A "second opinion" from cartoonist Sidney Harris.
Second opinionYale Medicine Magazine, 2003 - WinterContentsFeaturesLong road to Cedar StreetThe big moveA futurist’s viewOf mice and magnets: what’s inside the Congress Avenue BuildingA building for the 22nd centuryA monstrous notionNewsHoping for the best, preparing for disasterFor AAP’s voice on smallpox,vaccine question, especially for the young, is crucialAn appreciation of the human form, in the studio as well as the operating roomFor an expert from Iran, reasons to worry about AIDSThree join Institute of MedicineYale scientists among most citedBrain scans reveal disruption in the neural circuitry of children with dyslexiaAn unlikely assembly plantNature studies offer a new view of the immune response, from a dendritic perspectiveCats and the pregnant womanA promising targetFrom the mouths of ticksAs the sperm turns, successA closer look at clot-bustersInsect propellantFall 1985Fall/Winter 1971PeopleNeurobiologist named university provostThree professors, authorities in genetics and immunology, receive Sterling honorElizabeth H. Bradley, M.B.A., Ph.D. ’97, Barbara I. Kazmierczak, M.S., M.D., Ph.D.Robert H. Gifford, M.D., HS ’67Frederick Naftolin, M.D., D.Phil.R. Lawrence Moss, M.D.John A. Elefteriades, M.D. ’76, HS ’83Distinguished companyA long life, steeped in science and medicineA Yale connection to Thailand—and the King of Siam1940s - Fasanella1960s - White1970s - Siclari1940s - Anlyan1980s - Carter1980s - Perry-Bottinger1970s - GortonGut feelingFor Nobelist educated at Yale, “It’s like winning the lottery”With diverse roots and much in common, Class of 2006 is welcomed to Yale Be true to yourself, your education and your profession, PA grads urgedSurgery program sails forwardAlan C. Sartorelli, Ph.D., Elias Lolis, Ph.D.Pasko Rakic, M.D., Ph.D.Douglas W. Vaughn, M.D., D.D.S.Cell biologist wins Lasker prizeIn Memoriam2001-2002 Association of Yale Alumni in Medicine1990s - Bose / Pacia1990s - Barad1980s - StoneWanted: early copies of Yale MedicineDialogueIn praise of Milton WinternitzThe Yale System, in black and whiteSecond opinionOn the move on moving dayRemembering Gustaf LindskogThe health of nations, the art of medicineTelephone Medicine: A Guide for the Practicing PhysicianIn history of birth control, a male influenceA question worth answering: why don’t cancer cells die?Powered Instrumentation in Otolaryngology: Head and Neck SurgeryAfrican dust brings nutrients—and toxinsThe Quest for Drug Control: Politics and Federal Policy in a Period of Increasing Substance Abuse, 1963-1981A disheartening view of AIDS in South AfricaA Primer of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for the Borderline PatientBe Your Own Mentor: Strategies From Top Women on the Secrets of SuccessLiving ColorA "second opinion" from cartoonist Sidney Harris.Previous ArticleThe Yale System, in black and whiteNext ArticleOn the move on moving day