Academic Radiology Physician Financial Compensation in the United States: Trends and Distribution.
Malhotra A, Futela D, Joshi R, Khunte M, Moily N, Wu X, Payabvash S, Wintermark M, Gandhi D, Atzen S. Academic Radiology Physician Financial Compensation in the United States: Trends and Distribution. Radiology 2024, 313: e241057. PMID: 39352280, PMCID: PMC11535871, DOI: 10.1148/radiol.241057.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsU.S. medical schoolsMedical schoolsStudy periodFinancial compensationDeidentified dataPhysician compensationSecondary analysisFaculty membersFull-time facultyRace/ethnicityAnalyze trendsCompensation dataCompare groupsCompensation valueFaculty compensationSalary reportsLinear regressionRadiology departmentSalary gapRadiology facultyLetter to the Editor Regarding “Utility of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Ligamentous Injury in Cervical Spine Trauma: A 2-Year Consecutive Case Cohort”
Malhotra A, Wu X, Khunte M. Letter to the Editor Regarding “Utility of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Ligamentous Injury in Cervical Spine Trauma: A 2-Year Consecutive Case Cohort”. World Neurosurgery 2024, 187: 277. PMID: 38970196, DOI: 10.1016/j.wneu.2024.01.137.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersAutomated detection of early signs of irreversible ischemic change on CTA source images in patients with large vessel occlusion
Mak A, Matouk C, Avery E, Behland J, Haider S, Frey D, Madai V, Vajkoczy P, Griessenauer C, Zand R, Hendrix P, Abedi V, Sanelli P, Falcone G, Petersen N, Sansing L, Sheth K, Payabvash S, Malhotra A. Automated detection of early signs of irreversible ischemic change on CTA source images in patients with large vessel occlusion. PLOS ONE 2024, 19: e0304962. PMID: 38870240, PMCID: PMC11175522, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0304962.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDiffusion-weighted imagingLarge vessel occlusionIrreversible ischemic changesPoor functional outcomeFunctional outcomesIschemic changesInfarct volumeAlberta Stroke Program Early CT ScorePredicting poor functional outcomeVessel occlusionFollow-up diffusion-weighted imagingAnterior circulation LVO strokeCTA source imagesReceiver operating characteristic curveExpert human readersPredicting final infarctionASPECTS regionsAdmission CTANon-inferior performanceBaseline CTACT scoreFinal infarctEndovascular therapyHU attenuationValidation cohortThrombectomy vs Medical Management for Posterior Cerebral Artery Stroke: Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Real-World Data.
Chen H, Khunte M, Colasurdo M, Malhotra A, Gandhi D. Thrombectomy vs Medical Management for Posterior Cerebral Artery Stroke: Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Real-World Data. Neurology 2024, 102: e209315. PMID: 38626383, PMCID: PMC11175628, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000209315.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSymptomatic intracranial hemorrhagePosterior cerebral arteryAssociated with higher oddsNational Inpatient SampleEndovascular thrombectomyHigher oddsMedical managementCohort studyFunctional independencePosterior cerebral artery strokeSafety of endovascular thrombectomyOdds of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhageAssociated with significantly higher ratesOxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine criteriaRates of in-hospital mortalityCentre for Evidence-Based Medicine criteriaMeta-analysisRate of ICHAssociated with different oddsHigher odds of deathRate of subarachnoid hemorrhageIn-hospital mortalityAssociated with lower ratesClass III evidenceLevel of evidenceLetter to the Editor Re “Rethinking Cervical Spine Clearance in Obtunded Trauma Patients: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”.
