Bruce E Wexler, MD
Professor Emeritus of PsychiatryCards
Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry
Digital Neurotherapy: Helped launch the field with studies published in 1997, 2000.
Brain and Culture (MIT Press 2006) seminal text in cultural neuroscience.
NIH Director's Award for high impact, high innovation, paradigm changing medical research, supporting development of digital neurotherapy 2012-2016.
Founder and President "A Different Future", an NGO to reclaim the public idea space from extremists regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 2002-14; Facilitator for the Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land, conducted U.S. State Department funded study of how "the other" is portrayed in Israeli and Palestinian school books 2007-13.
Founder and Chief Scientist, C8 Sciences 2011- present, harnessing neuroplasticity in technology-enhanced content-independent micro-cognition training and assessment programs to directly improve thinking abilities and close academic achievement gaps in 5-9 year old children, provide scalable, non-invasive micro-cognition biomarkers to transform psychiatric diagnosis and create novel digital neurotherapies that improve outcomes in ADHD, Depression, Schizophrenia and Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Founder and Chief Scientist, Neutargeton Therapeutics 2023- present, system to deliver CNS drugs to wear they are needed in the brain to increase on-target and decrease off-target effects. Patent approved in <85 days because of absence of any prior art
Senior Research ScientistSecondary
Other Departments & Organizations
Education & Training
- MD
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1973)
- BA
- Harvard College, Government (1969)
Disentangling negative and positive symptoms in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder
Corbera S, Wexler B, Bell M, Pittman B, Pelphrey K, Pearlson G, Assaf M. Disentangling negative and positive symptoms in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder. Schizophrenia Research 2024, 271: 1-8. PMID: 39002525, PMCID: PMC11384336, DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2024.07.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAutism spectrum disorderPositive and Negative Syndrome ScaleAutism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-GenericExperiential negative symptomsPositive symptomsNegative symptomsExploratory factor analysisSpectrum disorderNegative Syndrome ScaleTarget negative symptomsSyndrome ScaleDiscriminant function analysisSZ relativesAssociated with quality of lifeSchizophreniaSocial skillsSocial functioningDiagnostic classificationAutismFactor analysisAssociated with qualityPredictor of diagnosisSymptomsDisordersQuality of life
Cognitive training for children with ADHD: composite cognitive score outcome in a randomized controlled trial
Bikic A, Dalsgaard S, Pittman B, Leckman J, Wexler B. Cognitive training for children with ADHD: composite cognitive score outcome in a randomized controlled trial. Nordic Journal Of Psychiatry 2023, 78: 87-91. PMID: 37905332, DOI: 10.1080/08039488.2023.2270954.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderCognitive trainingDeficit/hyperactivity disorderComposite cognition scoreSessions of trainingCognitive functioningHyperactivity disorderCognitive improvementCognition scoresTraining sessionsMixed resultsFrequency of trainingTrainingChildrenSessionsIntervention groupCognitionInterventionFunctioningPost Hoc AnalysisScore outcomesControl groupPrevious studiesDisordersOutcomesUsing micro-cognition biomarkers of neurosystem dysfunction to redefine ADHD subtypes: A scalable digital path to diagnosis based on brain function
Wexler B, Kish R. Using micro-cognition biomarkers of neurosystem dysfunction to redefine ADHD subtypes: A scalable digital path to diagnosis based on brain function. Psychiatry Research 2023, 326: 115348. PMID: 37494880, PMCID: PMC10517859, DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115348.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor response inhibitionResponse inhibitionSymptom-based diagnosisGO/NOGO testMarked performance decrementsNew treatment developmentTD childrenADHD childrenADHD subtypesPerformance decrementsInconsistent attentionAbstract categoriesTreatment developmentNatural categoriesBrain functionADHDDifferent neuropathologiesChildren 6Individual patientsTreatment selectionAberrant hippocampus and amygdala morphology associated with cognitive deficits in schizophrenia
Peterson B, Kaur T, Sawardekar S, Colibazzi T, Hao X, Wexler B, Bansal R. Aberrant hippocampus and amygdala morphology associated with cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. Frontiers In Cellular Neuroscience 2023, 17: 1126577. PMID: 36909281, PMCID: PMC9996667, DOI: 10.3389/fncel.2023.1126577.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchClinical symptomsHealthy controlsAnatomical abnormalitiesMemory deficitsPathogenesis of schizophreniaSeverity of symptomsEffects of schizophreniaHippocampal bodyAmygdala morphologyLimbic regionsPatientsHippocampusInward deformationCognitive deficitsBrain structuresHC participantsSchizophreniaAmygdalaSymptomsMemory performanceContinuum of severityAnatomical MRIPrimary disturbanceMemory scoresAbnormalities
Returning to basic principles to develop more effective treatments for central nervous system disorders
