Irene Dixe de Oliveira Santo, MD
Contact Info
Hospital Resident
Secretary and Treasurer, ACR RFS – CT State Chapter , American College of Radiology Resident and Fellow Senate
Visual Abstract Team, RadioGraphics, RadioGraphics
Chair of the Wellness subcommittee, Resident & Fellow Committee, RSNA
Contact Info
Hospital Resident
Secretary and Treasurer, ACR RFS – CT State Chapter , American College of Radiology Resident and Fellow Senate
Visual Abstract Team, RadioGraphics, RadioGraphics
Chair of the Wellness subcommittee, Resident & Fellow Committee, RSNA
Contact Info
Hospital Resident
Positions outside Yale
Secretary and Treasurer, ACR RFS – CT State Chapter , American College of Radiology Resident and Fellow Senate; Visual Abstract Team, RadioGraphics, RadioGraphics; Chair of the Wellness subcommittee, Resident & Fellow Committee, RSNA
Irene was born and raised in Leiria, Portugal until the age of 18, at which point she moved to Czech Republic on her own for a 6-year medical school program at Charles University in Prague. There she discovered her interest for education after she was invited to teach microbiology and histology by her professors, which she did for the following 2 years.
During her fourth year of medical school, she was awarded a travel grant to rotate in a small hospital in Croatia which further fueled her interest in global health. She became enthusiastic about health care disparities and differences in medical education across the globe. She was then fortunate to rotate in hospitals in England, Portugal, Mexico, Czech Republic, and the USA.
She graduated Summa Cum Laude and worked in Portugal for a short period of time before applying for residency in the USA. In 2020, she moved to Chicago for her Transitional Year Internship, and in 2021 she joined the radiology program at Yale, where she is currently a radiology resident.
Her research interests include but are not limited to global health, artificial intelligence, and neuroradiology. She has also been involved in several quality improvement and educational projects throughout the years. In her free time, she enjoys reading, traveling, hiking, running, dancing, painting, and cooking.
Departments & Organizations
Education & Training
- Transitional Year Resident
- Weiss Memorial Hospital (2021)
- MD
- Charles University (2017)
Advanced Training & Certifications
- Epic Physician Builder
- EPIC (2025)
- Certified Imaging Informatics Professional (CIIP)
- American Board of Imaging Informatics (2024)
Medical Research Interests
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Publications Timeline
Research Interests
Sanjay Aneja, MD
Anita Huttner, MD
Howard Forman, MD, MBA, FACR
Kanat Yalcin, MD
Long H. Tu, MD, PhD
MingDe Lin, PhD
Artificial Intelligence
Featured Publications
Machine learning combining CT findings and clinical parameters improves prediction of length of stay and ICU admission in torso trauma.
Staziaki PV, Wu D, Rayan JC, Santo IDO, Nan F, Maybury A, Gangasani N, Benador I, Saligrama V, Scalera J, Anderson SW. Machine learning combining CT findings and clinical parameters improves prediction of length of stay and ICU admission in torso trauma. European Radiology 2021, 31: 5434-5441. PMID: 33475772, DOI: 10.1007/s00330-020-07534-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHow to Use YouTube for Radiology Education.
Staziaki PV, Santo IDO, Skobodzinski A, Park LK, Bedi HS. How to Use YouTube for Radiology Education. Current Problems In Diagnostic Radiology 2020 PMID: 33261926, DOI: 10.1067/j.cpradiol.2020.11.007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSequelae of Eating Disorders at Imaging
Solomon N, Sailer A, Dixe de Oliveira Santo I, Pillai A, Heng LXX, Jha P, Katz DS, Zulfiqar M, Sugi M, Revzin MV. Sequelae of Eating Disorders at Imaging. RadioGraphics 2022, 42: 1377-1397. PMID: 35930473, DOI: 10.1148/rg.220018.Peer-Reviewed Educational MaterialsMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsMedical historyPatient's medical historyHigh mortality rateOverview of managementClinical presentationMedical complicationsRelated complicationsImaging findingsPhysical examinationUncommon sequelaMedical attentionOnline supplemental materialPsychiatric disordersMedical treatmentMortality rateOrgan systemsSequelaeDisordersDiagnosisComplicationsPatientsPathophysiologySocial stigmaLaboratory resultsRadiologistsClinical Implementation of a Combined Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing Quality Assurance Program for Pulmonary Nodule Detection in the Emergency Department Setting
Cavallo J, de Oliveira Santo I, Mezrich J, Forman H. Clinical Implementation of a Combined Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing Quality Assurance Program for Pulmonary Nodule Detection in the Emergency Department Setting. Journal Of The American College Of Radiology 2023, 20: 438-445. PMID: 36736547, DOI: 10.1016/j.jacr.2022.12.016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsEmergency department settingPulmonary nodulesCT examinationsDepartment settingSecondary reviewNumber of patientsQuality assurance studyMedian timeEmergent settingPatient followImaging recommendationsAppropriate followMajority of reviewsRadiological reportsAssurance studyClinical implementationLung anatomyQuality assurance programPatientsSignificant delayNodulesFollowExaminationPulmonary nodule detectionNodule detectionPACS-Integrated Tools for Peritumoral Edema Volumetrics Provide Additional Information to RANO-BM-Based Assessment of Lung Cancer Brain Metastases after Stereotactic Radiotherapy: A Pilot Study
