Mancy Tong, PhD
Assistant ProfessorCards
TLR8‐activating miR‐146a‐3p is an intermediate signal contributing to fetal membrane inflammation in response to bacterial LPS
Georges H, Cassin C, Tong M, Abrahams V. TLR8‐activating miR‐146a‐3p is an intermediate signal contributing to fetal membrane inflammation in response to bacterial LPS. Immunology 2024, 172: 577-587. PMID: 38631842, PMCID: PMC11223956, DOI: 10.1111/imm.13794.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMiR-146a-3pPreterm birthFetal membranesToll-like receptorsExpression of miR-146a-3pLipopolysaccharide exposureMouse model of pregnancyIL-8Response to bacterial LPSAssociated with chorioamnionitisFetal membrane inflammationHuman FM explantsMouse fetal membranesInduced preterm birthBacterial lipopolysaccharideMaternal-fetal interfaceDanger signalsWild-type miceIn vivo mouse modelModel of pregnancyInterleukin (IL)-8Pro-inflammatory roleResponse to bacterial lipopolysaccharideAssociated with elevated levelsResponse to LPS
Impact of preimplantation exposure to viral double-stranded RNA on decidualization, placental development and pregnancy outcome
Tong M. Impact of preimplantation exposure to viral double-stranded RNA on decidualization, placental development and pregnancy outcome. Placenta 2023, 140: e21. DOI: 10.1016/j.placenta.2023.07.083.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDecidualization dampens toll-like receptor mediated inflammatory responses in human endometrial stromal cells by upregulating IκBα
Tong M, Scott J, Whirledge S, Abrahams V. Decidualization dampens toll-like receptor mediated inflammatory responses in human endometrial stromal cells by upregulating IκBα. Journal Of Reproductive Immunology 2023, 159: 103988. PMID: 37451159, PMCID: PMC10530124, DOI: 10.1016/j.jri.2023.103988.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEndometrial stromal cellsInflammatory responseStromal cellsHuman endometrial stromal cellsToll-like receptor signalingSex hormone levelsMenstrual cycle stageToll-like receptorsImmune response changesViral double-stranded RNAHuman EnSCsEndometrial responseProinflammatory cytokinesSuccessful pregnancyMenstrual cycleHuman endometriumHormone levelsMajor cell typesImmune responseNFκB p65Viral infectionDecidualizationBacterial lipopolysaccharideReceptor signalingBacterial componentsEndometrial responses to bacterial and viral infection: a scoping review.
Lindsay C, Potter J, Grimshaw A, Abrahams V, Tong M. Endometrial responses to bacterial and viral infection: a scoping review. Human Reproduction Update 2023, 29: 675-693. PMID: 37290428, PMCID: PMC10477945, DOI: 10.1093/humupd/dmad013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEndometrial responseViral infectionUterus/endometriumFull-text studiesInnate immune sensingInnate immune responseFree-text termsEmbase/MedlineIntrauterine infectionObstetric complicationsEndometrial productionCochrane LibraryFuture studiesImplantation failureNeisseria gonorrheaImmune cellsMost infectionsImmune responseUterine functionChlamydia trachomatisAnimal modelsImmune sensingEndometriumZika virusMajority of studies
Viral infection dampens human fetal membrane type I interferon responses triggered by bacterial LPS
Potter JA, Tong M, Aldo P, Kwon JY, Pitruzzello M, Mor G, Abrahams VM. Viral infection dampens human fetal membrane type I interferon responses triggered by bacterial LPS. Journal Of Reproductive Immunology 2020, 140: 103126. PMID: 32289593, PMCID: PMC7299810, DOI: 10.1016/j.jri.2020.103126.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsType I IFNsMaternal-fetal interfaceI IFNsAbility of LPSMouse fetal membranesI interferonFetal membranesViral infectionMHV-68IRF-7LPS treatmentBacterial LPSType I IFN productionLow-dose LPSPrior viral infectionΓ-herpes virusMHV-68 infectionPregnant C57BL/6 miceI IFN productionType I interferonHuman fetal membranesDose LPSInnate immune strategiesC57BL/6 miceIFN productionImmunology of the Placenta
Tong M, Abrahams VM. Immunology of the Placenta. Obstetrics And Gynecology Clinics Of North America 2020, 47: 49-63. PMID: 32008671, DOI: 10.1016/j.ogc.2019.10.006.ChaptersConceptsMaternal immune regulationMajor immune cellsMaternal-fetal interfaceInnate immune propertiesObstetric complicationsPregnancy complicationsPreterm birthPregnancy lossImmune cellsImmune regulationImmune propertiesHuman placentaPlacentaComplicationsPreeclampsiaPregnancyInfectionKey mechanismImmunology
Neutrophil Activation and Extracellular Trap Formation at the Fetal Membranes: Relevance for Preterm Birth
Tong M. Neutrophil Activation and Extracellular Trap Formation at the Fetal Membranes: Relevance for Preterm Birth. Placenta 2019, 83: e6-e7. DOI: 10.1016/j.placenta.2019.06.024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Human Fetal Membranes Induce Neutrophil Activation and Release of Vital Neutrophil Extracellular Traps.
Tong M, Potter JA, Mor G, Abrahams VM. Lipopolysaccharide-Stimulated Human Fetal Membranes Induce Neutrophil Activation and Release of Vital Neutrophil Extracellular Traps. The Journal Of Immunology 2019, 203: 500-510. PMID: 31167775, PMCID: PMC6616008, DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.1900262.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeutrophil extracellular trapsNeutrophil recruitmentFetal membranesReactive oxygen species productionPreterm birthExtracellular trapsOxygen species productionCytokine/chemokine secretionChemokine/cytokine productionMajor risk factorSpecies productionBacterial LPS stimulationNeutrophil infiltrationProinflammatory factorsFetal interfaceChemokine secretionNeonatal mortalityCytokine productionNeutrophil activationRisk factorsTissue injuryNeutrophil viabilityLPS stimulationEx vivoNET formation
Immunological effects of placental extracellular vesicles
Tong M, Abrahams VM, Chamley LW. Immunological effects of placental extracellular vesicles. Immunology And Cell Biology 2018, 96: 714-722. PMID: 29604098, DOI: 10.1111/imcb.12049.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Antiphospholipid antibodies increase the levels of mitochondrial DNA in placental extracellular vesicles: Alarmin-g for preeclampsia
Tong M, Johansson C, Xiao F, Stone PR, James JL, Chen Q, Cree LM, Chamley LW. Antiphospholipid antibodies increase the levels of mitochondrial DNA in placental extracellular vesicles: Alarmin-g for preeclampsia. Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 16556. PMID: 29185455, PMCID: PMC5707355, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-16448-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk of preeclampsiaAntiphospholipid antibodiesTLR-9Placental vesiclesEndothelial cellsFirst trimester human placental explantsMaternal endothelial cell dysfunctionToll-like receptor 9Danger-associated molecular patternsHuman placental explantsPathogenesis of preeclampsiaEndothelial cell dysfunctionEndothelial cell activationPlacental extracellular vesiclesLevels of mtDNAPlacental factorsPlacental explantsReceptor 9Cell dysfunctionNano-vesiclesPreeclampsiaPharmaceutical interventionsCell activationAmount of mtDNAMolecular patterns
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