Yan Lee, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery (Otolaryngology)
My experience with Yale medical students began as soon as I joined the faculty of Otolaryngology. I worked closely with students rotating through our specialty, and for several years, I served as the clerkship director. My role in surgical training for our students has been truly rewarding for a number of reasons. I find that working with students allows us to learn from their fresh perspective, and I particularly enjoy mentoring them as they find their way into their chosen fields. I also value our students’ feedback because they help to make us a better surgical training program.
My passion for education extends beyond Otolaryngology. I find myself eagerly volunteering for mentorship programs for URIM, Women in Surgery, and signing up to do mock interviews with students to prepare them for real interviews. My goal is to be resourceful and approachable so that I can help our students towards their goals.
I have served as a member of the Progress Committee as well as the Admissions Committee. These experiences have given me a broad perspective on Yale medical student affairs and culture. I’m honored to be a part of the Yale coaching program for our students. I am very optimistic that this will give our students a solid foundation and support system as they navigate medical school.