Predictors of Venous Thromboembolism Following Geriatric Distal Femur Fracture Fixation: Are These Patients at Higher Risk Compared With Hip Fracture Patients?
Seddio A, Vasudevan R, Gouzoulis M, Jabbouri S, Grauer J, Fram B. Predictors of Venous Thromboembolism Following Geriatric Distal Femur Fracture Fixation: Are These Patients at Higher Risk Compared With Hip Fracture Patients? JAAOS Global Research And Reviews 2025, 9: e24.00246. PMID: 39823200, PMCID: PMC11745856, DOI: 10.5435/jaaosglobal-d-24-00246.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOdds of venous thromboembolismDirect oral anticoagulantsVenous thromboembolismHeightened oddsHFx patientsIncreased odds of VTEPredictors of venous thromboembolismRisk factors of venous thromboembolismIncidence of venous thromboembolismRate of venous thromboembolismAssociated with considerable morbidityAssociated with reduced oddsFactors of venous thromboembolismEffective therapeutic optionIndependent risk factorClinical risk factorsHip fracture patientsRetrospective cohort studyFemur fracture fixationCoagulopathy disordersOral anticoagulantsElixhauser Comorbidity IndexSurgical managementActive cancerDistal femur fracture fixation
The Burden of Revision Total Ankle Replacement Has Markedly Increased from 2010 to 2020
Ratnasamy P, Maloy G, Oghenesume O, Peden S, Grauer J, Oh I. The Burden of Revision Total Ankle Replacement Has Markedly Increased from 2010 to 2020. Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics 2023, 8: 2473011423s00199. PMCID: PMC10750518, DOI: 10.1177/2473011423s00199.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchExplant surgeryRisk factorsYounger ageComorbidity burdenIndependent predictorsFemale sexRevision surgeryMultivariate logistic regression analysisHigher comorbidity burdenPatient comorbidity burdenRevision total ankle replacementTotal ankle replacement surgeryRetrospective cohort studyIndependent risk factorImplant survival rateElixhauser Comorbidity IndexRisk of revisionTiming of revisionLogistic regression analysisSite of careTotal ankle replacementLarge national databaseAnkle replacement surgeryOccurrence of revisionExplant patientsThe Burden of Revision Total Ankle Replacement Has Increased From 2010 to 2020
Ratnasamy P, Maloy G, Oghenesume O, Peden S, Grauer J, Oh I. The Burden of Revision Total Ankle Replacement Has Increased From 2010 to 2020. Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics 2023, 8: 24730114231198234. PMID: 37767009, PMCID: PMC10521287, DOI: 10.1177/24730114231198234.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchElixhauser Comorbidity IndexHigher Elixhauser comorbidity indexRetrospective cohort studyCohort studyIndependent predictorsAnnual incidenceRevision surgeryRisk factorsYounger ageMultivariate logistic regression analysisRevision total ankle replacementTotal ankle replacement surgeryIndependent risk factorImplant survival rateTiming of revisionLogistic regression analysisSite of careTotal ankle replacementAnkle replacement surgeryExplant patientsExplant surgeryComorbidity indexPatient factorsIndex procedureFemale sex
Risk factors for venous thromboembolism following fractures isolated to the foot and ankle fracture
Gouzoulis MJ, Joo PY, Kammien AJ, McLaughlin WM, Yoo B, Grauer JN. Risk factors for venous thromboembolism following fractures isolated to the foot and ankle fracture. PLOS ONE 2022, 17: e0276548. PMID: 36264985, PMCID: PMC9584400, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0276548.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVenous thromboembolismAnkle fracturesFactor V LeidenSurgical treatmentRisk factorsActive cancerV LeidenTiming of VTEPrior venous thromboembolismIsolated footIndependent risk factorDeep vein thrombosisRisk/benefit considerationsMultivariate logistical regressionSpecific fracture patternsElixhauser indexPulmonary embolismVein thrombosisPearlDiver databaseMetatarsal fracturesAppendicular fracturesMale sexSuch injuriesTraumatic injuryChi-square analysis
Risk Factors for Venous Thromboembolism in Children Undergoing Orthopedic Surgery.