Kaur M, Petersen G, Jekel L, von Reppert M, Varghese S, de Oliveira Santo I, Avesta A, Aneja S, Omuro A, Chiang V, Aboian M. PACS-Integrated Tools for Peritumoral Edema Volumetrics Provide Additional Information to RANO-BM-Based Assessment of Lung Cancer Brain Metastases after Stereotactic Radiotherapy: A Pilot Study. Cancers 2023, 15: 4822. PMID: 37835516, PMCID: PMC10571649, DOI: 10.3390/cancers15194822.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPost-SRTStereotactic radiotherapyLung cancer brain metastasesCancer brain metastasesPost-contrast T1-weighted imagesSignificant clinical symptomsContrast-enhancing tumorT1-weighted imagesCritical additional informationEdema changesBrain metastasesClinical symptomsCare treatmentHyperintense volumeEdema assessmentLesion changesLesion sizeEdemaDifferent timepointsPilot studyRadiotherapyLesionsVolumetric changesAdditional informationMETSApplication of novel PACS-based informatics platform to identify imaging based predictors of CDKN2A allelic status in glioblastomas
Tillmanns N, Lost J, Tabor J, Vasandani S, Vetsa S, Marianayagam N, Yalcin K, Erson-Omay E, von Reppert M, Jekel L, Merkaj S, Ramakrishnan D, Avesta A, de Oliveira Santo I, Jin L, Huttner A, Bousabarah K, Ikuta I, Lin M, Aneja S, Turowski B, Aboian M, Moliterno J. Application of novel PACS-based informatics platform to identify imaging based predictors of CDKN2A allelic status in glioblastomas. Scientific Reports 2023, 13: 22942. PMID: 38135704, PMCID: PMC10746716, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-48918-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsInformatics platformDeep learning algorithmsImaging featuresCDKN2A alterationsLearning algorithmHeterozygous lossHomozygous deletionLarge datasetsDeep white matter invasionGBM molecular subtypesNew informaticsQualitative imaging biomarkersWhole-exome sequencingQualitative imaging featuresGBM resectionRadiographic evidenceWorse prognosisPACSMolecular subtypesPial invasionImaging biomarkersCDKN2A mutationsAllele statusNoninvasive identificationMagnetic resonance imagesP13.02.A APPLICATION OF NOVEL PACS-BASED INFORMATICS PLATFORM TO IDENTIFY IMAGING BASED PREDICTORS OF CDKN2A ALLELIC STATUS IN GLIOBLASTOMAS
Tillmanns N, Lost J, Tabor J, Vasandani S, Vetsa S, Marianayagam N, Yalcin K, Erson-Omay Z, von Reppert M, Jekel L, Merkaj S, Ramakrishnan D, Avesta A, de Oliveira Santo I, Jin L, Huttner A, Bousabarah K, Ikuta I, Lin M, Aneja S, Turowski B, Aboian M, Moliterno J. P13.02.A APPLICATION OF NOVEL PACS-BASED INFORMATICS PLATFORM TO IDENTIFY IMAGING BASED PREDICTORS OF CDKN2A ALLELIC STATUS IN GLIOBLASTOMAS. Neuro-Oncology 2023, 25: ii100-ii101. PMCID: PMC10489329, DOI: 10.1093/neuonc/noad137.336.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsImaging featuresPial invasionQualitative imaging biomarkersQualitative imaging featuresWorse prognosisImaging biomarkersCDKN2A mutationsMethods Sixty-nine patientsCDKN2A alterationsHomozygous deletionHeterozygous lossSixty-nine patientsDeep white matterDeep white matter invasionGBM molecular subtypesWhole-exome sequencingNine patientsGBM resectionRadiographic evidenceMolecular subtypesBACKGROUND GliomasWhite matterAllele statusNoninvasive identificationGliomasGrading Abdominal Trauma: Changes in and Implications of the Revised 2018 AAST-OIS for the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney.
Dixe de Oliveira Santo I, Sailer A, Solomon N, Borse R, Cavallo J, Teitelbaum J, Chong S, Roberge E, Revzin M. Grading Abdominal Trauma: Changes in and Implications of the Revised 2018 AAST-OIS for the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney. RadioGraphics 2023, 43: e230040. PMID: 37590162, DOI: 10.1148/rg.230040.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsBlunt abdominal traumaOrgan Injury ScaleAAST-OISOrgan injuryVascular injuryTrauma Organ Injury ScaleLow-grade injuriesMultidetector CT findingsSolid organ injuryHospital mortalityAbdominal traumaCT findingsOrgan damageTrauma centerArteriovenous fistulaTreatment successPatient managementInjury ScaleEarly diagnosisMultidetector CTInjury severityInjuryDisease controlClinical researchInjury detectionKnowledge and Myths about Palliative Care among the General Public and Health Care Professionals in Portugal
dos Anjos Dixe M, de Oliveira Santo I, Lopes S, Catarino H, Duarte S, Querido A, Laranjeira C. Knowledge and Myths about Palliative Care among the General Public and Health Care Professionals in Portugal. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2020, 17: 4630. PMID: 32605086, PMCID: PMC7369792, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17134630.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsNonhealthcare professionalsPalliative careHealthcare professionalsPalliative care goalsHealth care professionalsCross-sectional online surveyProgressive diseaseMean ageCare goalsCare professionalsLevel of knowledgePortuguese adultsCareAnonymous questionnaireSignificant differencesDichotomous questionsLife promotionHigh percentageAgeProfessionalsProfessional dataHigh levelsOnline surveyDiseaseDifferent settingsPortuguese knowledge about Palliative Care
European Journal of Public Health, Volume 29, Issue Supplement_2Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
activity European Society of Neuroradiology
Professional OrganizationsMemberDetails2022 - Presentactivity American Society of Emergency Radiology
Professional OrganizationsMemberDetails2022 - Presentactivity Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe
Professional OrganizationsMemberDetails2022 - Presentactivity American Association for Women Radiologists
Professional OrganizationsMemberDetails2022 - Presentactivity American Society of Spine Radiology
Professional OrganizationsMemberDetails2022 - Present