, Inc (Association for Multidisciplinary Education, Research, Substance Use and Addiction). Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2024, 46: 4-12. PMID: 39215532, DOI: 10.1177/29767342241277619.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDrug offensesDrug useCriminalization of drug useSocial safety netDecriminalization of drugsHarm reduction servicesWell-beingHarm reduction strategiesConsequences of drug useWell-being of peopleNegative consequences of drug useCommunity supervisionAddiction treatment servicesHealth of PWUDCriminal sanctionsSafety netReduction servicesTreatment servicesDecriminalizationAddiction servicesIllicit drugsOffensesNegative consequencesPWUDUnited StatesSpirituality and behavioural addictions: narrative review
Kanabar M, Kathiresan P, Elkholy H, Zonoozi A, Orsolini L, Long J, Farokhnia M, Bhad R, Butner J, Fonseca F, Phan V, Achab S, Potenza M. Spirituality and behavioural addictions: narrative review. BJPsych International 2024, 21: 59-61. DOI: 10.1192/bji.2024.9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWorld addiction medicine reports: formation of the International Society of Addiction Medicine Global Expert Network (ISAM-GEN) and its global surveys
Ekhtiari H, Khojasteh Zonoozi A, Rafei P, Abolghasemi F, Pemstein D, Abdelgawad T, Achab S, Ghafri H, Al'Absi M, Bisch M, Conti A, Ambekar A, Arunogiri S, Bhad R, Bilici R, Brady K, Bunt G, Busse A, Butner J, Danesh A, El-Khoury J, Omari F, Jokūbonis D, de Jong C, Dom G, Ebrahimi M, Fathi Jouzdani A, Ferri M, Galea-Singer S, Parker D, Higuchi S, Kathiresan P, Khelifa E, Kouimtsidis C, Krupitsky E, Long J, Maremmani I, McGovern G, Mohaddes Ardabili H, Rahimi-Movaghar A, Rataemane S, Sangchooli A, Sibeko G, Vella A, Vista S, Zare-Bidoky M, Zhao M, Javed A, Potenza M, Baldacchino A. World addiction medicine reports: formation of the International Society of Addiction Medicine Global Expert Network (ISAM-GEN) and its global surveys. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2024, 15: 1230318. PMID: 38528974, PMCID: PMC10961370, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1230318.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
An online global survey and follow-up expert groups on the scope and needs related to training, research, and mentorship among early-career addiction medicine professionals
Bhad R, Achab S, Rafei P, Kathiresan P, Ardabili H, Butner J, Orsolini L, Melby K, Farokhnia M, Narasimha V, Ridley K, Tolomeo S, Kanabar M, Matanje B, Grandinetti P, Consortium I, Potenza M, Ekhtiari H, Baldacchino A. An online global survey and follow-up expert groups on the scope and needs related to training, research, and mentorship among early-career addiction medicine professionals. Cambridge Prisms Global Mental Health 2023, 10: e44. PMID: 37854423, PMCID: PMC10579666, DOI: 10.1017/gmh.2023.35.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Primary Care Associated With Follow Up Viral Load Testing in Patients Cured of Hepatitis C Infection With Direct Acting Antivirals at a Multidisciplinary Addiction Treatment Program: Insights From a Real-World Setting
Haque LY, Butner JL, Shi JM, Henry S, Deng Y, Ciarleglio MM, Madden LM, Tetrault JM. Primary Care Associated With Follow Up Viral Load Testing in Patients Cured of Hepatitis C Infection With Direct Acting Antivirals at a Multidisciplinary Addiction Treatment Program: Insights From a Real-World Setting. Journal Of Addiction Medicine 2022, 16: 333-339. PMID: 34483278, PMCID: PMC9033626, DOI: 10.1097/adm.0000000000000910.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHepatitis C virus infectionUrine toxicology resultsDirect acting antiviralsViral load testingSubstance use disordersAddiction treatment programsHCV reinfectionActing antiviralsToxicology resultsUse disordersDirect acting antiviral therapyTreatment programReal-world clinical settingHCV reinfection ratesActing antiviral (DAA) therapyC virus infectionHepatitis C infectionMedical service useCohort of patientsPrimary medical careSubstance use statusAddiction treatment settingsQuality improvement initiativesHCV cureC infectionHarm reduction and abstinence-based models for treatment of substance use disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic: a global perspective
Narasimha VL, Butner J, Hanafi E, Farokhnia M, Bhad R, Chalabianloo F, Kouimtsidis C, Baldacchino A, Arunogiri S. Harm reduction and abstinence-based models for treatment of substance use disorders during the COVID-19 pandemic: a global perspective. BJPsych International 2022, 19: 66-69. PMID: 36287782, PMCID: PMC9540565, DOI: 10.1192/bji.2022.1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLow Threshold Telemedicine-based Opioid Treatment for Criminal Justice Involved Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Report.
