Healthcare Leadership in Radiology
Yale University Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, along with the Yale School of Management (Yale SOM), offer a fellowship to a radiologist who has passed the ABR Qualifying (Core) exam and who aspires to administrative leadership positions in private or academic practice. By having an active clinical presence in our Emergency Radiology section, the radiologist will become experienced in much of the gamut of clinical activities in the department.
During the two-year program, beginning July 1, the fellow will begin a clinical Emergency/Trauma Radiology fellowship in the department of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging, and the MBA for Executives program (Healthcare track), at the Yale SOM. In addition, the fellow will play a leadership role on one or more projects from the Chairman’s office. Such projects may include: operational or capital budgeting of new programs; compensation/incentive development for staff; teleradiology programmatic growth; process/quality improvement; strategic planning; or marketing. The fellow will also have an opportunity to participate in similar projects in the hospital at large, if he/she chooses.
The fellowship includes working shifts in the Emergency Radiology section throughout the year. The fellow will function as an independent clinician, though their work will be proctored and reviewed on a regular basis. The MBA for Executives program at the Yale School of Management is a 22-month program. During this time, the fellow will spend two weeks in orientation and residency to begin the first year, a week at a partner school for Global Network week at the end of the first year, a second residency week to kick off the second year, and every other Friday and Saturday on campus. There is also an opportunity to take additional elective courses and become involved in projects at SOM and across the entire Yale University campus.
The fellow will not be scheduled for clinical work during the period leading up to, nor including, the residence/MBA class times. The fellowship is 24 months with the fellow receiving a certificate of completion of fellowship from Yale Radiology & Biomedical Imaging as well as the MBA degree from Yale University. The fellow will receive a salary and full-tuition reimbursement for the MBA for Executives program. In addition, the fellow will receive remuneration for any additional shifts he/she voluntarily accepts beyond the stated required shifts. The fellow will receive a book/travel allowance of $1000 dollars per year, which may be applied to the international experience cost. Space in the department will be provided if necessary.