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Collin D. Link


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Collin D. Link


Raised in Eastern Iowa, Collin completed his undergraduate education and training at St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa. Co-advised by Drs. Amy C. Blair and Brenda J. Peters, he investigated the in vivo effects of hormetic stimuli, e.g., heat shock and calorie restriction, in relation to memory and learning. After completing a National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, in the laboratory of Dr. Zachary A. Lewis, Collin returned to the Lewis Laboratory during his post-baccalaureate time. Mentored by Dr. Lewis, he led original and cutting-edge investigations on chromatin- and epigenetics-related research projects, with an emphasis on the biology of nucleosome remodeling. Additionally, he contributed to highly collaborative endeavors with Drs. Richard B. Meagher and Xiaorong Lin to advance antifungal drug efficacy via targeted lipid nanoparticles (i.e., DectiSomes).

As a first-year M.D.-Ph.D. student in the Medical Scientist Training Program at the Yale University School of Medicine, Collin seeks to probe the manifold ways in which genome structure and chromatin architecture—intricately partitioned at both local and global scales—contribute to disease susceptibility, progression, and amelioration, particularly in the context of malignant processes.

Outside of the research laboratory and classroom, Collin is an avid digital photographer, and he enjoys recreational basketball.

Education & Training

  • BS
    St. Ambrose University, Biology