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Physician, heal thyself: Web Group Sites Rebuilt

August 20, 2014
by Cayetana C. Navarro

As mentioned in a previous article, the Web Group wants to ensure that our community stays informed as much as possible throughout the upcoming transition with all of our various systems and projects.

With that in mind, this article focuses on the new Web Group web sites that are going to be unveiled this week. As much time and energy as we put into encouraging and supporting all of you in creating and maintaining the best web sites possible, we realized we needed to do some self-examination of our own.

Once we started the process of reviewing the Web Group’s own site, one thing became immediately clear: We needed to greatly simplify our material for our users (and for ourselves for that matter!). We quickly made the decision to separate our site into a parent Web Group site and two child sites: one for Services and one for Support.

New Web Group Site

The Web Group site consists of just the information about the team, our mission, and the YSM web policies and guidelines. Broad descriptions of the different tools we provide and the news articles that discuss the activities and direction of the Web Group will remain here as well.

Web Services Site

The Web Services site, managed by Justin Navarro with support from Liz Pantani and his team of student workers will now be the one-stop for the build, edit, and review services. Information regarding the process, documents, and fees for all of these services resides on this new site. In addition, once the new Form Builder has been launched, editing clients will have a new tool to submit all of their requests along with any supporting documents. Finally, once the two new services – Analytics and Content Management Consultation – are launched, this is where you will learn more about them and decide if they are right for you/your organization.

Web Support Site

The Web Support site, managed by Mark Albis with support from Liz Pantani, served as one of the primary drivers for this separation of content. The training and support materials will now be a far easier to navigate. This site has been reorganized to cater specifically to direct users of Tridion and other YSM applications with documentation to help them update and maintain their web sites. This site contains all of the support documentation we have developed over the years – from the training videos to step-by-step instructions with screen-shots; essentially any and all of the information you’ll need to be a productive web editor is here.


We hope you find these new sites simple, helpful, and faster for finding what you need. Let us know if you have questions or any suggestions about how we might improve them. As we often tell all of you when a new site launches, it’s never done!