Roumen Nikolov, MD
Medical Director, Solnit Children's Center, Department of Children and FamiliesAbout
Dr. Nikolov serves as the Medical Director and Chief of Psychiatry for Albert J Solnit Children's Center, Connecticut's state facility for youth in need of psychiatric care and treatment. He joined the staff of the Solnit Center in January of 2016. He trained in adolescent psychiatry at Solnit (at the time Riverview Hospital for Children and Youth) 1998-2000. He trained in psychiatry at Saint Vincent's Hospital and Medical Center/New York Medical College in New York City 1995-1998.
For the past 20 years Dr. Nikolov has taught and supervised CAP fellows, psychiatry residents and medical students as a clinical faculty member of the Yale Child Study Center, SUNY Downstate College of Medicine, NYU Child Study Center and St. George University in Grenada. His clinical and research interests include psychiatric postgraduate training and supervision, LEAN performance improvement methods in behavioral health, administrative psychiatry, autism and disruptive behavior, evidence supported practices in public psychiatry.
Child Study Center
Assistant Clinical ProfessorPrimary
Other Departments & Organizations
Education & Training
- Fellow
- Yale School of Medicine (2000)
- Resident
- St. Vincent's Hospital New York, Psychiatry (1998)
- MD
- Medical University Varna
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Publications Timeline
Denis Sukhodolsky, PhD
James Dziura, MPH, PhD
Kathleen Koenig, MSN, APRN
A Prototype of Big Data Platform for Seniors Care
Chikalanov A, Kirilov L, Nikolov R, Lyubenova M, Petkov Y. A Prototype of Big Data Platform for Seniors Care. Comptes Rendus De L'Académie Bulgare Des Sciences : Sciences Mathématiques Et Naturelles 2024, 77: 871–880-871–880. DOI: 10.7546/crabs.2024.06.10.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
83.2 The Inpatient Milieu: Preventing Agitation and Aggression Incidents
Nikolov R. 83.2 The Inpatient Milieu: Preventing Agitation and Aggression Incidents. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2022, 61: s116. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2022.07.475.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Pediatric Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: A Call to Action for Inpatient Staff Training
PLUHAR E, FREIZINGER M, NIKOLOV R, BURTON E. Pediatric Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: A Call to Action for Inpatient Staff Training. Journal Of Psychiatric Practice 2019, 25: 395-401. PMID: 31505528, DOI: 10.1097/pra.0000000000000417.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsTreatment of NSSIClinical staffGeneral healthcare settingsPsychiatric treatment settingsNSSI behaviorsInpatient psychiatric unitInpatient treatment facilityNSSI assessmentSelf-reported comfortPediatric populationNursing staffPsychiatric unitThird of respondentsTreatment settingsMental disordersStaff comfortHealthcare settingsStatistical ManualFormal trainingNSSISubstantial percentageFurther studiesPatientsAccurate skillsNeeds assessment
6.38 Relationship Between Reduction of PRN Psychotropic Medication Use and Seclusion and Restraint Use in a State Psychiatric Hospital for Youth
Nikolov R, Shi H, Smiles J, Gregory F. 6.38 Relationship Between Reduction of PRN Psychotropic Medication Use and Seclusion and Restraint Use in a State Psychiatric Hospital for Youth. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2018, 57: s260-s261. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2018.09.399.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Direct Supervision in Outpatient Psychiatric Graduate Medical Education
