Proteomics Centers closely Associated with the Keck MS & Proteomics Resource
Yale/NIDA Neuroproteomics Research Center
- Theme: "Proteomics of Altered Signaling in Addiction”.
- proteomics combined with signal transduction in the brain to identify adaptive
- changes in protein signaling that occur in response to substance abuse.
- Budget period 8/23/2004 – 5/31/2014
Yale/NHLBI Proteomics Center
- 1 of 10 national centers established in 2002
- Protein profiling & MS components located in the Keck MS Lab
- Supports research on vascular biology, hematopoiesis, blood pressure
- Budget Period 10/2002 - 9/2009 NCE
Northeast Biodefense Center (NBC)
- 1 of 8 Regional Centers of Excellence established in 2003
- 200 faculty at the CDC and 36 institutions in NY, CT, and NJ.
- Basic science and clinical biodefense research programs
- First responders in the event of a biodefense emergency
- Budget period 9/3/03-2/29/10
Center for High Performance Computation (HPC) in Biomedicine at Yale University
- equipped with a Beowulf cluster
- funded by a $1.6 million dollar NIH High End Instrumentation
- Uses include large scale MS/MS analysis (MudPIT, iTRAQ, PTM’s)
- X!!tandem which is a parallelized version of X!tandem
Proteomics Shared Resource of the Yale Comprehensive Cancer Center
- supports the Yale Comprehensive Cancer Center (YCC) Proteomics Resource
- providing protein profiling analysis (i.e. DIGE, iTRAQ, SILAc etc.),
- mass spectrometric and biophysical analysis for YCC members.
- Budget period 08/09/07-7/31/12