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Pediatric Educational Learning Community Talks

2022 and before

  • Katie Gielissen, MD, MHS, MedEd - "Entrustment Decision Making: It’s Not Just About the Learner"
  • Drs. Rachel Osborn and Ben Doolittle - "Autonomy vs. Supervision", click here to view
  • Janet Hafler, Ed.D - "Documenting Scholarly Activity", click here to view
  • Kimberly Hieftje, PhD - "The Use of XR (extended reality) in Health and Education", click here to view.
  • Heather Collette, MD, MHS-MEd - "Effective Virtual Teaching", click here to view.
  • Katherine Gieliessen, MD, and Sarita Soares, MD, FACP – "How Can We Help Struggling Learners? A Prescription for Success", click here to view.
  • Janet Hafler, EdD – "Documenting and Evaluating Educational Scholarship", click here to view.
  • Healther Dahlquist, MD - "Using Telemedicine to Teach Trainees", click here to view.
  • Melissa Langhan, MD - "Designing Scholarly Evaluation of Educational Research", click here to view.
  • Marc Auerbach, MD, MsC, Lindsay Johnston, MD, MEd, and Gunjan Tiyyagura, MD, MHS - "Pediatric Simulation-Based Medical Education at Yale: Best Practices, Resources, Opportunities", click here to view.
  • Dana Dunne, MD, MHS - "Importance of a Positive Learning Climate", click here to view.
  • Lindsay Johnston, MD, MEd - "Curriculum Development", click here to view.
  • Heather Dahlquist , MD - "Effective Teaching Using Zoom Part 1", click here to view.
  • Heather Dahlquist, MD - "Effective Teaching Using Zoom Part 2", click here to view.
  • Healther Dahlquist, MD - "Engaging Learners with PowerPoint and Game-Based Learning", click here to view.
  • Ben DooLittle, MD, MA Div - "A Renaissance Life, Joy, & Scholarship in Academic Medicine Session 2", click here to view.
  • Pnina Weiss, MD - "Curriculum Development Made Ridiculously Simple!", click here to view.
  • Uma Phatak, MD, MHS - "Direct Observation of Feedback in Medical Education", click here to view


Learning on the go? Explore some medical education podcasts:
  • "Pediatrics: Junior Faculty Development Series", listen here
  • "Medical Education Podcasts: Podcasts from the journal Medical Education", listen here
  • "Key Literature in Medical Education (KeyLIME)", listen here
  • "Journal of Graduate Medical Education: Hot Topics in MedEd", listen here
  • "Medical Education Podcasts: Podcasts from the journal Medical Education", listen here
  • "Journal of Graduate Medical Education: Hot Topics in MedEd", listen here