activity NIH / NIDDK Steering Committee for Consortium: Hemodialysis Novel Therapies (HDNT)
2014 - Presenthonor Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Reviewer of the Year
activity National Quality Forum, Renal Standing Committee
07/01/2014 - 07/01/2023activity National Quality Forum Renal Standing Committee
National Quality Organization reviewing and recommending measures for quality care06/01/2014 - 07/01/2023activity NIH / NIDDK Steering Committee for Consortium: Hemodialysis Novel Therapies (HDNT)
2014 - 2022honor Jenny Kitsen Patient Safety Award
honor J. Michael Lazarus Distinguished Service Award
honor Distinguished Nephrology Service Award
honor Maureen Lundin aakpRENALLIFE Award
honor James P. Colangelo MD Achievement Award
honor Housestaff Teaching Award
honor Housestaff Teaching Award
honor Housestaff Teacher of the Year Award
honor Student's Award for Best Teaching Resident