Wexler BE. Returning to basic principles to develop more effective treatments for central nervous system disorders. Experimental Biology And Medicine 2022, 247: 856-867. PMID: 35172621, PMCID: PMC9158240, DOI: 10.1177/15353702221078291.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCentral nervous systemPositron emission tomographyNeuroplastic processesMagnetic stimulationCentral nervous system disordersFunctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) imagingNervous system disordersMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imagingSystem-based initiativesCNS diseasesClinical trialsEffective treatmentSystem disordersSide effectsNervous systemNew treatmentsClinical disordersCandidate drugsEmission tomographyBrain functionPreclinical research
The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) combined with cognitive training on EEG spectral power in adolescent boys with ADHD: A double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled trial
Westwood SJ, Bozhilova N, Criaud M, Lam SL, Lukito S, Wallace-Hanlon S, Kowalczyk OS, Kostara A, Mathew J, Wexler BE, Kadosh RC, Asherson P, Rubia K. The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) combined with cognitive training on EEG spectral power in adolescent boys with ADHD: A double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled trial. IBRO Neuroscience Reports 2021, 12: 55-64. PMID: 35746969, PMCID: PMC9210460, DOI: 10.1016/j.ibneur.2021.12.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderTranscranial direct current stimulationRight inferior frontal cortexCognitive trainingDirect current stimulationChildren/adolescentsTask performanceCurrent stimulationAnodal transcranial direct current stimulationInferior frontal cortexCognitive measuresCognitive effectsHyperactivity disorderEEG spectral powerNeural effectsSham-controlled studyAdolescent boysGroup differencesSpectral powerQEEG measuresFrontal cortexAdolescentsComprehensive measureParticipantsTrainingAtypical Dynamic Functional Network Connectivity State Engagement during Social–Emotional Processing in Schizophrenia and Autism
Hyatt CJ, Wexler BE, Pittman B, Nicholson A, Pearlson GD, Corbera S, Bell MD, Pelphrey K, Calhoun VD, Assaf M. Atypical Dynamic Functional Network Connectivity State Engagement during Social–Emotional Processing in Schizophrenia and Autism. Cerebral Cortex 2021, 32: 3406-3422. PMID: 34875687, PMCID: PMC9376868, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhab423.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderSocial-emotional processingDFNC statesDifferent neural processingFunction of emotionFunctional connectivity patternsHappy videosSad videosNeutral contentNeural processingTask scoresSpectrum disorderDifferential engagementDFNC measuresMore timeYoung adultsConnectivity patternsState engagementEmotionsSchizophreniaIndependent component analysisEngagementProcessingSignificant relationshipAlexithymiaPredictors of social functioning and quality of life in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder
Corbera S, Wexler BE, Bell MD, Pearlson G, Mayer S, Pittman B, Belamkar V, Assaf M. Predictors of social functioning and quality of life in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder. Psychiatry Research 2021, 303: 114087. PMID: 34246005, PMCID: PMC8373814, DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2021.114087.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSocial functioningCognitive empathyNegative symptomsAutism spectrum disorderWorse social functioningGreater negative symptomsHigher social functioningAffective empathySocial cognitionPersonal distressCommunication deficitsSpectrum disorderFunctioning impairmentQuality of lifeEmpathy scoresASDHigher QOLIQHealthy controlsEmpathySymptom severityDeficitsSchizophreniaWorse QOLFunctioningOpinion Mental Health: Digital Neuroscience can help alleviate the mental health crisis.
Wexler B. Opinion Mental Health: Digital Neuroscience can help alleviate the mental health crisis. Financial Times April 23, 2021.Commentaries, Editorials and Letters
Risk‐Taking Patterns of Children, Associated Cognitive Weaknesses, and Prevention of Negative Outcomes
Imal AE, O’Leary S, Wexler BE. Risk‐Taking Patterns of Children, Associated Cognitive Weaknesses, and Prevention of Negative Outcomes. Psychiatric Research And Clinical Practice 2020, 2: 34-40. PMID: 36101890, PMCID: PMC9175884, DOI: 10.1176/appi.prcp.2020.20190020.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRisk-taking groupFlanker testWorking Memory TestMemory test scoresEighth-grade childrenTests of inhibitionHealth-compromising behaviorsClusters of childrenCognitive weaknessesMemory testMemory scoresGo/Focused attentionRisk-taking patternsCognitive functionTest measuresNegative outcomesPrimary prevention interventionsTest scoresFull learningReaction timeEarly interventionAvoidantChildrenPrevention interventions
Clinical Trials
Current Trials
Sleep Dependent Learning in Schizophrenia and Psychosis Risk Syndrome
HIC ID1201009524RoleSub InvestigatorPrimary Completion Date01/31/2022Recruiting ParticipantsGenderBothAge18 years - 55 years
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
- April 07, 2020
Insights & Outcomes: Cardiac lag times and chemistry that’s off the scale
- September 12, 2016Source: WTNH
Study: Video games can actually help kids learn
- August 09, 2016
Wexler honored with Innovation Award for development of skills training program for students
- December 01, 2014
Roddenberry Foundation gift allows Yale team to take quantum leap in education
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