Flavin L, Tofighi B, Krawczyk N, Schatz D, McNeely J, Butner J. Low Threshold Telemedicine-based Opioid Treatment for Criminal Justice Involved Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Report. Journal Of Addiction Medicine 2022, 16: e59-e61. PMID: 35120069, PMCID: PMC8815634, DOI: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000836.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Tramadol, captagon and khat use in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: opening Pandora's box
Ardabili H, Akbari A, Rafei P, Butner J, Khan R, Khazaal Y, Arab AZ, Qazizada MR, Al-Ansari B, Baldacchino AM. Tramadol, captagon and khat use in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: opening Pandora's box. BJPsych International 2021, 19: 58-62. PMID: 36287793, PMCID: PMC9540563, DOI: 10.1192/bji.2021.53.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA Global Survey on Changes in the Supply, Price, and Use of Illicit Drugs and Alcohol, and Related Complications During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic
Farhoudian A, Radfar SR, Ardabili H, Rafei P, Ebrahimi M, Zonoozi A, De Jong CAJ, Vahidi M, Yunesian M, Kouimtsidis C, Arunogiri S, Hansen H, Brady KT, Consortium I, Abagiu A, Abouna F, Ahmed M, Al-ansari B, Abu Al-khair F, Almaqbali M, Ambekar A, Arya S, Asebikan V, Ayasreh M, Basu D, Benmebarek Z, Bhad R, Blaise M, Bonnet N, Brasch J, Broers B, Busse A, Butner J, Camilleri M, Campello G, Carra G, Celic I, Chalabianloo F, Chaturvedi A, de Jesús Eduardo Noyola Cherpitel J, Clark K, Cyders M, de Bernardis E, Deilamizade A, Derry J, Dhagudu N, Dolezalova P, Dom G, Dunlop A, Elhabiby M, Elkholy H, Essien N, Farah G, Ferri M, Floros G, Friedman C, Fuderanan C, Gerra G, Ghosh A, Gogia M, Grammatikopoulos I, Grandinetti P, Guirguis A, Gutnisky D, Haber P, Hassani-Abharian P, Hooshyari Z, Ibrahim I, Ieong H, Indradewi R, Iskandar S, Isra T, Jain S, James S, Javadi S, Joe K, Jokubonis D, Jovanova A, Kamal R, Kantchelov A, Kathiresan P, Katzman G, Kawale P, Kern A, Kessler F, Kim S, Kimball A, Kljucevic Z, Kurniasanti K, Lev R, Lee H, Lengvenyte A, Lev-ran S, Mabelya G, Mahi M, Maphisa J, Maremmani I, Masferrer L, Massah O, McCambridge O, McGovern G, Min A, Moghanibashi-Mansourieh A, Mora-Rios J, Mudalige I, Mukherjee D, Munira P, Myers B, N. J, Narasimha V, Ndionuka N, Nejatisafa A, Niaz K, Nizami A, Nuijens J, Orsolini L, Oum V, Oyemade A, Palavra I, Pant S, Paredes J, Peyron E, Quirós R, Qurishi R, Rafiq N, Rao R, Ratta-apha W, Raymond K, Reimer J, Renaldo E, Rezapour T, Robertson J, Roncero C, Roub F, Rubenstein E, Rupp C, Saenz E, Salehi M, Samartzis L, Sarubbo L, Segrec N, Shah B, Shen H, Shirasaka T, Shoptaw S, Sintango F, Sosa V, Subata E, Sztycberg N, Taghizadeh F, Teck J, Tjagvad C, Torrens M, Twala J, Vadivel R, Volpicelli J, Weijs J, Wintoniw S, Wittayanookulluk A, Wojnar M, Yasir S, Yitayih Y, Zhao M, Potenza M, Baldacchino A, Ekhtiari H. A Global Survey on Changes in the Supply, Price, and Use of Illicit Drugs and Alcohol, and Related Complications During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2021, 12: 646206. PMID: 34421664, PMCID: PMC8377291, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.646206.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersRelated complicationsCOVID-19 pandemicComplications of alcoholSubstance use patternsCross-sectional surveyCurrent pandemicUse of amphetaminesHypnotic usePrescription opioidsEpidemiologic studiesUse disordersMedicine NetworkComplicationsVulnerable populationsMedicine professionalsDrug supplyDrugsIllicit drugsPossible downstream effectsCOVID-19International SocietyDownstream effectsUse patternsPandemicReorganization of Substance Use Treatment and Harm Reduction Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Survey
