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Program Highlights

Academic Development through Flexible Tracks

Members from the advocacy track at a community reading event

Our tracks are a supplemental enrichment opportunity meant to augment a resident’s learning and scholarship without dramatically altering their standard curricula. Residents can opt into 1-2 enrichment tracks and will receive distinction if they complete all track requirements by graduation. We have tracks in the following areas:

  • Research
  • Quality Improvement
  • Medical Education
  • Global Health
  • Advocacy

Tracks are supported including financial support for projects. The CAPS program will offer $1,000 to offset the cost of travel for any resident presenting their scholarship in any track. This can be used more than once in training and is in addition to the GME educational fund. There are also small resident grants available for resident projects in any track, and you can receive up $3000 in funding including to offset costs for global health experiences.

Well-being Resources

  • 4 weeks of vacation annually
    • 2 two-week vacations
    • Resident choice in vacation assignments
  • 4 additional days around a holiday
  • 4 personal days annually (for illness, emergencies, fellowship applications)
  • Flexible make-up policy for additional days missed
  • Access to free confidential counseling resources
  • Mentorship through our class specific APDs
  • Class-specific retreats annually (with coverage provided)
  • Supportive and accessible leadership within both program and department

Community Building

Diversity Council End of Year Party

We believe that the greatest source of support throughout training is our residents’ relationship with one another. With this goal in mind, we have lots of chances to nurture our residents’ interests both within and outside of medicine.

A few examples

  • Yale Pediatrics Book Club
  • Yale Pediatrics Running Club
  • The Immunizers softball team
  • Funded wellbeing committee

We also want to celebrate all the parts of our residents’ identity and personhood and have a mentored and funded resident-led diversity council. These individuals plan educational sessions, advocacy events and social get-togethers where we learn and celebrate together.