Giovanna Guerrero-Medina, PhD
Director of Yale Ciencia ProgramCards
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
Increasing culturally relevant science media coverage: exploring the outcomes of a collaboration in Puerto Rico
Feliú Mójer M, López A, González-Espada W, Bou E, Colón-Echevarría C, Collazo A, García-Justiniano J, González J, Rivera-Bonet C, Rivera-Rodríguez A, Benítez A, Rodríguez-Cruz L, García P, Guerrero-Medina G. Increasing culturally relevant science media coverage: exploring the outcomes of a collaboration in Puerto Rico. Journal Of Science Communication 2024, 23: n02. PMID: 39055082, PMCID: PMC11271655, DOI: 10.22323/2.23050802.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNota de Campo: Apoyo para ampliar capacidad de pruebas moleculares para SARS-CoV-2 en Puerto Rico
Colón-Ramos, D. and Guerrero-Medina, G. (2024). Nota de Campo: Rol de la organización Ciencia Puerto Rico en el periodo inicial de la pandemia. In: M. Marzán Rodríguez, I. Cardona Gerena (Eds.), COVID- 19 en Puerto Rico. Memoria Histórica para una mejor salud pública. Ediciones FILOS.ChaptersNota de Campo: Rol de la organización Ciencia Puerto Rico en el periodo inicial de la pandemia
Guerrero-Medina, G. and Colón-Ramos, D. (2024). Nota de Campo: Rol de la organización Ciencia Puerto Rico en el periodo inicial de la pandemia. In: M. Marzán Rodríguez, I. Cardona Gerena (Eds.), COVID- 19 en Puerto Rico. Memoria Histórica para una mejor salud pública. Ediciones FILOS.Chapters
Seeds of Success: Empowering Latina STEM Girl Ambassadors Through Role Models, Leadership, and STEM-Related Experiences.
Hernández-Matías L, Díaz-Muñoz G, Guerrero-Medina G. Seeds of Success: Empowering Latina STEM Girl Ambassadors Through Role Models, Leadership, and STEM-Related Experiences. The Journal Of STEM Outreach 2023, 6 PMID: 37885462, PMCID: PMC10601408, DOI: 10.15695/jstem/v6i2.03.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRelatable role modelsRole modelsSTEM attitudesSTEM careersSTEM role modelsMiddle school girlsGender stereotypesSTEM opportunitiesSTEM projectScience identitySTEM activitiesSTEM identitySTEM workshopsSchool programsUnderserved backgroundsUnderrepresented backgroundsLeadership skillsSchool girlsMixed-method evaluationStudentsCareerProgramLack of accessOverall scoreGirls
Assessing a Science Graduate School Recruitment Symposium.
González-Espada W, Díaz-Muñoz G, Feliú-Mójer M, Flores-Otero J, Fortis-Santiago Y, Guerrero-Medina G, López-Casillas M, Colón-Ramos DA, Fernández-Repollet E. Assessing a Science Graduate School Recruitment Symposium. Cuaderno De Investigación En La Educación 2015, 30: 55-70. PMID: 26770074, PMCID: PMC4708887.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBMP signaling and microtubule organization regulate synaptic strength
Ball R, Peled E, Guerrero G, Isacoff E. BMP signaling and microtubule organization regulate synaptic strength. Neuroscience 2015, 291: 155-166. PMID: 25681521, PMCID: PMC4369397, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.01.069.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdenosine TriphosphatasesAnimalsAnimals, Genetically ModifiedBone Morphogenetic ProteinsCalciumDNA-Binding ProteinsDrosophilaDrosophila ProteinsFemaleFluorescent DyesImmunohistochemistryMicrotubule-Associated ProteinsMicrotubulesNeuromuscular JunctionPatch-Clamp TechniquesPresynaptic TerminalsReceptors, Cell SurfaceSynaptic TransmissionTranscription FactorsConceptsBone morphogenetic proteinMicrotubule organizationGlutamatergic Drosophila neuromuscular junctionDrosophila neuromuscular junctionLarval neuromuscular junctionDistal boutonsNeuromuscular junctionBMP pathwaySynaptic transmissionMorphogenetic proteinsSynaptic growthMolecular pathwaysSynaptic strengthMicrotubule systemHomeostatic regulationPathwayMicrotubulesSpastin mutationsPostsynaptic partnersMutationsTransmission strengthSelective mannerMuscle fibersProteinRegulation
