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School’s Building Projects Earn Recognition
“Two recent School of Medicine building projects have received awards. The New Haven Preservation Trust presented a Merit Award to the School for its sensitive rehabilitation and creative reuse of the historic Jane Ellen Hope Building. The oldest building on the School’s campus, the red brick and rough stone building was built in 1902 as a clinic building. Renovations by architects Alexander Purves and Allan Dehar Associates for its use as a teaching facility were completed last fall.
“First prize for excellence in consulting engineering in the category of mechanical and electrical design was awarded the School by the New York Association of Consulting Engineers for fostering excellence in engineering of its new chilled water thermal storage system. The firm of Meyer, Strong and Jones, P.C., were mechanical and electrical engineers for the facility, which was built to increase the capacity of the Sterling Power Plant in order to provide air conditioning for the Yale-New Haven Medical Center.
“Augustus G. Kellogg, director of facilities planning for the School, was responsible for organization and planning of both projects.”