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Magna Dias, MD, FAAP

Professor of Pediatrics (Hospital Medicine); Regional medical director for pediatric inpatient services, Pediatrics; Chair of Pediatrics, Bridgeport Hospital, Pediatrics

Contact Information

Magna Dias, MD, FAAP

Research Summary

My research is mainly focused on improving care of hospitalized patients in the community hospital setting. I am currently involved in projects ranging from use of simulation for teaching residents emergency preparedness in the community hospital to improving discharge education of newborn mothers.

Extensive Research Description

I began research in medical school where I worked on counseling in lead poisoning in inner city Baltimore as well as outcomes of febrile children with neutropenia. In residency, I worked on a project on immunization hesitancy. Since then I have worked on a variety of QI projects including reducing unnecessary testing and treatment in bronchiolitis, postpartum depression screening in mothers of admitted infants, safe sleep education of admitted infants, BRUE pathway implementation, discharge education for newborn mothers, and simulation for teaching residents emergency preparedness in the community hospital. Since the pandemic, I am also currently involved in projects looking at newborns with maternal COVID exposure as well as a national survey of financial implications of COVID-19 on pediatric hospitalist programs.

Research Interests


Selected Publications