Juan Arellano, PhD
Research Scientist in NeuroscienceCards
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Research Scientist in Neuroscience
I studied Biology with a focus on Zoology in Spain (Complutense University in Madrid) and pursued a PhD in neuroscience under the supervision of Javier DeFelipe in the Instituto Cajal in Madrid studying the pathology of the human hippocampus in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy that got me deeply interested in the structure and organization of the cortex.
My next chapter was a postdoctoral study focused in the synapsis features of dendritic spines in the cortex of rodents, under shared supervision by Javier DeFelipe and Rafael Yuste from Columbia University in NYC, and from there I moved to Yale University to work with Pasko Rakic on developmental aspects of the cortex including the basic features of the proliferative dynamics of radial glia, the dynamics of primary cilia during corticogenesis, the possible mechanisms governing gyrification in large brains or contributing to unravel the genomic control of cortical development through transcriptomic analysis.
Currently, I am focused on the dynamics and functional impact of protracted developmental features such as hippocampal neurogenesis in mammals, and the potential meaning of their absence in humans.
Education & Training
- PhD
- Complutense University of Madrid (2003)
Public Health Interests
0000-0002-9840-5756Rakic Lab
The Rakic lab is interested in the development of the cerebral cortex, from the progenitors in the ventricular zone to the production of neuro
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Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Publications Timeline
Alvaro Duque, PhD
Pasko Rakic, MD, PhD
Christopher van Dyck, MD
Amy Arnsten, PhD
Dibyadeep Datta
Yury M. Morozov, PhD
Key Roles of CACNA1C/Cav1.2 and CALB1/Calbindin in Prefrontal Neurons Altered in Cognitive Disorders
Datta D, Yang S, Joyce M, Woo E, McCarroll S, Gonzalez-Burgos G, Perone I, Uchendu S, Ling E, Goldman M, Berretta S, Murray J, Morozov Y, Arellano J, Duque A, Rakic P, O’Dell R, van Dyck C, Lewis D, Wang M, Krienen F, Arnsten A. Key Roles of CACNA1C/Cav1.2 and CALB1/Calbindin in Prefrontal Neurons Altered in Cognitive Disorders. JAMA Psychiatry 2024, 81: 870-881. PMID: 38776078, PMCID: PMC11112502, DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.1112.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDorsolateral prefrontal cortexPrefrontal cortexLayer III pyramidal cellsWorking memoryCognitive disordersNeuronal firingPrimate dorsolateral prefrontal cortexPyramidal cellsSpatial working memoryWorking memory performanceRisk of mental disordersCalcium-related proteinsReduced neuronal firingL-type calcium channel Cav1.2GluN2B-NMDA receptorsL-type calcium channel activityPrefrontal neuronsL-type calcium channel blockerMemory performanceL-type calcium channelsMental disordersRisk of cognitive disordersCognitive behaviorProtein expressionAssociated with increased riskModelling adult neurogenesis in the aging rodent hippocampus: a midlife crisis
Arellano J, Rakic P. Modelling adult neurogenesis in the aging rodent hippocampus: a midlife crisis. Frontiers In Neuroscience 2024, 18: 1416460. PMID: 38887368, PMCID: PMC11181911, DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2024.1416460.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdult neurogenesisHippocampal functionAdult hippocampal neurogenesisAged animalsMiddle aged animalsHippocampal neurogenesisGranule cellsDentate gyrusMature granule cellsRodent hippocampusMidlife crisisNeurogenesisFunctional relevanceRodentsDramatically with ageNeuronsYoung animalsOlder animalsGyrusHippocampusRatsRobust neurogenesisHippocampalMeta-analysisDentateβ1-adrenoceptor expression on GABAergic interneurons in primate dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: potential role in stress-induced cognitive dysfunction
Joyce M, Yang S, Morin K, Duque A, Arellano J, Datta D, Wang M, Arnsten A. β1-adrenoceptor expression on GABAergic interneurons in primate dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: potential role in stress-induced cognitive dysfunction. Neurobiology Of Stress 2024, 30: 100628. PMID: 38550854, PMCID: PMC10973161, DOI: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2024.100628.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDorsolateral prefrontal cortexPrefrontal cortexStress-induced cognitive dysfunctionTreat stress-related disordersPrimate dorsolateral prefrontal cortexImpaired working memoryWorking memory deficitsWorking memory taskCalcium-binding proteins calbindinStress-related disordersClasses of inhibitory neuronsLevels of norepinephrineFast-spikingMemory taskDopamine releaseWorking memoryMemory deficitsInhibitory neuronsCognitive dysfunctionPV interneuronsGABAergic interneuronsDlPFCBehavior analysisCortexPyramidal cellsNanoscale imaging of pT217‐tau in aged rhesus macaque entorhinal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: Evidence of interneuronal trafficking and early‐stage neurodegeneration
Datta D, Perone I, Wijegunawardana D, Liang F, Morozov Y, Arellano J, Duque A, Xie Z, van Dyck C, Joyce M, Arnsten A. Nanoscale imaging of pT217‐tau in aged rhesus macaque entorhinal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: Evidence of interneuronal trafficking and early‐stage neurodegeneration. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2024, 20: 2843-2860. PMID: 38445818, PMCID: PMC11032534, DOI: 10.1002/alz.13737.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA coming-of-age story: adult neurogenesis or adolescent neurogenesis in rodents?
