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Yale Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science announces pilot project funding

October 21, 2013

2014 Pilot Project Program Announcement

The Yale Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (TCORS) is offering funding for pilot projects to initiate research relating to understanding tobacco additives and modified risk tobacco products through behavioral, molecular, laboratory, pharmacological, epidemiological, and economic sciences that involves humans (both clinical & epidemiological research) and animals (basic research). The center is particularly interested in studies of menthol, flavors, and e-cigarettes and studies using novel techniques (e.g., neuroimaging).

Up to five pilot projects will be funded at the level of $25,000 to $100,000 (direct costs only), with higher levels of funding available for projects that incorporate more expensive technologies (such as neuroimaging). The project must be completed in one budget year.

Letters of intent are due by December 16, 2013 by 5:00 pm.

Detailed instructions, including more important dates, are available by clicking here (PDF).

For administrative questions please contact the Center’s office via phone at 203-974-7591 or email and for scientific questions, please contact Benjamin Toll, Ph.D. at 203-974-5767 or