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    Ognen Petroff, MD, FAAN (Neurology), FACNS, FAES, FANA

    Associate Professor Emeritus of Neurology
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    Contact Info

    Epilepsy & Seizures

    Yale SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Department of Neurology, Division of Epilepsy and EEG, 15 York Street, P.O. Box 208018

    New Haven, Connecticut 06520

    United States



    Associate Professor Emeritus of Neurology


    Clinical Appointments:

    • Attending Physician, Yale-New Haven Hospital
    • Attending Physician, Yale Medicine
    • Attending Physician, Greenwich Hospital (YNHHS)


    Other Departments & Organizations

    Education & Training

    Johns Hopkins University, Medical School (1977)
    Pennsylvania Hospital
    Yale-New Haven Hospital
    Yale School of Medicine

    Board Certifications

    • Neurology

      Certification Organization
      AB of Psychiatry & Neurology
      Original Certification Date



    The significance of understanding
    the relationship between GABA levels and cortical excitability.

    cortical excitability is a hallmark of several human epileptic syndromes,
    facilitating the spread of the seizure in the localization related epilepsies
    and as a final common pathway for some of the primary generalized and myoclonic
    epilepsies. Photosensitive epilepsy is the most common of the
    stimulus-triggered (reflex) epilepsies, and there is considerable evidence,
    developed primarily in animal models, that it is associated with impairments in
    GABAergic inhibition, possibly secondary to alterations in GABA metabolism.
    GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter and has a crucial role in
    regulating cortical excitability. The concentration of GABA in both the
    vesicular and cytosolic pools may have an important influence on GABAergic
    inhibition. Our development of non-invasive magnetic resonance spectroscopy
    (MRS) based measurements of cellular GABA in human cerebral cortex allowed us
    to study GABA metabolism in human epilepsy. Our studies found profound
    decreases in the level of cortical GABA in many patients with complex partial
    seizures (CPS) and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME). Our preliminary studies
    suggest that GABA synthesis rates are decreased in patients with low GABA in
    functional occipital cortex remote from the ictal onset zone. We found that, light-deprivation,
    a condition that enhances excitability in the visual cortex, decreases GABA
    levels in non-epileptic subjects in parallel with increased excitability measured
    with paired-pulse stimulation using transcranial magnetic stimulation. These
    results support an important role for cortical GABA level on cortical
    excitability thereby facilitating the spread of seizure discharges from the
    ictal onset zone to involve more normal functional brain. The primary goal is
    to better understand the mechanisms by which GABA levels influence cortical
    excitability, and the role of altered GABA levels in the etiology and
    pathogenesis of epilepsy. Our primary general hypothesis is that reduced
    cellular GABA levels result in an increase in cortical excitability through
    decreased GABA release.

    The significance of the relationship
    between GABA metabolism and cortical excitability.

    There is a
    renewed awareness of the interaction between metabolism and excitability as the
    relationships between different aspects of neuronal-glial neurotransmitter
    cycling are established. In order to fully understand the physiologic
    consequences on GABAergic inhibition of altering neurotransmitter cycling, our approach
    was to start at the final step and work backwards. We used a variety of
    physiologic and analytic methods to examine the consequences of glutamic acid
    decarboxylase (GAD) inhibition on network excitability in the rat hippocampus. We
    used field and intracellular recordings from the CA1 region of rat hippocampal
    slices to determine the physiological effects of blocking GABA synthesis with
    the convulsant, 3-mercaptoproprionic acid (MPA). We measured the rate of
    synthesis of GABA and glutamate in slices using 2-13C-glucose as a label source
    and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The primary goal was to
    establish whether GAD inhibition alone was sufficient to induce network
    hyperexcitability in an isolated preparation comparable to that seen with GABA
    receptor inhibition. The key findings were that inhibition of GABA synthesis
    via GAD only produces hyperexcitability following repetitive stimulation,
    demonstrating a pronounced use dependence when studied both intra and
    extracellularly. This is consistent with the data showing that the regulation
    of IPSC amplitudes and of GABA release can be regulated by glutamine
    availability in use-dependent fashion. In addition, our data with NO-711, which
    blocks neuronal GABA uptake, indicated that under baseline conditions, neuronal
    GABA uptake does not provide a significant degree of GABA that is available for
    release under resting conditions, but does once frank hyperexcitability has
    been produced by repetitive stimulation. Despite this clear disinhibition, we
    were unable to observe seizure-like activity comparable to that seen with GABAA
    receptor blockade until basal excitability was increased with elevated extracellular
    potassium concentrations. Finally, our data demonstrated that there is no
    significant change in the size of the GABA pool, even under conditions where
    synchronized activity is present. However, as expected, GAD inhibition with MPA
    significantly decreased the amount of newly formed GABA. These biochemical data
    demonstrated that full blown network excitability is seen only with a
    combination of >70% decrease in newly synthesized GABA with a concomitant
    moderate elevation in neuronal excitability. Thus, these data are comparable to
    those in circuit modeling studies showing that GABAergic inhibition is highly