Radfar SR, De Jong CAJ, Farhoudian A, Ebrahimi M, Rafei P, Vahidi M, Yunesian M, Kouimtsidis C, Arunogiri S, Massah O, Deylamizadeh A, Brady KT, Busse A, Consortium I, Potenza M, Ekhtiari H, Baldacchino A, Abagiu A, Abouna F, Ahmed M, Al-ansari B, Abu Al-khair F, Almaqbali M, Ambekar A, Ardabili H, Arya S, Lasebikan V, Ayasreh M, Basu D, Benmebarek Z, Bhad R, Blaise M, Bonnet N, Brasch J, Broers B, Butner J, Camilleri M, Campello G, Carra G, Celic I, Chalabianloo F, Chaturvedi A, de Jesús Eduardo Noyola Cherpitel J, Clark K, Cyders M, de Bernardis E, Derry J, Dhagudu N, Dolezalova P, Dom G, Dunlop A, Elhabiby M, Elkholy H, Essien N, Farah G, Ferri M, Floros G, Friedman C, Fuderanan C, Gerra G, Ghosh A, Gogia M, Grammatikopoulos I, Grandinetti P, Guirguis A, Gutnisky D, Haber P, Hassani-Abharian P, Hooshyari Z, Ibrahim I, Ieong H, Indradewi R, Iskandar S, Jain S, James S, Javadi S, Joe K, Jokubonis D, Jovanova A, Kamal R, Kantchelov A, Kathiresan P, Katzman G, Kawale P, Kern A, Kessler F, Kim S, Kimball A, Kljucevic Z, Siste K, Lev R, Lee H, Lengvenyte A, Lev-ran S, Mabelya G, Mahi M, Maphisa J, Maremmani I, Masferrer L, McCambridge O, McGovern G, Min A, Moghanibashi-Mansourieh A, Mora-Rios J, Mudalige I, Mukherjee D, Munira P, Myers B, N J, Narasimha V, Ndionuka N, Nejatisafa A, Niaz K, Nizami A, Nuijens J, Orsolini L, Oum V, Oyemade A, Palavra I, Pant S, Paredes J, Peyron E, Quirós R, Qurishi R, Rafiq N, Rao R, Ratta-apha W, Raymond K, Reimer J, Renaldo E, Rezapour T, Robertson J, Roncero C, Roub F, Rubenstein E, Rupp C, Saenz E, Salehi M, Samartzis L, Sarubbo L, Segrec N, Shah B, Shen H, Shirasaka T, Shoptaw S, Sintango F, Sosa V, Subata E, Sztycberg N, Taghizadeh F, Teck J, Tjagvad C, Torrens M, Twala J, Vadivel R, Volpicelli J, Weijs J, Wintoniw S, Wittayanookulluk A, Wojnar M, Yasir S, Yitayih Y, Zhao M, Zonoozi A. Reorganization of Substance Use Treatment and Harm Reduction Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Survey. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2021, 12: 639393. PMID: 34025471, PMCID: PMC8135096, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.639393.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersHarm reduction servicesSUD treatmentHealth responseReduction servicesAdequate medication supplyCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemicHarm reduction programsDisease 2019 pandemicCOVID-19 pandemicOverdose prevention interventionsSubstance use treatmentEvidence-based interventionsVulnerable groupsSyringe programsTreatment modalitiesPrevention interventionsCondom distributionPsychiatric careMedication supplyUse disordersBuprenorphine supplyOutreach servicesUse treatmentMedicine professionals
Training Addiction Counselors to Deliver a Brief Psychoeducational Intervention for Chronic Pain among Patients in Opioid Agonist Treatment: A Pilot Investigation
Butner JL, Bone C, Martinez C, Kwon G, Beitel M, Madden LM, Bono MH, Eller A, Barry DT. Training Addiction Counselors to Deliver a Brief Psychoeducational Intervention for Chronic Pain among Patients in Opioid Agonist Treatment: A Pilot Investigation. Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2018, 39: 199-205. PMID: 29522379, DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2018.1449052.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPsychosocial interventionsBrief psychosocial interventionAddiction counselorsBrief psychoeducational interventionChronic painRole of counselorsAbsence of trainingPerceived AbilityAppropriate treatment interventionsCounselor's abilityPsychoeducational interventionTreatment counselorsDrug counselorsPositive attitudesTreatment interventionsCounselorsFuture researchKnowledge scorePilot investigationTrainingPre-test knowledge scoreOpioid agonist treatmentAppropriate interventionsInterventionAttitudes
Onsite treatment of HCV infection with direct acting antivirals within an opioid treatment program
Butner JL, Gupta N, Fabian C, Henry S, Shi JM, Tetrault JM. Onsite treatment of HCV infection with direct acting antivirals within an opioid treatment program. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2017, 75: 49-53. PMID: 28237054, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2016.12.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDirect acting antiviralsOpioid treatment programsPercent of patientsHCV treatmentHCV infectionActing antiviralsTreatment outcomesTreatment programOral HCV treatmentSustained virologic responseHCV treatment outcomesRoutine clinical careOngoing drug useVirologic responseRetrospective studyClinical careGeneral populationPatientsDrug useTreatmentOutcomesAntiviralsInfectionPercentPWID