Galanter CA, Nikolov R, Green N, Naidoo S, Myers MF, Merlino JP. Direct Supervision in Outpatient Psychiatric Graduate Medical Education. Academic Psychiatry 2014, 40: 157-163. PMID: 25424638, DOI: 10.1007/s40596-014-0247-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsMedical educationDirect supervisionSupervision policyGraduate medical education (GME) residentsGraduate Medical EducationEducational experienceExtent of implementationEducation residentsAccreditation CouncilAuthors present detailsEducationTrainee educationObjectiveThe authorsPsychiatry traineesNational policyAcademic psychiatrySupervisionPositive impactStimulus caseSupplemental reviewTraining staffMedical specialtiesMethodsThe authorsPolicyExperimental articlesLean and Inpatient Psychiatry
Nikolov R, Adebisi A, Paradiso L. Lean and Inpatient Psychiatry. 2014, 161-187. DOI: 10.1093/med/9780199989522.003.0007.Chapters
Psychopharmacological Treatment of Youth in Juvenile Justice Settings
Engel L, Abulu J, Nikolov R. Psychopharmacological Treatment of Youth in Juvenile Justice Settings. 2012, 341-355. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-0905-2_22.ChaptersConceptsUniform Crime Reporting ProgramProperty crime arrestsViolent crime arrestsViolent crime indexJuvenile arrestsJuvenile justice settingsSimple assaultMale arrestsCrime offencesCrime indexJustice settingsFBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) ProgramLaw enforcement agenciesJuvenile arrest ratesArrests of personsNumber of arrestsNumber of offensesJuvenile crimeAggravated assaultJustice systemFemale arrestsEnforcement agenciesFederal BureauArrest ratesService programming
Effects of Risperidone and Parent Training on Adaptive Functioning in Children With Pervasive Developmental Disorders and Serious Behavioral Problems
Scahill L, McDougle CJ, Aman MG, Johnson C, Handen B, Bearss K, Dziura J, Butter E, Swiezy NG, Arnold LE, Stigler KA, Sukhodolsky DD, Lecavalier L, Pozdol SL, Nikolov R, Hollway JA, Korzekwa P, Gavaletz A, Kohn AE, Koenig K, Grinnon S, Mulick JA, Yu S, Vitiello B, Network R. Effects of Risperidone and Parent Training on Adaptive Functioning in Children With Pervasive Developmental Disorders and Serious Behavioral Problems. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2011, 51: 136-146. PMID: 22265360, PMCID: PMC3941712, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2011.11.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdaptation, PsychologicalAdolescentAntipsychotic AgentsAsperger SyndromeAutistic DisorderChecklistChildChild Behavior DisordersChild Development Disorders, PervasiveChild, PreschoolCombined Modality TherapyCommunicationCooperative BehaviorDose-Response Relationship, DrugEducationFemaleHumansMaleRisperidoneSocialization
Medication and Parent Training in Children With Pervasive Developmental Disorders and Serious Behavior Problems: Results From a Randomized Clinical Trial
Aman MG, Mcdougle CJ, Scahill L, Handen B, Arnold LE, Johnson C, Stigler KA, Bearss K, Butter E, Swiezy NB, Sukhodolsky DD, Ramadan Y, Pozdol SL, Nikolov R, Lecavalier L, Kohn AE, Koenig K, Hollway JA, Korzekwa P, Gavaletz A, Mulick JA, Hall KL, Dziura J, Ritz L, Trollinger S, Yu S, Vitiello B, Wagner A, Network F. Medication and Parent Training in Children With Pervasive Developmental Disorders and Serious Behavior Problems: Results From a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2009, 48: 1143-1154. PMID: 19858761, PMCID: PMC3142923, DOI: 10.1097/chi.0b013e3181bfd669.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsPervasive developmental disorderClinical trialsClinical Global Impressions-Improvement scoreAberrant Behavior Checklist IrritabilityParallel-group clinical trialParent trainingBehavioral problemsDevelopmental disordersRisperidone doseRisperidone monotherapyHyperactivity/noncompliance subscaleSevere behavioral problemsCOMB groupPT sessionsQuestionnaire scoresHSQ scoresMedicationsGreater reductionChildrenPrimary measureRisperidoneSignificant reductionStereotypic behaviorScoresDose
Nikolov R. Preface. Journal Of Telecommunications And Information Technology 2006 DOI: 10.26636/jtit.2006.2.377.Peer-Reviewed Original Research