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Getting Racism Out of our Work (GROW) Initiative

Beginning with psychiatry and behavioral health, GROW’s mission is to foster and sustain educational and clinical excellence regarding culture and diversity. Specifically, the GROW initiative strives to:

  1. Create racially and culturally responsive clinical leaders, supervisors, and practitioners through investing in supervisor cultural competency and related skills
  2. Produce and sponsor scholarship to drive innovation and critical conversations in academic teaching and clinical practice regarding culture and diversity
  3. Offer mentorship, research, and training opportunities to advanced trainees

The GROW initiative was co-founded and developed through the collaborative efforts of Amber W. Childs, PhD, Rebecca Miller, PhD and Cindy Crusto, PhD in the Psychiatry Department at the Yale School of Medicine, and arose from foundational work in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee of the Doctoral Internship in Clinical and Community Psychology.


Getting Racism Out of Our Work

Introduction to the GROW curriculum with Dr. Amber Childs.