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Pain, Opioids, & Worker Wellness

Pain, Opioids, and Worker Wellness is a free, live, CME-accredited virtual training for clinicians developed and administered by the Yale Program in Addiction Medicine in partnership with the Yale Occupational & Environmental Medicine Program. This curriculum is made possible by support from The Hartford’s Stigma Free Program.

Acute and chronic pain are common in the workplace and result in lost productivity which can be impacted by long-term opioid prescriptions and opioid use disorder. Clinicians who treat injured workers can benefit from targeted training that will help hone their skills to identify and treat such individuals with a goal toward proper clinical care for acute pain, prevention of and care for chronic pain, improved functional status and return to work.

Participants in the Pain, Opioids, and Worker Wellness clinician training complete self-directed pre-learning on their own before engaging in live, interactive, modularized training that combines didactic and collaborative activity-based learning.

By the end of the training, participants will:

  • Define the phases of return-to-work, apply processes for evaluating work ability, and identify the role of the clinician in facilitating return to work.
  • Practice taking a focused pain history, apply a patient-centered approach to assessing your patient's goals for pain management, and evaluate risks and benefits of prescribing opioids for acute pain.
  • Practice taking an expanded pain history using a biopsychosocial framework and apply non-pharmacologic, pharmacologic and combined treatment options for chronic pain.
  • Compare and contrast signs and symptoms of opioid withdrawal and opioid use disorder and develop a patient-centered treatment plan taking into account medication-based treatment options and best practices for optimizing patient safety and reducing harm.


Physician attendees are eligible for up to 4 AMA PRA Category 1 Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits and APP attendees (e.g. PA, APRN, and NP participants) can request documentation of participation that may be submitted by the participant to the appropriate accrediting body.

Training Dates

There are currently no forthcoming training dates for Pain, Opioids, and Worker Wellness.

Interested in participating in a training or having Pain, Opioids, and Worker Wellness delivered to your provider group? Contact Emma Biegacki, MPH at


Dana Cavallo, PhD
Kyle Elligers, MD
Amanda Gerhke, PhD
Orman (Trent) Hall, DO
Kenneth Morford, MD
Daniel Rogers, MD
Jaylyn Clark Shifrin, PhD
Richard Smith, MD
Daniel Tobin, MD
Danielle Wesolowicz, PhD


We are pleased to make available four brief video modules that preface the live Pain, Opioids, and Worker Wellness training.