Malhotra A, Wu X, Khunte M. Letter to the Editor Re “Rethinking Cervical Spine Clearance in Obtunded Trauma Patients: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”. Injury 2024, 55: 111359. PMID: 38262333, DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2024.111359.Commentaries, Editorials and Letters
Early brain microstructural development among preterm infants requiring caesarean section versus those delivered vaginally
Bobba P, Weber C, Malhotra A, Bahtiyar M, Copel J, Taylor S, Ment L, Payabvash S. Early brain microstructural development among preterm infants requiring caesarean section versus those delivered vaginally. Scientific Reports 2023, 13: 21514. PMID: 38057452, PMCID: PMC10700578, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-48963-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTrends of diversity in radiology trainees compared to other primary- and nonprimary-care specialties
Wu X, Khunte M, Tegtmeyer K, Bajaj S, Prajapati P, Payabvash S, Gandhi D, Malhotra A. Trends of diversity in radiology trainees compared to other primary- and nonprimary-care specialties. Clinical Imaging 2023, 106: 110015. PMID: 38065023, DOI: 10.1016/j.clinimag.2023.110015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTrends in Use of Intravenous Thrombolysis and Endovascular Thrombectomy in Patients With Acute Stroke With Large Vessel Occlusion 2016 to 2020 and Impact of COVID‐19 Pandemic
Khunte M, Chen H, Khunte A, Payabvash S, Gandhi D, Malhotra A. Trends in Use of Intravenous Thrombolysis and Endovascular Thrombectomy in Patients With Acute Stroke With Large Vessel Occlusion 2016 to 2020 and Impact of COVID‐19 Pandemic. Journal Of The American Heart Association 2023, 12: e029579. PMID: 37889182, PMCID: PMC10727381, DOI: 10.1161/jaha.122.029579.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntravenous thrombolysis prior to endovascular thrombectomy in elderly stroke patients: An analysis of the National Inpatient Sample database
Chen H, Khunte M, Colasurdo M, Malhotra A, Gandhi D. Intravenous thrombolysis prior to endovascular thrombectomy in elderly stroke patients: An analysis of the National Inpatient Sample database. Journal Of The Neurological Sciences 2023, 454: 120842. PMID: 37856997, DOI: 10.1016/j.jns.2023.120842.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNational Inpatient Sample databaseHospital mortalityHemorrhagic complicationsIntravenous thrombolysisEndovascular thrombectomyEVT patientsIVT treatmentThrombectomy centreElderly patientsMultivariable logistic regression modelSample databaseStroke risk factorsElderly stroke patientsCross-sectional studyLarge-scale cross-sectional studyOutcomes of interestHigh rateLogistic regression modelsPatients 80Medical comorbiditiesOnly patientsPatient demographicsStroke etiologyThrombolytic treatmentHemorrhagic riskClinical implications of Peri-hematomal edema microperfusion fraction in intracerebral hemorrhage intravoxel incoherent motion imaging – A pilot study
Abou Karam G, Tharmaseelan H, Aboian M, Malhotra A, Gilmore E, Falcone G, de Havenon A, Sheth K, Payabvash S. Clinical implications of Peri-hematomal edema microperfusion fraction in intracerebral hemorrhage intravoxel incoherent motion imaging – A pilot study. Journal Of Stroke And Cerebrovascular Diseases 2023, 32: 107375. PMID: 37738914, PMCID: PMC10591892, DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2023.107375.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsModified Rankin ScaleSecondary brain injuryIntracerebral hemorrhagePerihematomal edemaSubacute intracerebral hemorrhageIntravoxel incoherent motion imagingAdmission NIHSSBrain injuryMedian baseline National InstitutesPilot studyBaseline National InstitutesHealth Stroke ScalePerfusion fractionSupratentorial intracerebral hemorrhageIVIM metricsIncoherent motion imagingStroke ScaleNeuroprotective therapiesParenchymal injuryRankin ScaleRisk patientsConsecutive patientsUnivariable analysisPoor outcomeICH volumeContrast Agent Administration as a Source of Liability: A Legal Database Analysis.
Khan A, Bajaj S, Khunte M, Payabvash S, Wintermark M, Gandhi D, Mezrich J, Malhotra A. Contrast Agent Administration as a Source of Liability: A Legal Database Analysis. Radiology 2023, 308: e230802. PMID: 37724972, PMCID: PMC10546284, DOI: 10.1148/radiol.230802.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsContrast agent administrationKidney injuryMedical complicationsAnaphylactic reactionsAgent administrationCommon medical complicationsAcute kidney injuryContrast medium extravasationImaging proceduresMedium extravasationDatabase inceptionTerms of specialtyFrequent causeMedical malpracticeOutcomes of lawsuitsHealth care institutionsMedical malpractice claimsContrast mediumClinical contextPractice areaCare institutionsMalpractice claimsCase summariesInappropriate managementComplicationsUtility of Gadolinium-Based Contrast in Initial Evaluation of Seizures in Children Presenting Emergently
