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YBDIC Leadership Alumni

Leadership Alumni


Paola Figueroa-Delgado, MCGD, YBDIC Director

Mytien Nguyen, IBIO, Chair of Advancement

Ng Akingbesote, M2P2, Chair of Outreach

Yanixa Quiñones-Avilés, MCGD, Chair of Engagement

Shanae Aerts, INP, Chair of Empowerment

Calvin Fang, INP, Fellow

Ivy Lin, PMB, Fellow

Justin Johnson, IBIO, Fellow

Paola Negrón-Moreno, INP, Fellow

Ife Adeyeri, Micro, Fellow

Violet Kimble, INP, Fellow

Jennifer Loza, M2P2, Fellow

Reina Desrouleaux, M2P2, Fellow


Termara Parker, INP, YBDIC Director

Egbert Castrol, CBB, Chair of Advancement

Paola Figueroa-Delgado, MCGD, Chair of Outreach

Daisy Duan, BBQS, Chair of Engagement

Sebastian Diaz, IBIO, Chair of Empowerment

Chris Anderson, M2P2, Fellow

Mytien Nguyen, IBIO, Fellow

Steven Paniagua, MCGD, Fellow

Gabriela Casanova, MBB, Fellow

Shanae Aerts, INP, Fellow

Ng Akingbesote, M2P2, Fellow

Elsie Gonzalez-Hurtado, IBIO, Fellow


Termara Parker, INP, YBDIC Director

Ian Gonzalez, MCDB, Fellow

Lauren Thornton, MCDB, Fellow

Chris Anderson, M2P2, Chair of Advancement

Gabriela Casanova, MBB, Fellow

Sebastian Diaz, IBIO, Fellow

Mytien Nguyen, IBIO, Chair of Empowerment

Paola Figueroa-Delgado, MCGD, Chair of Outreach

Egbert Castro, CBB, Fellow

Daisy Duan, BBQS, Chair of Engagement