    Understanding the role of
    homocarnosine in modulating human cerebral excitability.

    One aspect
    of GABA biochemistry that has not received significant attention is the role of
    GABA-containing compounds. One such compound is homocarnosine, a dipeptide
    formed from histidine and GABA. The role
    of homocarnosine in the human brain is poorly understood. Homocarnosine has
    been proposed as an inhibitory neuromodulator, which is hydrolyzed into GABA
    and histidine in the extracellular fluid (ECF), thereby increasing GABAergic
    activity. Consistent with this proposal, studies of refractory human epilepsy
    using vigabatrin show that CSF homocarnosine concentrations are significantly
    higher in patients whose seizure control improved than in those who failed to
    benefit. Free GABA concentrations were the same. Our own observational studies
    of human epilepsy suggest that increased cortical levels of intracellular
    homocarnosine appear to be associated with decreased cortical excitability. Low
    intracellular homocarnosine and GABA levels, measured in the occipital lobe
    using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), are associated with frequent
    complex partial seizures in patients treated with valproate or lamotrigine. Patients
    with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy with excellent seizure control and treated
    with the same drugs usually have high homocarnosine levels, but very low
    intracellular GABA levels. What is unknown is whether higher levels of intracellular
    homocarnosine are a characteristic of patients with primary epilepsies, perhaps
    compensating for the low intracellular GABA levels and contributing to better
    seizure control by decreasing cortical excitability.

    Topiramate, gabapentin and
    levetiracetam are three new drugs that increase cortical homocarnosine
    . The
    mechanisms through which these drugs increase human homocarnosine levels are
    unknown. Unlike vigabatrin, none of these three drugs alter intracellular GABA
    concentrations in rodent models Topiramate and gabapentin increase human
    cortical GABA levels within two hours of the first dose and homocarnosine
    levels rise after one day (with topiramate) to one week (with gabapentin) of
    daily use. Levetiracetam was studied only after two weeks of treatment. Our
    studies using three antiepileptic drugs show that patients with refractory
    complex partial seizures with better seizure control had higher homocarnosine
    levels than those with poor seizure control. Cortical intracellular GABA levels
    were the same in patients, who responded, compared with those, who failed to
    benefit. The findings suggest, but do not prove, that homocarnosine may
    decrease cortical excitability. The alternative explanation would be frequent
    seizures either decreases the synthesis of homocarnosine or enhances its
    catabolism. Taken as a whole these findings suggest, but do not prove, that
    homocarnosine may decrease cortical excitability.

    Homocarnosine appears to directly
    decrease neuronal excitability of the human hippocampus.

    studies have been carried out in whole animal and cell culture models, which
    may not apply to humans because of the very low endogenous levels of
    homocarnosine present in non-primate models. However, under conditions when
    GABA is elevated, abundant homocarnosine is found in the rodent brain and CSF,
    demonstrating that it can be synthesized de novo in the rodent. Moreover, biochemical studies showed that
    homocarnosine blocks GABA uptake into synaptosomes, suggesting that homocarnosine
    has the potential to be an endogenous modulator of GABAergic function. Our preliminary data using hippocampal slices
    incubated in ACSF indicate that homocarnosine decreases neuronal excitability
    in both rat and human hippocampus. We studied the effects of bath-applied
    homocarnosine using electrophysiological recording techniques in the CA1 region
    of rat hippocampal slices. We found that both homocarnosine and GABA shifted
    the input-output relationship for evoked synaptic responses rightward and thus
    was inhibitory. GABA and homocarnosine did not have additive effects,
    suggesting a common mechanism of action. However, in intracellular recordings,
    homocarnosine had no significant effects on the membrane potential and slightly
    decreased the input resistance of the cells. Therefore, the dipeptide is not a
    direct GABAA agonist.

