Other Yale Opportunities
- Collaborative International Research: MacMillan is offering funds to support multi-faculty research projects with international and regional foci and themes. This broad call is mainly intended to support the humanities and social sciences, but STEM and health-related proposals that include strong connections to the humanities or social sciences will also be considered. The maximum award is $40,000.
- Faculty Research Grants: MacMillan Faculty Research Grants are awarded to individual faculty members to support their research on international projects that will increase understanding in any era of specific countries and societies; for problem-oriented and comparative studies within and between regions; and for studies in international relations and global affairs. The maximum award is $18,000.
- International Planetary Solutions: The Yale Planetary Solutions Seed Grant Program seeks proposals that offer transformational solutions to planetary challenges too complex to address within a single discipline. Awards of up to $100,000 will be made by Yale Planetary Solutions for standard grants. Projects with a substantial international component are eligible for an additional $20,000 in funding from MacMillan.
- Kempf Fund: On-Campus Convening: The Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial Fund supports Yale faculty members in organizing on-campus conferences, workshops, and seminar series on international topics in the humanities or social sciences, or their disciplines as they intersect with the humanities and social sciences. The maximum award amount is $22,000.
- The Yale and the World Partnership Fund: The Yale and the World Partnership Fund will provide seed grants of up to $30,000 for Yale faculty and staff to establish or strengthen collaborative projects with international partners. This funding, administered by the Office of International Affairs, aims to foster new or deeper relationships throughout the world that contribute to Yale’s mission through research, education, policy, or public engagement.
Applications are due by Saturday, February 1st, 2025. Eligible expenses include travel and living expenses, hosting international collaborators, organizing workshops or meetings, consumables for proof-of-concept studies. For further details, including how to apply, visit the Yale and the World Partnership Fund application portal. If you have any questions, please email world@yale.edu.