Mets EJ, Pathak N, Galivanche AR, McLynn RP, Frumberg DB, Grauer JN. Risk Factors for Venous Thromboembolism in Children Undergoing Orthopedic Surgery. Orthopedics 2021, 45: 31-37. PMID: 34846239, DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20211124-06.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVenous thromboembolismAdverse eventsRisk factorsOrthopedic surgeryNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program Pediatric databaseSurgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Pediatric databaseIncidence of VTEPostoperative venous thromboembolismMinor adverse eventsPostoperative adverse eventsPreoperative blood transfusionIndependent risk factorMajor adverse eventsHigh-risk subpopulationsVTE prophylaxisPerioperative outcomesPatient demographicsBlood transfusionPatient factorsPediatric patientsSurgical variablesPreventable complicationsFemur fracturesPatient populationRetrospective analysisPredictors and Sequelae of Postoperative Delirium in a Geriatric Patient Population With Hip Fracture
Haynes MS, Alder KD, Toombs C, Amakiri IC, Rubin LE, Grauer JN. Predictors and Sequelae of Postoperative Delirium in a Geriatric Patient Population With Hip Fracture. JAAOS Global Research And Reviews 2021, 5: e20.00221. PMID: 33989253, PMCID: PMC8133215, DOI: 10.5435/jaaosglobal-d-20-00221.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHip fracture populationPostoperative deliriumPreoperative dementiaHip fractureGeriatric hip fracture populationDependent functional statusFracture populationAdverse postoperative outcomesHigher American SocietyIndependent risk factorPostoperative adverse outcomesGeriatric patient populationNongeneral anesthesiaPreoperative diabetesPostoperative outcomesIndependent predictorsMale sexAdverse outcomesPatient populationFunctional statusRevision surgeryRisk factorsDeliriumHigher oddsRisk subpopulations
Incidence, predictors, and timing of post-operative stroke following elective total hip arthroplasty and total knee arthroplasty
Haynes MS, Alder KD, Bellamkonda K, Kuzomunhu L, Grauer JN. Incidence, predictors, and timing of post-operative stroke following elective total hip arthroplasty and total knee arthroplasty. PLOS ONE 2020, 15: e0239239. PMID: 32941539, PMCID: PMC7498016, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239239.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTotal knee arthroplastyTotal hip arthroplastyIndependent risk factorPostoperative day twoPostoperative strokeKnee arthroplastyRisk factorsHip arthroplastyElective primary total hip arthroplastyTHA/TKANational Surgical Quality Improvement databaseElective total hip arthroplastyDay twoPrimary total hip arthroplastyPostoperative day ninePost-operative strokeTiming of strokeHigher American SocietyIncidence of strokePostoperative day oneMajority of strokesQuality improvement databaseRetrospective comparative studyAnesthesiologists (ASA) scoreCouncil patients
Pediatric obesity is associated with short-term risks after pelvic osteotomy
Basques BA, Meadows MC, Grauer JN, Kogan M. Pediatric obesity is associated with short-term risks after pelvic osteotomy. Journal Of Pediatric Orthopaedics B 2019, 28: 95-99. PMID: 30234701, DOI: 10.1097/bpb.0000000000000552.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPelvic osteotomyRisk factorsNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program Pediatric databasePediatric pelvic osteotomiesRetrospective cohort studyIndependent risk factorLength of stayShort-term riskNonobese patientsPerioperative morbidityAdverse eventsCohort studyBlood transfusionOperative timePediatric obesityPatient counselingFemoral osteotomySurgical correctionPediatric databaseHip dysplasiaOsteotomyReadmissionObesityPatientsTransfusion
Unlike Native Hip Fractures, Delay to Periprosthetic Hip Fracture Stabilization Does Not Significantly Affect Most Short-Term Perioperative Outcomes
Bovonratwet P, Fu MC, Adrados M, Ondeck NT, Su EP, Grauer JN. Unlike Native Hip Fractures, Delay to Periprosthetic Hip Fracture Stabilization Does Not Significantly Affect Most Short-Term Perioperative Outcomes. The Journal Of Arthroplasty 2018, 34: 564-569. PMID: 30514642, DOI: 10.1016/j.arth.2018.11.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPeriprosthetic hip fracturesNative hip fracturesIndependent risk factorSerious adverse eventsHip fracturePerioperative complicationsAdverse eventsRisk factorsNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseDependent preoperative functional statusPostoperative serious adverse eventsPreoperative congestive heart failureQuality Improvement Program databaseExtended postoperative stayPreoperative functional statusImprovement Program databaseCongestive heart failureTotal hip arthroplastyPostoperative stayPerioperative outcomesHeart failureHospital admissionPotential confoundersFunctional statusProgram databaseIs Discharge Within a Day of Total Knee Arthroplasty Safe in the Octogenarian Population?
