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GROW Seeds

Coming soon! GROW Seeds is currently in development with anticipated pilot launch in early Summer of 2023 and will be available for individuals affiliated with the Yale School of Medicine.
GROW Seeds is a data-driven, innovative program designed to jumpstart your journey to becoming a racially and culturally responsive clinical supervisor and educator in psychiatry and behavioral health.
An adaptation of the Core Program, GROW seeds distills three key domains to give clinical supervisors and educators a practical point-of-entry into this important work. The program, hosted on Coursera is flexible and can be taken at a time that is convenient to learners and at their own pace.
GROW Seeds covers three key domains:

  1. Fundamentals in clinical supervision, to provide supervisors with evidence-based approaches to clinical supervision in psychiatry and behavioral health
  2. Foundations in culture and diversity, to help supervisors build a core knowledge base and understanding of key concepts and frameworks
  3. and a focus on Skills application and integration so that supervisors can effectively put new knowledge to work in their supervision and clinical practice

GROW seeds uses a combination of engaging didactics from experts, self-paced learning in the empirical literature, and self-reflective practice,

We recommend taking advantage of advanced modules from the Core Program that will become available digitally in the future, to further your learning on this topic.