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Yale Department of Psychiatry and Child Study Center Staff Spotlight September 2023

September 07, 2023

Meet Michael Winter

As part of a spotlight series launched in February to feature integrated business operations (IBO) and administration staff at the Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) and Department of Psychiatry, meet IBO Associate Director of Faculty Affairs and Staff Administration Michael Winter.

The IBO model was implemented in October 2019, when Yale School of Medicine (YSM) leadership asked each of the departmental business managers in Psychiatry and the YCSC to collaborate and find opportunities for business operations staff in both departments to work more closely together. The initial collaboration led to further integration of operations in the areas of Human Resources, Faculty Affairs and Staffing Administration, Research Finance and Administration, and Clinical Finance and Administration. Each of these areas are now run inter-departmentally, the IBO model has been adopted by nearly all YSM departments. As announced in June 2023, the Department of Pediatrics Business Office was recently added to this IBO structure.

Meet Associate Director of Faculty Affairs and Staff Administration Michael Winter

How long have you been at Yale and what is your current role?

I came to Yale in November of 2022 and I’m responsible for the staffing process for the IBO, helping PIs and hiring managers navigate the requisition process with HR. I also work with OISS on H-1B visa applications for the IBO’s faculty.

What led you to this position?

I took a bit of a circuitous route to get here. I studied International Relations in Madrid, and then ended up working in immigration at The Rockefeller University in New York as they liked that I had experienced the visa process myself in other countries. I also did a lot of work with faculty administration, so when the position came open here at Yale, it was a perfect fit.

What is a work-related accomplishment that made you feel proud?

I can’t think of any one accomplishment in particular. The most satisfying thing for me at work is getting through crunch time. At my previous position, the fiscal year turnover at the end of June was far and away my busiest time. I always got such a sense of satisfaction each time I’d get through it.

What energizes you outside of work?

Maybe “energize” is the wrong word, since I like to keep things fairly chill in my free time, but I enjoy spending time with my two dogs. Running around and playing tug-of-war with them is the best exercise I get.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

I’d like to say, “smart, loyal, hard-working” though depending on which friends you ask, you might hear “annoying” in there. I have a tendency to make some terrible jokes.

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

It’s not a new destination, but I love spending time anywhere in Spain. I lived there for a number of years, and my wife is from there. The people are really friendly and welcoming, and the food is amazing.