    An excess of extracellular glutamate
    in the sclerotic hippocampus may be one of the key molecular causes of seizures
    and brain damage in human mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
    . Research by the Yale Epilepsy Clinical
    Research group revealed that several important characteristics of the
    epileptogenic human hippocampus include: above normal interictal extracellular
    glutamate levels and enhanced glutamate release during spontaneous seizures
    with abnormally slow post-ictal glutamate clearance. Paradoxically, interictal
    extracellular glutamate concentrations were considerably higher in patients
    with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE) than in patients without this pathology (non-MTLE),
    despite the 60–80% neuronal loss and doubling of glial density in the sclerotic
    hippocampus. Surprisingly, a considerable (35–40%) loss of glutamine
    synthetase protein and activity was demonstrated in astrocytes of the epileptogenic
    hippocampus resected from
    patients with MTLE. Isotopic tracer (13C-glucose) studies during epilepsy
    surgery suggested that the accumulation and impaired clearance of glutamate in
    MTLE is due to a slowing of the glutamate–glutamine cycle metabolism in the
    sclerotic hippocampus compared with the non-gliotic epileptogenic hippocampus. Based
    on these data we hypothesize that elevated extracellular glutamate is a
    consequence of impaired glial function due to both decreased rates of glial
    uptake and/or metabolism. The isotopic enrichment of microdialysis (extracellular)
    glutamine was higher for probes with nearly normal glutamate after infusion of
    labeled substrates, which suggests the rate of glutamine synthesis, thus
    glutamate detoxification, is lower in those areas of the brain with above
    normal extracellular glutamate. The data obtained with an infusion of
    13C-glucose or 13C-acetate on different days in the same subjects were the
    same, which increased our confidence in the findings. The variation among
    multiple probes in the same patient reflected regional variation in glutamine
    synthesis and extracellular glutamate. Glutamine synthesis is limited to glia;
    therefore, our data suggested glial dysfunction in regions with above normal
    extracellular glutamate concentrations.

    Medical Research Interests

    Brain; Cerebellum; Epilepsy; Glutamates; Health Care; Metabolism; Neurochemistry; Neurology; Physiology; Seizures

    Research at a Glance

    Yale Co-Authors

    Frequent collaborators of Ognen Petroff's published research.



    • Contributor's List
      Berkovic S, Bilguvar K, Blackstone C, Bloch M, Blumenfeld H, Bredesen D, Bressman S, Brucal M, Burton E, Dalmau J, Dawson T, Dawson V, Depondt C, DiLuna M, DiMauro S, Ferrari M, Fink D, Flügel A, Frants R, Glorioso J, Goadsby P, Goldin A, Gunel M, Harel N, Helbig I, Hemmen T, Hisama F, Hyman B, Ingelsson M, Johnson D, Kamholz J, Kaul M, Kocsis J, Lammers G, Leckman J, Li J, Lipton S, Maragakis N, Mehlen P, Morimoto R, Orton K, Overeem S, Ozelius L, Pandolfo M, Pascual J, Paulson H, Peroutka S, Petroff O, Ransom C, Rao R, Rismanchi N, Rothstein J, Savitt J, Scheffer I, Schon E, Shy M, Strittmatter S, Tafti M, Tanriover G, Todi S, van den Maagdenberg A, Vance J, Vincent A, Voisine C, Waxman S, Wekerle H, Williams A, Wood J, Yang Y, Zivin J. Contributor's List. 2007, vii-ix. DOI: 10.1016/b978-012369509-3.50001-9.



    Get In Touch


    Mobile Phone Number
    Mailing Address

    Epilepsy & Seizures

    Yale SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, Department of Neurology, Division of Epilepsy and EEG, 15 York Street, P.O. Box 208018

    New Haven, Connecticut 06520

    United States

    Administrative Support


    • Epilepsy & EEG Division

      Academic Office

      Lippard Laboratory of Clinical Investigation (LLCI)

      15 York Street, Fl 7th, Ste 716

      New Haven, CT 06510