Comparison of tumor delineation using dual energy computed tomography versus magnetic resonance imaging in head and neck cancer re-irradiation cases
Ng S, Cardenas C, Elhalawani H, Pollard C, Elgohari B, Fang P, Meheissen M, Guha-Thakurta N, Bahig H, Johnson J, Kamal M, Garden A, Reddy J, Su S, Ferrarotto R, Frank S, Gunn G, Moreno A, Rosenthal D, Fuller C, Phan J. Comparison of tumor delineation using dual energy computed tomography versus magnetic resonance imaging in head and neck cancer re-irradiation cases. Physics And Imaging In Radiation Oncology 2020, 14: 1-5. PMID: 33458306, PMCID: PMC7807720, DOI: 10.1016/j.phro.2020.04.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMagnetic resonance imagingHigh interobserver agreementInterobserver agreementRe-irradiation casesSkull base sitesTumor delineationRecurrent HNCMultiple imaging modalitiesTumor volumeRadiation oncologistsResonance imagingDual energyInterobserver consistencyImaging modalitiesTreatment planningMedian DSCTomographyMagnetic resonancePatientsOncologistsTumorsDECTHead
Three-dimensional imaging assessment of anatomic invasion and volumetric considerations for chemo/radiotherapy-based laryngeal preservation in T3 larynx cancer
Kamal M, Ng S, Eraj S, Rock C, Pham B, Messer J, Garden A, Morrison W, Phan J, Frank S, El-Naggar A, Johnson J, Ginsberg L, Ferrarotto R, Lewin J, Hutcheson K, Cardenas C, Zafereo M, Lai S, Hessel A, Weber R, Gunn G, Fuller C, Mohamed A, Rosenthal D. Three-dimensional imaging assessment of anatomic invasion and volumetric considerations for chemo/radiotherapy-based laryngeal preservation in T3 larynx cancer. Oral Oncology 2018, 79: 1-8. PMID: 29598944, PMCID: PMC5880303, DOI: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2018.01.025.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTumor volumeOverall survivalLocal controlSurvival outcomesLimited invasionExtent of invasionLarynx cancerPrimary gross tumor volumeGood performance statusPoor local controlT3 laryngeal carcinomaImproved overall survivalLaryngeal carcinoma patientsMedian tumor volumeOverall survival rateIndependent prognostic factorPretreatment contrast-enhanced computed tomography imagesPrimary tumor invasionContrast-enhanced computed tomography imagesSoft tissue involvementLaryngeal preservation strategiesGross tumor volumeDefinitive radiotherapyExtent of involvementLaryngeal preservation
Quantitative pretreatment CT volumetry: Association with oncologic outcomes in patients with T4a squamous carcinoma of the larynx
Shiao J, Mohamed A, Messer J, Hutcheson K, Johnson J, Enderling H, Kamal M, Warren B, Pham B, Morrison W, Zafereo M, Hessel A, Lai S, Kies M, Ferrarotto R, Garden A, Schomer D, Gunn G, Phan J, Frank S, Beadle B, Weber R, Lewin J, Rosenthal D, Fuller C. Quantitative pretreatment CT volumetry: Association with oncologic outcomes in patients with T4a squamous carcinoma of the larynx. Head & Neck 2017, 39: 1609-1620. PMID: 28464542, PMCID: PMC5511768, DOI: 10.1002/hed.24804.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsT4a laryngeal cancerSquamous cell carcinomaTumor volumeOverall survivalLaryngeal cancerFive-year overall survivalWorse disease-specific survivalLaryngeal squamous cell carcinomaFive-year OSCause-specific survivalDisease-specific survivalEvent-free survivalIndependent prognostic factorRecurrence-free survivalPrimary tumor volumeSignificant independent correlatesTumor volume measurementsLarynx preservationOncologic outcomesPrognostic factorsPretreatment CTSquamous carcinomaCell carcinomaIndependent correlatesTotal laryngectomy