Chair's Welcome
Rob Goodman, MB BChir, MBA
Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging
Yale School of Medicine
The first X-rays in the United States were created at Yale University in 1898 by physicist Arthur W. Wright. More recently, diagnostic imaging has been transformed from primarily an X-ray-based specialty to include sophisticated techniques based on computer tomography, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, positron emission tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.
Who We Are
The department attracts faculty who have trained at top-tier programs in the United States and abroad, and offers a highly advanced and diverse environment in which medical students, residents, and fellows learn bioimaging sciences, and diagnostic and interventional radiology.
The residency program in Radiology & Biomedical Imaging is one of the most competitive and highly regarded in the nation, receiving more than 1200 applications for the 16 positions yearly. Our residency is the 4th largest in the United States and provides enviable training to the best and brightest in their field. Residency programs are available in Diagnostic Radiology and Interventional Radiology. The new Yale Diagnostic Medical Physics Training Program is for candidates who are interested in pursuing a career as a clinical diagnostic imaging Medical Physicist.
The Department offers fellowship programs in Breast Imaging, Body Imaging, Nuclear Medicine, Pediatrics, Musculoskeletal Imaging, Neuroradiology and Administrative Leadership in Radiology.
Clinical Care
The Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging provides diagnostic imaging, screening, and interventional radiology services at Yale-New Haven Hospital and multiple ambulatory facilities throughout the State.
Yale-New Haven Hospital is one of the Top 10 largest hospitals in the United States, and is ranked by U.S. News and World Report as one of the best hospitals in the country. It is Yale School of Medicine’s primary teaching hospital. The Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven Hospital is designated as a Comprehensive Cancer Center by the National Cancer Institute, one of only 41 in the country.
The VA Diagnostic Imaging Service provides imaging consultation and diagnostic procedures for the VA Connecticut Healthcare System, with imaging centers at the West Haven and Newington campuses. Approximately 70,000 examinations are performed annually, including general and emergency radiography, fluoroscopy, multi-slice Computed Tomography, MRI, Ultrasound, Bone Densitometry, Angiography and interventional procedures, nuclear medicine and PET imaging with cyclotron facilities.
High-level research into MRI, MRS, PET, and Image Processing is undertaken by over 46 research faculty and post-doctorates who together generated grants totaling in excess of $21M in 2021.
A unique research opportunity is available to residents in Nuclear Medicine through the Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Research Center. The PET Center is comprised of a technologically advanced radiochemistry laboratory that develops and uses PET radiopharmaceuticals labeled with the most common PET isotopes (11C, 15O, 13N, and 18F) as well as an imaging and data analysis section that oversees scanning procedures. The PET center comprises approximately 55 clinician scientists, basic scientists, technicians, and students. The PET Center has a GE PETtrace cyclotron for radioisotope production.
The Yale MR Research Center’s mission is to develop novel MR imaging methods with clinical and scientific applications. Research addresses basic science questions -- from stem cell migration and mechanisms of recovery, to understanding tissue damage and remodeling, to fundamental questions regarding brain function. The MR Research Center is interdisciplinary; its scientists have physics, engineering, chemistry, mathematics, and neuroscience backgrounds.
Global Outreach
The Yale Radiology Global Outreach Program provides local and international opportunities for trainees and faculty to help address the global shortage of well-trained diagnostic and interventional radiologists. The Tanzania Elective sponsors Yale radiology residents who spend three weeks in Tanzania. In the fall of 2018, program members inaugurated the first Interventional Radiology training program in Tanzania.