Bovonratwet P, Fu MC, Tyagi V, Gu A, Sculco PK, Grauer JN. Is Discharge Within a Day of Total Knee Arthroplasty Safe in the Octogenarian Population? The Journal Of Arthroplasty 2018, 34: 235-241. PMID: 30391051, DOI: 10.1016/j.arth.2018.10.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTotal knee arthroplastyNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseQuality Improvement Program databasePrimary total knee arthroplastyImprovement Program databaseIndependent risk factorSerious adverse eventsAdverse eventsRisk factorsProgram databasePerioperative adverse eventsHospital lengthNonhome dischargeOctogenarian populationPerioperative complicationsElderly patientsOlder patientsPatient agePostdischarge careKnee arthroplastyPatient satisfactionProcedural characteristicsHigh riskHealthcare costsPatientsDialysis is an independent risk factor for perioperative adverse events, readmission, reoperation, and mortality for patients undergoing elective spine surgery
Ottesen TD, McLynn RP, Zogg CK, Shultz BN, Ondeck NT, Bovonratwet P, Bellamkonda KS, Rubin LE, Grauer JN. Dialysis is an independent risk factor for perioperative adverse events, readmission, reoperation, and mortality for patients undergoing elective spine surgery. The Spine Journal 2018, 18: 2033-2042. PMID: 30077772, DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2018.04.007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElective spine surgeryNon-dialysis patientsDialysis-dependent patientsPerioperative adverse eventsAdverse eventsDialysis patientsSpine surgeryUnplanned readmissionCohort studyPatient demographicsRisk factorsNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseRisk-adjusted multivariate regressionsQuality Improvement Program databaseOperating roomDialysis-independent patientsInstitutional cohort studyMinor adverse eventsRetrospective cohort studyElective spinal surgeryImprovement Program databaseIndependent risk factorMajor adverse eventsPercentage of complicationsAdministrative database studyIncidence, Risk Factors, and Impact of Clostridium difficile Colitis After Spine Surgery
Bovonratwet P, Bohl DD, Russo GS, Ondeck NT, Singh K, Grauer JN. Incidence, Risk Factors, and Impact of Clostridium difficile Colitis After Spine Surgery. Spine 2018, 43: 861-868. PMID: 28953711, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000002430.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsClostridium difficile colitisDifficile colitisIndependent risk factorSpine surgical proceduresRisk factorsSpine surgerySurgical proceduresPosterior lumbar fusion proceduresPost-hospitalization followSpine surgery patientsHigh-risk patientsLarge cohort studyLumbar fusion proceduresPre-existing infectionLarge national databasePostoperative lengthCohort studyNSQIP databasePostoperative periodSurgery patientsPrimary outcomeRetrospective studyDifficile infectionClinical impactInfection diagnosisAseptic revision total hip arthroplasty in the elderly : quantifying the risks for patients over 80 years old.
