Saketkoo L, Mittoo S, Huscher D, Khanna D, Dellaripa P, Distler O, Flaherty K, Frankel S, Oddis C, Denton C, Fischer A, Kowal-Bielecka O, LeSage D, Merkel P, Phillips K, Pittrow D, Swigris J, Antoniou K, Baughman R, Castelino F, Christmann R, Christopher-Stine L, Collard H, Cottin V, Danoff S, Highland K, Hummers L, Shah A, Kim D, Lynch D, Miller F, Proudman S, Richeldi L, Ryu J, Sandorfi N, Sarver C, Wells A, Strand V, Matteson E, Brown K, Seibold J, Aggarwal* R, Ainslie G, Alkassab F, Allanore Y, Descartes P, Anderson M, Andonopoulos A, Antin-Ozerkis D, Arrobas A, Ascherman* D, Assassi S, Baron M, Bathon* J, Behr J, Beretta L, Bingham C, Binnie M, Birring S, Boin F, Bongartz* T, Bourdin A, Bouros D, Brasington R, Bresser P, Buch M, Burge P, Carmona L, Carreira P, Carvalho C, Catoggio L, Chan K, Chapman J, Chatterjee S, Chua* F, Chung L, Conron M, Corte T, Cosgrove G, Costabel U, Cox G, Crestani B, Crofford L, Csuka M, Curbelo P, László C, Daniil Z, D'Arsigny C, Davis G, de Andrade J, De Vuyst P, Dempsey O, Derk C, Distler J, Dixon* W, Downey G, Doyle M, Drent M, Durairaj L, Emery P, Espinoza L, Farge D, Fathi M, Fell C, Fessler B, Fitzgerald J, Fox G, Foeldvari I, Frech T, Freitas S, Furst* D, Gabrielli A, GarcÃa-Vicuña R, Georgiev O, Gerbino A, Gillisen A, Gladman D, Glassberg M, Gochuico B, Gogali A, Goh* N, Goldberg A, Goldberg H, Gourley* M, Griffing L, Grutters J, Gunnarsson R, Hachulla E, Hall F, Harari S, Herrick A, Herzog E, Hesselstrand R, Hirani N, Hodgson U, Hollingsworth H, Homer R, Hoyles R, Hsu V, Hubbard R, Hunzelmann N, Isasi M, Isasi E, Jimenez J, Johnson S, Jones C, Kahaleh B, Kairalla R, Kalluri M, Kalra S, Kaner R, Kinder B, Klingsberg R, Kokosi M, Kolb M, Kur-Zalewska J, Kuwana* M, Lake F, Lally E, Lasky J, Laurindo I, Able L, Lee P, Leonard C, Lien D, Limper A, Liossis S, Lohr K, Loyd J, Lundberg* I, Mageto Y, Maher T, Mahmud T, Manganas H, Marie I, Marras T, Martinez J, Martinez F, Mathieu A, Matucci-Cerinic* M, Mayes* M, McKown K, Medsger T, Meehan R, Cristina M, Meyer K, Millar A, MoÄŸulkoç N, Molitor J, Morais A, Mouthon P, Müller V, Müller-Quernheim J, Nadashkevich O, Nador R, Nash P, Nathan S, Navarro C, Neves S, Noth I, Nunes H, Olson A, Opitz C, Padilla M, Pappas D, Parfrey H, Pego-Reigosa J, Pereira C, Perez R, Pope* J, Porter J, Renzoni E, Riemekasten G, Riley D, Rischmueller M, Rodriguez-Reyna T, Rojas-Serrano, Romam J, Rosen G, Rossman M, Rothfield N, Sahn S, Sanduzzi A, Scholand M, Selman M, Senécal J, Seo P, Silver* R, Solomon J, Steen* V, Stevens W, Strange C, Sussman R, Sutton E, Sweiss N, Tornling G, Tzelepis G, Undurraga A, Vacca A, Vancheri C, Varga J, Veale D, Volkov S, Walker U, Wencel M, Wesselius L, Wickremasinghe M, Wilcox P, Wilsher M, Wollheim F, Wuyts W, Yung G, Zanon P, Zappala C, Groshong S, Leslie K, Myers J, Padera R, Desai S, Goldin J, Kazerooni E, Klein J, Lynch D, Keen K. Connective tissue disease related interstitial lung diseases and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: provisional core sets of domains and instruments for use in clinical trials. Thorax 2013, 69: 436. PMID: 24368713, PMCID: PMC3995282, DOI: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-204202.Peer-Reviewed Original Research