activity Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC)
U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyThe Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) provides independent advice to the EPA Administrator on the technical bases for EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Standards.06/22/2021 - Presenthonor National Academy of Medicine
activity Landslides and mental health
activity Air pollution, temperature, and health
activity Pollution - Heat-Related Mortality in Latin American Cities
Abstract/SynopsisProfessor Bell investigates how weather is associated with heat in Latin America, and in particular how heat-related mortality may differ by socio-economic status (SES). The project also examines the effects of air pollution on mortality, whether these relationships differ by SES, and looking at air pollution and weather together. The work is based on three cities: Santiago, Chile, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and Mexico City, Mexico.
activity Pollution, Sandstorms, & Hospital Admission
Abstract/SynopsisProfessor Bell is examining the relationship between air pollution, sandstorms, and hospital admissions in Taiwan.