Impact of Culturally Relevant Contextualized Activities on Elementary and Middle School Students’ Perceptions of Science: An Exploratory Study
González-Espada W, Llerandi-Román P, Fortis-Santiago Y, Guerrero-Medina G, Ortiz-Vega N, Feliú-Mójer M, Colón-Ramos D. Impact of Culturally Relevant Contextualized Activities on Elementary and Middle School Students’ Perceptions of Science: An Exploratory Study. International Journal Of Science Education Part B 2014, 5: 182-202. DOI: 10.1080/21548455.2014.881579.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchContextualized activitiesMiddle school students' perceptionsScience education resourcesSchool students’ perceptionsMiddle school studentsScience literacyStudents' perceptionsActivities studentsPublic schoolsSchool studentsEducation resourcesEvidence of instancesMore interactivityStudentsSchoolsNon-profit groupsCultural relevanceScience LaboratoryExploratory studyLocal culturePerceptionScienceRelevant materialsRelated activitiesBoricua
Supporting Diversity in Science through Social Networking
Guerrero-Medina G, Feliú-Mójer M, González-Espada W, Díaz-Muñoz G, López M, Díaz-Muñoz SL, Fortis-Santiago Y, Flores-Otero J, Craig D, Colón-Ramos DA. Supporting Diversity in Science through Social Networking. PLOS Biology 2013, 11: e1001740. PMID: 24391467, PMCID: PMC3876968, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001740.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSuplementando el currículo de ciencias con contenido contextual y culturalmente relevante: lecciones de la implementación del Proyecto Ciencia Boricua. Cuaderno de Investigación en la Educación.
González-Espada WJ, Fortis-Santiago Y, Guerrero-Medina G, Ortiz-Vega N, Colón-Ramos DA, Feliú-Mójer MI. Suplementando el currículo de ciencias con contenido contextual y culturalmente relevante: lecciones de la implementación del Proyecto Ciencia Boricua. Cuaderno de Investigación en la Educación. 2013 December; 28.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
A Comprehensive Linkage Map of the Dog Genome
Wong A, Ruhe A, Dumont B, Robertson K, Guerrero G, Shull S, Ziegle J, Millon L, Broman K, Payseur B, Neff M. A Comprehensive Linkage Map of the Dog Genome. Genetics 2010, 184: 595-605. PMID: 19966068, PMCID: PMC2828735, DOI: 10.1534/genetics.109.106831.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLinkage mapUnique biologyReference sequenceLinkage disequilibriumComplete linkage mapComprehensive linkage mapSex-averaged mapPhase-known meiosesNonmodel organismsDog genomeSelective sweepsGenomewide patternsMultipoint linkage analysisReference genomeEvolutionary adaptationMicrosatellite markersFramework mapRecombination rateLinkage analysisMap assemblyGenotype dataSex-specific differencesGenomeMeiosisHuman disease counterparts
- August 24, 2024Source: El Nuevo Día
Protagonistas de la Ciencia: la puertorriqueña Giovanna Guerrero y su labor a favor de la diversidad y la inclusión en el quehacer científico
- November 15, 2023
Building Bridges: DICE-Driven Exchange Connects Navajo Technical University Students with Yale School of Medicine
- October 17, 2023
Construyendo Comunidad: Inaugural Conference Unites Latine Health Professionals
- September 11, 2023
Scientific Excellence and Diversity to be Celebrated at Upcoming Virtual Symposium for Future Faculty
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