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Nicole Bouranis, PhD

Research Associate 3, HSS

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Nicole Bouranis, PhD


Dr. Nicole Bouranis works with Dr. Lauren Ferrante on the LANTERN trial, an NIA-funded prospective longitudinal study of community-dwelling older adults who return home after an ICU hospitalization. Nicole has a PhD in Health Systems and Policy from OHSU-PSU School of Public Health. She has been working in research for almost ten years and most recently worked with Dr. Laura Gitlin at Drexel University on the NIA-funded WeCareAdvisor, a randomized clinical trial for caregivers of people living with dementia. Nicole's professional career has centered on aging-focused research and has other relevant expertise that includes experience in community outreach and qualitative research.

Education & Training

  • PhD
    Oregon Health & Sciences University-Portland State University’s School of Public Health, Health Systems & Policy

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