Carrie Lee SmithClinical Fellowship CoordinatorDownloadHi-Res PhotoCardsContact Infocarrie.smith@yale.eduLearn moreabout Contact InfoAboutNewsGet In TouchCarrie Lee SmithAboutCopy LinkTitlesClinical Fellowship CoordinatorAppointmentsDepartments & OrganizationsInternal MedicineNewsCopy LinkNewsJuly 30, 2024Meet Carrie Smith, Clinical Fellowship Coordinator, Cardiovascular MedicineRead moreabout Meet Carrie Smith, Clinical Fellowship Coordinator, Cardiovascular MedicineGet In TouchCopy LinkContactsEmailcarrie.smith@yale.eduSupported FacultyCindy Crusto, PhDProfessor Adjunct in Psychiatry; Associate Dean for Gender Equity, Yale School of Medicine; Director, Office for Women in Medicine and Science, Yale School of Medicine; Deputy Chair for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Psychiatry; Professor, Social and Behavioral Sciences; Director, Program Evaluation and Child Trauma Research , The Consultation Center, The Consultation Center
July 30, 2024Meet Carrie Smith, Clinical Fellowship Coordinator, Cardiovascular MedicineRead moreabout Meet Carrie Smith, Clinical Fellowship Coordinator, Cardiovascular Medicine