Andrijauskis D, Woolf G, Kuehne A, Al-Dasuqi K, Silva C, Payabvash S, Malhotra A. Utility of Gadolinium-Based Contrast in Initial Evaluation of Seizures in Children Presenting Emergently. American Journal Of Neuroradiology 2023, 44: 1208-1211. PMID: 37652579, PMCID: PMC10549952, DOI: 10.3174/ajnr.a7976.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSeizure presentationMR imagingConsecutive pediatric patientsNew-onset seizuresEvaluation of seizuresIschemic/hypoxicImaging of patientsBrain MR imagingGadolinium-based contrast agentsNoncontrast studyAcute onsetHippocampal sclerosisPediatric seizuresPatient agePediatric patientsNormal findingsIntracranial hemorrhageEmergency departmentVascular anomaliesInpatient unitGadolinium contrastPatientsNeurodevelopmental lesionAdditive benefitSeizuresValue Proposition of FDA-Approved Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Neuroimaging
Bajaj S, Khunte M, Moily N, Payabvash S, Wintermark M, Gandhi D, Malhotra A. Value Proposition of FDA-Approved Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Neuroimaging. Journal Of The American College Of Radiology 2023, 20: 1241-1249. PMID: 37574094, DOI: 10.1016/j.jacr.2023.06.034.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsArtificial intelligence algorithmsAI algorithmsIntelligence algorithmsValue propositionUser timeAI developersMost vendorsProduct informationDevelopersAlgorithmVendorsProduct websitesDeveloper websitesWebsitesUser testimonialsCentral databaseTechnologyDatabaseInformationAIDevicesAdoptionPropositionCostLetter to the Editor Re; "Treatment and outcomes of non-aneurysmal perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage: A 5 year retrospective study in a tertiary care centre"
Malhotra A. Letter to the Editor Re; "Treatment and outcomes of non-aneurysmal perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage: A 5 year retrospective study in a tertiary care centre". Clinical Neurology And Neurosurgery 2023, 233: 107937. PMID: 37591039, DOI: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2023.107937.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersRe: Magnetic resonance imaging cervical spine in trauma: A retrospective single‐centre audit of patient outcomes
Malhotra A, Wu X, Khunte M, Radmard M. Re: Magnetic resonance imaging cervical spine in trauma: A retrospective single‐centre audit of patient outcomes. Emergency Medicine Australasia 2023, 35: 882-882. PMID: 37549928, DOI: 10.1111/1742-6723.14216.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersTrends of Diversity in Neuroradiology Trainees in United States 2015–2022
Prajapati P, Wu X, Bajaj S, Gandhi D, Wintermark M, Malhotra A. Trends of Diversity in Neuroradiology Trainees in United States 2015–2022. American Journal Of Neuroradiology 2023, 44: 1009-1011. PMID: 37500285, PMCID: PMC10494957, DOI: 10.3174/ajnr.a7947.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCT With CTA Versus MRI in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department With Dizziness: Analysis Using Propensity Score Matching.
Tu L, Navaratnam D, Melnick E, Forman H, Venkatesh A, Malhotra A, Yaesoubi R, Sureshanand S, Sheth K, Mahajan A. CT With CTA Versus MRI in Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department With Dizziness: Analysis Using Propensity Score Matching. American Journal Of Roentgenology 2023, 221: 836-845. PMID: 37404082, DOI: 10.2214/ajr.23.29617.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSecondary stroke prevention medicationsStroke prevention medicationsEmergency departmentPrevention medicationsEchocardiography evaluationPosterior circulation strokeProportion of patientsGroup of patientsPhysical examination findingsNeuroimaging resultsUse of MRIReview of systemsGreater frequencyPropensity-score matchingExamination findingsRetrospective studyED readmissionMedical historyHead CTClinical impactMRI examinationsBrain MRINeck CTADizzinessPatientsFactors associated with door-in-door-out times in large vessel occlusion stroke patients undergoing endovascular therapy
Radmard M, Wu X, Khunte M, Malhotra A. Factors associated with door-in-door-out times in large vessel occlusion stroke patients undergoing endovascular therapy. The American Journal Of Emergency Medicine 2023, 70: 192-193. PMID: 37393131, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajem.2023.06.020.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDistribution and Disparities of Industry Payments to Radiologists (2016-2020)
Khunte M, Zhong A, Wu X, Payabvash S, Gandhi D, Forman H, Malhotra A. Distribution and Disparities of Industry Payments to Radiologists (2016-2020). Academic Radiology 2023, 30: 3056-3063. PMID: 37210267, DOI: 10.1016/j.acra.2023.04.020.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIndustry Payments to Radiologists During the Last 5 Years and Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
Khunte M, Zhong A, Khunte A, Sanelli P, Forman H, Gandhi D, Malhotra A. Industry Payments to Radiologists During the Last 5 Years and Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal Of The American College Of Radiology 2023, 20: 597-604. PMID: 37148954, PMCID: PMC10158038, DOI: 10.1016/j.jacr.2023.03.015.Peer-Reviewed Original Research