Bovonratwet P, Malpani R, Ottesen TD, Tyagi V, Ondeck NT, Rubin LE, Grauer JN. Aseptic revision total hip arthroplasty in the elderly : quantifying the risks for patients over 80 years old. The Bone & Joint Journal 2018, 100-B: 143-151. PMID: 29437055, DOI: 10.1302/0301-620x.100b2.bjj-2017-0895.r1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAseptic revision total hip arthroplastyRevision total hip arthroplastyTotal hip arthroplastySerious adverse eventsAdverse eventsRisk factorsProcedural characteristicsHip arthroplastyNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseQuality Improvement Program databaseImprovement Program databaseIndependent risk factorUrinary tract infectionMultivariate regression analysisAnesthesiologists (ASA) scoreMedical optimizationPerioperative complicationsPerioperative mortalityPostoperative complicationsTract infectionsYounger patientsBlood transfusionGeneral anesthesiaVulnerable patientsBone Joint
Risk factors and pharmacologic prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism in elective spine surgery
McLynn RP, Diaz-Collado PJ, Ottesen TD, Ondeck NT, Cui JJ, Bovonratwet P, Shultz BN, Grauer JN. Risk factors and pharmacologic prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism in elective spine surgery. The Spine Journal 2017, 18: 970-978. PMID: 29056565, DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2017.10.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElective spine surgeryPrior venous thromboembolismPharmacologic prophylaxisVenous thromboembolismAssociation of patientSpine surgeryRisk factorsUnfractionated heparinVTE prophylaxisInstitutional cohortNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseElective spine surgery patientsRate of VTEQuality Improvement Program databaseDependent functional statusPerioperative blood transfusionRetrospective cohort studySpine surgery patientsImprovement Program databaseIndependent risk factorRetrospective cohort analysisIncidence of hematomaLonger operative timeLumbar spine surgerySingle-institution cohortOutpatient Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion is Associated With Fewer Short-term Complications in One- and Two-level Cases
Fu MC, Gruskay JA, Samuel AM, Sheha ED, Derman PB, Iyer S, Grauer JN, Albert TJ. Outpatient Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion is Associated With Fewer Short-term Complications in One- and Two-level Cases. Spine 2017, 42: 1044-1049. PMID: 28697092, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000001988.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOutpatient anterior cervical discectomyAnterior cervical discectomyTwo-level ACDFPostdischarge complicationsPostoperative complicationsPostoperative morbidityRisk factorsCervical discectomyACDF casesOutpatient procedureOutpatient casesInpatient casesNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databasePropensity-adjusted multivariable logistic regressionsQuality Improvement Program databaseCharlson Comorbidity IndexChronic steroid useOne-level ACDFOverall unadjusted rateGreater comorbidity burdenHigher American SocietyImprovement Program databaseIndependent risk factorRetrospective cohort studyShort-term complications
Incidence and Risk Factors for Pneumonia After Posterior Lumbar Fusion Procedures
Bohl DD, Mayo BC, Massel DH, Iantorno SE, Ahn J, Basques BA, Grauer JN, Singh K. Incidence and Risk Factors for Pneumonia After Posterior Lumbar Fusion Procedures. Spine 2016, 41: 1058-1063. PMID: 26679873, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000001389.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDependent diabetes mellitusPosterior lumbar fusionChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseIndependent risk factorDevelopment of pneumoniaObstructive pulmonary diseaseRisk factorsPostoperative pneumoniaPulmonary diseaseSteroid useAmerican CollegeSurgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseSurgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement ProgramNational Surgical Quality Improvement ProgramQuality Improvement Program databaseSurgical Quality Improvement ProgramPosterior lumbar fusion proceduresRate of sepsisImprovement Program databaseIncidence of pneumoniaDevelopment of sepsisDiagnosis of pneumoniaLumbar fusion proceduresFusion procedures