Arellano J, Duque A, Rakic P. A coming-of-age story: adult neurogenesis or adolescent neurogenesis in rodents? Frontiers In Neuroscience 2024, 18: 1383728. PMID: 38505771, PMCID: PMC10948509, DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2024.1383728.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdult hippocampal neurogenesisHippocampal neurogenesisInter-strain differencesOnset of adulthoodAdult neurogenesisAdolescent periodJackson LabsPostnatal dayNeurogenesisAdulthoodDevelopment of miceMonths of ageAdolescentsPostnatal development of miceRatsRodentsPostnatal developmentAdultsOlder animalsComing-of-age storyMiceYounger agePerceived importanceInter-individualFunctional studies
Chronic GCPII (glutamate‐carboxypeptidase‐II) inhibition reduces pT217Tau levels in the entorhinal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices of aged macaques
Bathla S, Datta D, Liang F, Barthelemy N, Wiseman R, Slusher B, Asher J, Zeiss C, Ekanayake‐Alper D, Holden D, Terwilliger G, Duque A, Arellano J, van Dyck C, Bateman R, Xie Z, Nairn A, Arnsten A. Chronic GCPII (glutamate‐carboxypeptidase‐II) inhibition reduces pT217Tau levels in the entorhinal and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices of aged macaques. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 2023, 9: e12431. PMID: 37915375, PMCID: PMC10617575, DOI: 10.1002/trc2.12431.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSporadic Alzheimer's diseaseEntorhinal cortexGCPII inhibitionDorsolateral prefrontal cortexChronic inhibitionTau pathologyTau hyperphosphorylationAged macaquesType 3 metabotropic glutamate receptorAlzheimer's diseasePrefrontal cortexRhesus macaquesVehicle-treated monkeysAged rhesus macaquesMetabotropic glutamate receptorsApparent side effectsAmyloid beta 1Regulation of calciumGCPII inhibitorsKey etiological factorGCPII activityPrimate dlPFCNeuronal damageCSF analysisCalcium dysregulationLocalization of PDE4D, HCN1 channels, and mGluR3 in rhesus macaque entorhinal cortex may confer vulnerability in Alzheimer’s disease
Datta D, Perone I, Morozov Y, Arellano J, Duque A, Rakic P, van Dyck C, Arnsten A. Localization of PDE4D, HCN1 channels, and mGluR3 in rhesus macaque entorhinal cortex may confer vulnerability in Alzheimer’s disease. Cerebral Cortex 2023, 33: 11501-11516. PMID: 37874022, PMCID: PMC10724870, DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhad382.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsHCN1 channelsTau pathologyGlutamate synapsesEntorhinal cortexCalcium actionInternal calcium releaseEntorhinal cortex stellate cellsDorsolateral prefrontal cortexSusceptible neuronsInitial pathologySelective vulnerabilityEtiological factorsTau phosphorylationStellate cellsAlzheimer's diseaseSpecific neuronsCalcium releasePrefrontal cortexCortexSynapse strengthPathologyCalcium signalingCalbindinDiseaseNeuronsMolecular programs of regional specification and neural stem cell fate progression in macaque telencephalon
Micali N, Ma S, Li M, Kim S, Mato-Blanco X, Sindhu S, Arellano J, Gao T, Shibata M, Gobeske K, Duque A, Santpere G, Sestan N, Rakic P. Molecular programs of regional specification and neural stem cell fate progression in macaque telencephalon. Science 2023, 382: eadf3786. PMID: 37824652, PMCID: PMC10705812, DOI: 10.1126/science.adf3786.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsOld Models Know Wrinkles Best
Arellano J, Rakic P. Old Models Know Wrinkles Best. 2023, 499-525. DOI: 10.1002/9781119860914.ch23.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Role of intracortical neuropil growth in the gyrification of the primate cerebral cortex
Rash B, Arellano J, Duque A, Rakic P. Role of intracortical neuropil growth in the gyrification of the primate cerebral cortex. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2022, 120: e2210967120. PMID: 36574666, PMCID: PMC9910595, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2210967120.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsOuter subventricular zoneSubcortical white matterCerebral cortexWhite matterFormation of gyriPrimate cerebral cortexMammalian cerebral cortexMarkers of proliferationCortical malformationsCortical plateGlial cellsGyral developmentSubventricular zoneCortical neurogenesisFetal developmentVentricular zoneCortical foldingNeuronal progenitorsGyrificationNeuronal growthNeuropil growthPrimary gyriCortexNeurodevelopmental disordersGyrus
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