Predicting Short-term Morbidity in Patients Undergoing Posterior Spinal Fusion for Neuromuscular Scoliosis
Basques BA, Chung SH, Lukasiewicz AM, Webb ML, Samuel AM, Bohl DD, Smith BG, Grauer JN. Predicting Short-term Morbidity in Patients Undergoing Posterior Spinal Fusion for Neuromuscular Scoliosis. Spine 2015, 40: 1910-1917. PMID: 26261918, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000001093.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosterior spinal fusionSevere adverse eventsShort-term morbidityNeuromuscular scoliosisAdverse eventsRisk factorsInfectious complicationsASA classificationSpinal fusionNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program Pediatric databaseSurgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Pediatric databaseOnly independent risk factorPoor short-term outcomeShort-term adverse outcomesPrevious cardiac surgeryRetrospective cohort studyIndependent risk factorOnly risk factorShort-term outcomesBody mass indexNMS patientsAnesthesiologists classificationCohort studyPatient characteristicsCardiac surgeryIncidence and risk factors for pneumonia following anterior cervical decompression and fusion procedures: an ACS-NSQIP study
Bohl DD, Ahn J, Rossi VJ, Tabaraee E, Grauer JN, Singh K. Incidence and risk factors for pneumonia following anterior cervical decompression and fusion procedures: an ACS-NSQIP study. The Spine Journal 2015, 16: 335-342. PMID: 26616171, DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2015.11.021.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsActivities of Daily LivingAdolescentAdultAge FactorsAgedCervical VertebraeComorbidityDecompression, SurgicalFemaleHumansIncidenceMaleMiddle AgedMultivariate AnalysisPneumoniaPostoperative ComplicationsPulmonary Disease, Chronic ObstructiveQuality ImprovementRegression AnalysisRetrospective StudiesRisk FactorsSpinal FusionYoung AdultConceptsIndependent risk factorDevelopment of pneumoniaChronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseAnterior cervical decompressionGreater operative durationObstructive pulmonary diseaseACDF proceduresRisk factorsReadmission ratesCervical decompressionOperative durationPulmonary diseaseSurgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement ProgramNational Surgical Quality Improvement ProgramSurgical Quality Improvement ProgramACS-NSQIP studyDependent functional statusRetrospective cohort studyIncidence of pneumoniaHigher readmission ratesDiagnosis of pneumoniaFusion proceduresImportant clinical consequencesMultivariate regressionQuality Improvement ProgramUrinary Tract Infection Following Posterior Lumbar Fusion Procedures
Bohl DD, Ahn J, Tabaraee E, Ahn J, Jain A, Grauer JN, Singh K. Urinary Tract Infection Following Posterior Lumbar Fusion Procedures. Spine 2015, 40: 1785-1791. PMID: 26020850, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000001003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosterior lumbar fusion proceduresUrinary tract infectionLumbar fusion proceduresGreater riskSystemic sepsisTract infectionsRisk factorsFusion proceduresSurgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseQuality Improvement Program databaseDependent functional statusImprovement Program databaseIndependent risk factorImportant clinical consequencesSpinal fusion proceduresHealth care systemDiabetic statusOperative durationRetrospective reviewFemale sexFunctional statusOperative characteristicsProgram databaseInclusion criteriaRisk Factors for Thromboembolic Events After Surgery for Ankle Fractures.
Basques BA, Miller CP, Golinvaux NS, Bohl DD, Grauer JN. Risk Factors for Thromboembolic Events After Surgery for Ankle Fractures. The American Journal Of Orthopedics 2015, 44: e220-4. PMID: 26161767.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVenous thromboembolic eventsBody mass indexDependent functional statusAnkle fracturesThromboembolic eventsFunctional statusHeart diseaseRisk factorsSurgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseNational Surgical Quality Improvement Program databaseOccurrence of VTEsQuality Improvement Program databaseRetrospective national cohort studyHigher body mass indexAnkle fracture ORIFImprovement Program databaseIndependent risk factorAnkle fracture patientsDeep vein thrombosisNational cohort studyVTE prophylaxisFracture patientsPostoperative dayPulmonary embolismVein thrombosis